Measuring the bezels of the iPhone X - can Apple win the bezel-less war?

07 November 2017
Androids have been preaching "bezels = bad" for years now, did Apple finally catch up?

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  • Z
  • ZloiYuri
  • 352
  • 07 Nov 2017

Again and again people confusing bezelless SCREEN and bezelless CASE. If you measuring cases... I have bad news for you - you something missed in your education.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • ELT
    • 07 Nov 2017

    Mysterious, bezels-less in the dark
    Third version: Apple new in place
    Second v: Samsung was in place but isn't long time
    First version: Legendary Sharp's crystal/aquos series
    I like that, that kind of Sharp in bezels-less! That's all

      • D
      • AnonD-1825
      • p7d
      • 07 Nov 2017

      AnonD-368020, 07 Nov 2017What exactly do you mean by "without doing anything" . We h... more"What exactly do you mean by "without doing anything" . We have to lift the gaddammm phone and stare at it to unlock it. That is not my definition of convenience."

      No you don't, it works from the table.

        • D
        • AnonD-386215
        • nTY
        • 07 Nov 2017

        Fusion, 07 Nov 2017Hi Laci..You're obsessed with Apple like the rest of the An... moreGalaxy s8 is the same phone like iphone 10 but better. Where is the galaxy s8 in this comparison?

          AnonD-368020, 07 Nov 2017What exactly do you mean by "without doing anything" . We h... moreI don't get this complaint much tbh. Whenever my phone is resting on a table I'm usually just checking for notifications, I never wanna unlock it. I don't get it. People have different needs I guess

            • I
            • Ivan
            • nTY
            • 07 Nov 2017

            Fusion, 07 Nov 2017Hi Laci..You're obsessed with Apple like the rest of the An... moreGalaxy s8 is the same phone as iphone 10 and is 600 us dollars the cold truth sorry my man

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • HsJ
              • 07 Nov 2017

              So the LG v30 has the thinnest bezel of all. and the thinnest camera fitted bezel. (it's top bezel in x and bottom bezel in mix that houses the camera).

                • F
                • Fusion
                • jeu
                • 07 Nov 2017

                AnonD-448221, 07 Nov 2017You really have to admit, that the ugliest phones in the wo... moreHi Laci..You're obsessed with Apple like the rest of the Android community..Have a great day..

                  • D
                  • AnonD-1825
                  • p7d
                  • 07 Nov 2017

                  With iPhone X Apple won the smartphone war, that phone is very close to perfection, it have great potential to become best selling smartphone ever.

                  When you see the phone in real life the design is so good, photos or videos doesn't make justice for the design and all the small details and materials.

                    • D
                    • Daany
                    • Nue
                    • 07 Nov 2017

                    Funny thing is pixel 2 xl is bezeless at 76% STB while Xperia Xa1 ultra having gigantic bezels at 76% STB... Review sites though, they do more marketting than the OEMs. Their hypes and brainwashing goes a long way. BTW how can Iphone X win the bezeless war at 83% STB while the S8+ is at 84% STB? Little shame there GSMA... Tailored reviews all the way.

                    Ps. Essential PH1 is at 85% STB, so how is iphone x getting this hype FGS?
                    Don't forget, XA1 ultra is bezeless too.

                      • D
                      • AnonD-448221
                      • pqj
                      • 07 Nov 2017

                      AnonD-368020, 07 Nov 2017What exactly do you mean by "without doing anything" . We h... moreYes, Face ID is practically a dealbreaker in i10. They couldn't put a FPS under the screen, and decided to go with just Face ID. It's a DEALBREAKER with capital letters. They f...ked it up even more than Sammy with their ill-placed FPS. But at least S. has an FPS.

                        Vbaptista, 07 Nov 2017I don't understand why GSM Arena simply doesn't ever consid... morewell...this, I believe, it's the stupid "war" to read about; further more, regarding iPhone X or whatever stupid name or number they invent next, after hearing Apple representative comments on battery drainage, after older models have begun to update to ios 11, that "yes, older models might suffer some problems due to their older components but if you buy iPhone 8 you should not have any issues"...all I can say to them is that stupidity is hiding somewhere inside that company or...better yet, they managed to fool millions because in the end.....stupid is the one that pays, not the one that demans

                          • D
                          • AnonD-448221
                          • pqj
                          • 07 Nov 2017

                          Fusion, 07 Nov 2017My iPhone X makes people turn green with envy and jealousy..You really have to admit, that the ugliest phones in the world are now the iphone 1 to 8, and the second ugliest is i10. There's no other way. It's not a matter of taste. It's just a plain and simple fact.
                          Buyers of 10 will all have to deal with a never-before-seen phenomenon: you get the most expensive phone in the world, and it's also the (2nd) ugliest one. That will cause a complete COGNITIVE DISSONANCE in millions of people.
                          People will be laughing at you, and you won't know why, but you will suspect.

                          Apple robs you. Robs you of the feeling of coolness, robs you of functionalities, robs you of a great design and beauty. Robs you of money.

                          You've obviously never used a great device. Just use a Note for some weeks, and you'll be crying from happiness, you'll be in the clouds all day, you will want to sleep with your precious, perfect diamond! You really just don't know the joys of perfectness, as long as you haven't used a device that is a DELIGHT to look at, yes that's the right word. DELIGHTFUL to use and intoxicating to possess! You will adore it with awe for hours every day!

                          Of course you could also use a number of other devices with much better price/performance than the i10. Use a Huawei, use a HTC, or a Xiaomi!!! You won't regret it! They all have phones that have a much better design as the i10 (let alone the i1-i8s). And they are all capable of all the things u'll be using it with the exact same quality: facebook, email, pics, and making calls.

                          Don't fall prey to Apple, don't be another one of the duped masses.
                          If you bought it, be a man, wake up, aknowledge your ignorance, and sell the device!
                          YOU HAVE OPTIONS!
                          If you want to feel cool, you can have that!
                          If you want a beautiful device, you can have it!
                          If you want full functionality, you can have that as well!

                          You don't have to bow to mediocrity! EDUCATE yourself, and take action!

                            • D
                            • AnonD-702634
                            • YcP
                            • 07 Nov 2017

                            Fusion, 07 Nov 2017My iPhone X makes people turn green with envy and jealousy..Foolish ppl!

                              • .
                              • .alpha
                              • ytx
                              • 07 Nov 2017

                              The side bezels could be thinner but Apple wants the phone to match iPhone 8 in size

                                • D
                                • AnonD-687487
                                • mAK
                                • 07 Nov 2017

                                You need some small bezels like the LG V30. Otherwise you may touch the screen accidently.

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-368020
                                  • XQh
                                  • 07 Nov 2017

                                  sa11oum, 07 Nov 2017Practically speaking, your phone recognizing you without yo... moreWhat exactly do you mean by "without doing anything" . We have to lift the gaddammm phone and stare at it to unlock it. That is not my definition of convenience.

                                    • m
                                    • msm8998-genprod3
                                    • m5%
                                    • 07 Nov 2017

                                    essentials phone / essentials x is still the best phone with the good screen to body ratio

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • ELT
                                      • 07 Nov 2017

                                      Sun, 07 Nov 2017Honestly speaking, Sharp AQUOS Crystal X (or just Crystal i... more%100 true bro! Agree...!! this is most horrible fruit and her copies I've ever seen (in real history more than %90 fruit's features in their operating system known iOS was/is from other side: Android) thanks for reading

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-428779
                                        • pYW
                                        • 07 Nov 2017

                                        AnonD-428779, 07 Nov 2017it's pretty shocking not to include the Galaxy S8 duo.. i m... moreSamsung clearly decided to match the small top bezel with the same at the bottom for a great looking symmetric phone.. they didn't have to.. they could have had almost ZERO bezel at the bottom too..