Apple issues statement regarding iPhone batteries and performance

29 December 2017
Doubles down against claims of planned obsolescence, reduces prices of battery replacement.

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • 3Wq
  • 29 Dec 2017

"Second, and this shouldn't need explaining because it feels like common sense, but no company, Apple or otherwise, can benefit from making its devices worse."

It can if it generates quicker upgrades from users who have bought into the eco system.

    • D
    • AnonD-9070
    • Lh$
    • 29 Dec 2017

    I hope that battery price change becomes a permanent feature for iphones. £79 for new battery doesn't makes sense.

      • A
      • Alex
      • 0w7
      • 29 Dec 2017

      Battery replacement was $79?!?!?!? Are you serious!?!?!?!?
      Now i understand that "isheep" thing.

        • D
        • Do not trust anyone
        • 0@t
        • 29 Dec 2017

        Problem is that they are doing this because their scam was revealed.
        Don't let them fool you. They are taking this action to cover their ass and save their reputation.

        If no one had revealed this issue, they would have kept doing that for many years.

          • D
          • AnonD-700784
          • fvh
          • 29 Dec 2017

          who are you fooling ? 4 year old android devices feeling slow ?
          not very true, 2013 snapdragon 800 devices do feel as fast as they were back in 2013. and as fast as any 2017 phone. when it comes to daily usage of course, and still they are faster and snappier than any 2017 midranger

          Galaxy note 3 lg g2 xperia z1 ..
          same applies to 2014 flagships.

          i still have z1 and note 3 sd . both perform similar to my newer phones, specially the z1. its even faster than galaxy s6, z5. at least in real life usage. no stuter whatsoever

            • D
            • Dude
            • Tpw
            • 29 Dec 2017

            Disgusting company full of greedy pigs. Boycott them til they're bankrupt.

              • a
              • apple apple
              • a0T
              • 29 Dec 2017

              to get your processor to normal performance u must buy new battery from us. in other words pay us 30 $ to free your device from slowing
              that why apple have just one year warranty.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • pBC
                • 29 Dec 2017

                $29 for an official battery replacement is really nice. No need to buy third party batteries of dubious quality anymore. Would have loved that when I still had an iphone.

                  • m
                  • mir
                  • 7Xe
                  • 29 Dec 2017

                  I think the people who own iphones can take care of damaged or aging batteries by themselves. Apple is just making excuses. I bet they're doing it with ipads as well.

                    • L
                    • Lex79
                    • pLT
                    • 29 Dec 2017

                    No, all the fuss wasn’t worth it, but it is no use expecting rationality in situation like this, as all to quickly do the fanboys come rushing in with their bias nonsense.

                    This was never more than Apple trying software solutions to deal with aging hardware issues, their mistake was in not being upfront about it, they’ve now addressed that and iPhone users will now have a cheaper battery replacement service to show for it.

                    If people wanted to be upset with Apple, then I can suggest a few more valid reasons:

                    1. Overpricing, the iPhone X is not worth that ridiculous price tag.
                    2. Including fast charging as a feature then expecting consumers to pay extra to use it, especially after already charging those overly steep prices for the device’s themselves.
                    3. iOS is awful, buggy and has what I consider really bad ui design choices.

                    I bought brand new iPhones and iPads from Apple in the past, (4S, 5S, 6S and 7 to be precise, plus one iPad) But after seeing what iOS 11 did to my iPad Air 2, and after seeing the ludicrous prices of both the underwhelming iPhone 8 series and the overhyped iPhone X, I decided to part ways with Apple.

                    This particular ‘issue’ however has been blown out of all proportions. It is an attempt at a software solution to a hardware matter, nothing more. Had Apple included it in the change log, this never would have been a thing.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • nxe
                      • 29 Dec 2017

                      lewein, 29 Dec 2017full damage control at Apple HQ now... I hope the sheeple f... moreThey treated their costumers in the way they deserves!

                        • D
                        • AnonD-702634
                        • Q@}
                        • 29 Dec 2017

                        Ain't going to change jake in my mind. All these companies want is more and more money.

                          • -
                          • -. -
                          • tug
                          • 29 Dec 2017

                          "Planned obsolescence might work in segments where there isn't a lot of competition and your customers have have no choice but to buy from you, but not in a segment as highly competitive as smartphones where every misstep can lose you customers."

                          I agreed to this to a certain degree, yup planned obsolescence is thing that can bring a brand downhill, but it only apply to android market, where switching between brand will not disturb one workfllow but, in ios ecosystem, one doesn't have much choice other than buying iphone, especially people who had blend in with apple ecosystem deeply, where changing ecosystem will cause a lot of pain and hassle, not to mention, time.

                            • L
                            • Luxor
                            • tue
                            • 29 Dec 2017

                            Apple constructing manipulative excuses. *claps

                              full damage control at Apple HQ now... I hope the sheeple finally realize that they are being scammed over and over again and stop buying their crap.