Nokia's first WP7 phone reportedly lacks any innovation

19 July, 2011
More rumors on the upcoming Nokia Windows Phone 7 smartphone just came in. The latest bit of online gossip has it that despite the long wait the Nokia W9 might not be as innovative as you would have hoped...

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  • A
  • Ashura
  • MA%
  • 19 Jul 2011

Aaron, 19 Jul 2011Oh GSMArena, please. Don't quote Eldar Murtazin. You can do... more"Almost every Nokia and Symbian fanboy strike this OS as repulsive"
And how are the opinions of fanboys relevant?Fanboys(as the name implies) are overly loyal to one brand(sometimes borderline obssesseively loyal)and arent open minded enough to give something new a try

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • 3RP
    • 19 Jul 2011


      • y
      • yasir
      • IaH
      • 19 Jul 2011

      LoL at Nokia cbcause its CEO said Nokia's WP7 phone would blow our socks! But in fact, it has blown our lips and we are Laughing Loud at it!

        • k
        • kali999
        • 3Cg
        • 19 Jul 2011

        Nokia is now becoming bull shit company........
        All customers are now fed up with it.
        Therefor now its hopeless nokia.
        Better all nokia user switch to andoroids and others
        Atlest we can expect something new from others.
        This CEO wants to close the nokia company it seems or else he would have heard the customers demand and acted upon.
        Recently nokia is planning to issue a seris 40 phone with 1ghz its a joke or what whats the need of seris 40 having ighz when it requires in new phone with highend hardware and software nokia ceo was sleeping or what.
        Any ways its seems we are alredy fed up with nokia bull shit policies.
        Nokia is dying.
        Soon we will hear Once upon a time there was a company called Nokia.............

          • P
          • Physcho
          • pw1
          • 19 Jul 2011

          Ha ha what a surprise there.And befor anyone says anything I have used nokia,ape,and blackberry and find android the winner for me.Bad mkstake going windows nokia.The clear choice was android.Windows belongs on a pc and android or ios on phones.Thats any fine mess elops got nokia into.

            • n
            • namez bond
            • q{K
            • 19 Jul 2011

            well, what did they expect?
            Nokia can't even work with their own OS (Symbian) anymore, what the hell would they do with a Windows OS? lol

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • fmj
              • 19 Jul 2011

              Fongy, 19 Jul 2011Let's all be honest...(lovers and haters alike) If this ... moreAgree , they have to make something better something neweer with betterr internet browser better suport for customers and for the guy who said that symbian phones have better battery life because they have low processors well belive me customers pay more attention for higher processor than higher battery life time

                • j
                • jeeylu
                • nCJ
                • 19 Jul 2011

                You really can't do much about UX in WP7.
                It is to sober and to stiff.

                  • S
                  • SFAN
                  • 9xm
                  • 19 Jul 2011

                  WP7 is not appealing to me. They should slam Windows 8 (Horizontal Tile but also allow Portrait) UI in WP7. WP7 home screen lacks landscape UI. It really limits how the user holds the phone. Flash or no Flash, it doesn't matter to me since HTML 5 is slowing taking over.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • m5E
                    • 19 Jul 2011

                    Why would this be a surprise that it may not have much if any innovation. This is a TTM driven phone, better to have a phone out this year than add loads of innovation upfront and not deliver the phone.

                    This does not mean of course that Nokia could not add innovation after launch and through Microsoft. As remember it is their software platform that Nokia is adding to.

                      • D
                      • AnonD-843
                      • 2SR
                      • 19 Jul 2011

                      no more nokia. im an n8 owner and im fed up of their support for customers.. wasted 1 year just for split qwerty and a new browser and still they cant make one that is even as fast as opera 11... im sure nokia will do the same towards wp7 and meego nokia

                        • z
                        • zing
                        • Tk1
                        • 19 Jul 2011

                        let me guess....
                        another desperate "leak" from nokia to catch up some attention? lol
                        here's something that is nice to look at.
                        the new miss brasil girls... yummi.

                          • D
                          • AnonD-14311
                          • k7%
                          • 19 Jul 2011

                          AnonD-6163, 19 Jul 2011You are rubbish. You have a 1 Mhz processor when everyone h... more1 Ghz processor, you mean. And I've seen it run and it doesn't look like it needs more than that (no phone does). The more processing power used, the less battery time you have, which is why Symbian phones last so long. !gHz is fine because there's no lag whatsoever in the user experience

                            • B
                            • Bors
                            • mYe
                            • 19 Jul 2011

                            never again nokia!thx

                              • D
                              • AnonD-123
                              • NGf
                              • 19 Jul 2011

                              I'm going to give Nokia the benefit of the doubt because this is apparently Nokia's first attempt at making a Windows Phone. Nokia and MS came to this agreement just this year, so I would expect that it will take some time before Nokia can customise Windows Phone and come up with a product that is a step beyond what other manufacturers have. The first step for Nokia would be making a device that runs Windows Phone. The next step beyond that would be a device with more distinctness.

                                • D
                                • AnonD-5583
                                • uv7
                                • 19 Jul 2011

                                So sad!! We need more of new stuffs. Like, a built-in micro-washing machine, so that we could wash our undies when we r not talking over phone!

                                  • S
                                  • Simon
                                  • J88
                                  • 19 Jul 2011

                                  Wow I didn't know that there are so many Nokia fanboys in here. Actually the post is very true. Nokia is getting paid overwhelming amounts of money to release an innovative phone to save Windows 7 Phone project from a spectacular (and costly) failure and they come up with a N9-variant? You gotta be kidding me. It's even less work than Samsung does by modifying the Galaxy S2 (which de facto is much better performance and innovation-wise) and they're not getting paid millions to do so, even though they're much more valuable as a partner since they're the no.1 smartphone manufacturer at the moment.

                                  Now even Nokia fans claim that WP7 is a failure. Now Microsoft might lose all the money that they invested into Windows Phone AND money that they gave to Nokia. The problem is that both companies failed here - Microsoft released a bad, extremely limited operating system and Nokia releases poor hardware. The quoted guy is unfortunately right.

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-3485
                                    • L4C
                                    • 19 Jul 2011

                                    Eldar Murtazin? Seriously? I wonder why GSMArena even considered what he said, this guy is a stupid jerk that is always bashing Nokia .

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-14305
                                      • 7j}
                                      • 19 Jul 2011

                                      what shame??
                                      If samsung can bring galaxy s2 with windows, then why not nokia. N9 is a great hardware. Hope to see better products this year from nokia.
                                      And microsoft should do some serious work rather than paying other cos to sell its boring software.
                                      It should be shame on microsoft.

                                        • F
                                        • Fongy
                                        • Gjj
                                        • 19 Jul 2011

                                        Let's all be honest...(lovers and haters alike)

                                        If this is even remotely true (which, you know, I wouldn't be surprised at - to be honest, they haven't innovated in their most recent releases...)

                                        Then it really marks the end for Nokia... if people are holding out for a Win7 phone - and Samsung's Galaxy WM7 variant is just around the corner... which one would you honestly go for? And if people flock to Sammy with WM7 - they won't leave in a hurry and anything that gets released in the next 6-12 month by Nokia will become redundant as people will have already bought their phones and have twice the specs of new Nokias...

                                        Fingers crossed it isn't true...