Nokia N9 not coming to the US and the UK

11 August, 2011
Although pleased with the response to the N9, Nokia will not be launching the phone in the US and the UK.

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  • D
  • AnonD-14174
  • 2@q
  • 11 Aug 2011

US was obvious since they want to sell WP7's but UK?

    • R
    • Rahul
    • 9Lb
    • 11 Aug 2011


    I am a Nokia Fan & i was looking forward for this!!
    But, now, I really started to think to move to Android/iOS..

      • D
      • AnonD-16587
      • 3qJ
      • 11 Aug 2011

      Like I said earlier, they are making a big mistake. They don't want to take advantage of this positive initial momentum of N9, but they choose to hope something pretty much dead on the market will pull them out. This is how great companies die - with a lack of vision and self-confidence without arguments.

        • J
        • John
        • Iax
        • 11 Aug 2011

        After all that the UK ans US wont get it! That's a load of BS..

        Nokia made a big deal about this phone and in the end they are not even going to supply the two main countries it!

        Your loss nokia!

          • D
          • AnonD-2677
          • TnX
          • 11 Aug 2011

          The tech world is more interested in the N9 than in Nokia's Mango-phones, and a good selling N9 would make Elop look like an idiot for killing off Meego and Symbian (well, look like an even bigger idiot). So the Microsoft puppet makes sure the N9 will flop.

          Sad to see Nokia getting raped by MS...

            • D
            • AnonD-1314
            • gIC
            • 11 Aug 2011

            It's not worthy anyways.

              • a
              • akuler
              • PUB
              • 11 Aug 2011

              bye bye nokia.. :)

                • G
                • GS
                • MY4
                • 11 Aug 2011

                Finally a really stunning phone from Nokia with excellent OS and then they are not going to even launch it in big markets like UK and US.

                Way to go Nokia,you are so going to be so doomed with Elop and Windows Phones.

                N9 will be my last Nokia phone and after that I'm moving to Android, so bye bye Nokia and have fun rottening in hell with Elop.