Nokia: Symbian, S40 to take the exit out of North America

11 August, 2011
Nokia plans to exit Symbian and S40 business in North America upon the launch of Windows Phone 7.

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  • M
  • qBM
  • 11 Aug 2011

Dave , 11 Aug 2011So no symbian or n9 what is America gettingThey're getting the SeaRay that hardly nobody wants due to it being WP7.

    • D
    • Dude
    • IVR
    • 11 Aug 2011

    Cod3rror, 11 Aug 2011Good for Americans, less Nokia junk for them. Nokia sho... moreNokia should just forget US and UK. The same with other brand such as Sony, samsung and LG. Just leave US and UK. Concentrt in these Asian region, Australia, Other European country, Canada and South America. Let US and UK use their toy phone of iPhone and Blackberry.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • nGV
      • 11 Aug 2011

      Personally blame the fanboys. Fanboys could never see what the rest of us saw. To this day they still go on about how Symbian is so good yet it's failed to compete for the last 3 to 4 years lol. Was a Nokia user but Nokia's decisions were very poor and my guess is due to foolish fanboy feedback. They stuck to resistive touch screens when the trend had moved on to capacitive screens, they totally refused to acknowledge that their beloved Symbian needed a little more RAM insisting that it did not need too much RAM to operate which proved catastrophic for the N97. You was lucky to answer a call without a screen freeze. They tried a come back with the N8 but I guess the damage had already been done besides you can market a phone for it's camera alone. There needs to be a good balance between all the features.
      Apple on the other have always been at the forefront of identifying trends, they may not have invented a lot but certainly have made the most of what's available which most of the other manufacturers totally missed.

        • C
        • Cod3rror
        • ppk
        • 11 Aug 2011

        Good for Americans, less Nokia junk for them.

        Nokia should exit Europe next.

        Nokia is outdated and finished.

          • c
          • cking
          • 3sE
          • 11 Aug 2011

          I am having my old E72 framed and hanging it in my bar. Just to show future generations what a Nokia looked like. Nokia cannot hope to compete with only a WM 7 series phone in any givin market, some people still just want feature phone and not all the bells and whistles. Some sales are better than none.

            • G
            • George
            • IaH
            • 11 Aug 2011

            One day, Nokia will exit the smart-phone business...

            Mark my words,

            They're plainly stupid.

            Shame on you!

              • E
              • Emessbeyess
              • m4N
              • 11 Aug 2011

              Fatisha, 11 Aug 2011Can someone explain to me about the Windows Phone 7, the be... moreYeh, sure.....


                • X
                • XYZ
                • Kiq
                • 11 Aug 2011

                other manufacture already trying WP7 and fail, are nokia trying to suicide ? they should be making phone for all segment android, symbian, and WP7, then try to looking which one more success

                  • s
                  • sun.munsts
                  • s8I
                  • 11 Aug 2011

                  Will it come to India?

                    • a
                    • anon
                    • 0c@
                    • 11 Aug 2011

                    Anonymous, 11 Aug 2011What Nokia SHOULD have done was to keep up on Symbian evolu... moreFinally a true and non troll or fanboy comment on gsmarena

                      • m
                      • m3
                      • pWC
                      • 11 Aug 2011

                      Symbian and s30/40 will not be exited completely in the US but most of the sales is expected to be WP7. Check the original interview for the exact information.

                        • P
                        • Polen
                        • fuD
                        • 11 Aug 2011

                        Having being a Symbian user for many years and a one year old user of Android, I would like to raise a few issues: 1) Was Elop a Symbian user before he joined Nokia, if he was, for how long? 2) Why didn't Nokia invest to improve Symbian or MeeGo and keep either of the two as plan B? 3) Why doesn't Nokia initiate a scheme of launching phones running WP7, Android, MeeGo, Symbian. Lastly being an Android user now, I think Symbian is still supreme.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • qiU
                          • 11 Aug 2011

                          What Nokia SHOULD have done was to keep up on Symbian evolution. Once the iPhone arrived Nokia should have immediately started looking at Symbian and how they can improve it to compete with iOS and its UI. Instead Symbian looks like a non-touch UI that was just simply given a touchscreen. Don't get me wrong - Symbian works well but they've already lost a lot of ground due to their lack of pushing development of Symbian. Its to the point where I actually know NO Symbian users where I live... just me. I use to know a few. But most users now use iPhones and Androids.... heck many are using blackberry's too. Had Nokia pushed Symbian the way they should have I don't think you'd be seeing them ready to pull it from the US market. Its share has become almost nonexistence. And its not the fault of the US citizens (like some of you are saying)... its Nokia's own fault, nobody else's. And its a real shame.

                          As for Windows Phone 7, I've never use it, but it looks nice. So we'll see what happens. I wish them luck.

                            • S
                            • Sun Down
                            • PF5
                            • 11 Aug 2011

                            Fruitcake, 11 Aug 2011Nokia have never succeded in the USA, an the Critics have r... moreThere's just 2 OS that makes Android and iOS users turn their heads: Meego and WP7. All that's needed is proper advertisment and cooperation with retailers.

                              • S
                              • Sun Down
                              • PF5
                              • 11 Aug 2011

                              Not surprising considering the barely existing interest by those Americans. They seem to favor more about UI experience, so for low-end Nokias: Tango.

                                • E
                                • EskeRahn
                                • 0u3
                                • 11 Aug 2011

                                Fatisha, 11 Aug 2011Can someone explain to me about the Windows Phone 7, the be... moreThat's easy - if you talk about the benefits for Mr Gates and Mr Elop that is.
                                If you're looking for the benefits for you as a user, I can't give you any.

                                  • E
                                  • EskeRahn
                                  • 0u3
                                  • 11 Aug 2011

                                  Hardly any would notice that exit...
                                  The market share of Nokia in the US in all statistics seems to be almost zero...
                                  So this specific decision actually makes some sort of sense.

                                    • D
                                    • Dave
                                    • myA
                                    • 11 Aug 2011

                                    AnonD-10110, 11 Aug 2011they r getting windows phone. Didnt u read the news first?Yeah but what about the people that want another Symbian or MeeGo phone.

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-10110
                                      • f0n
                                      • 11 Aug 2011

                                      Dave , 11 Aug 2011So no symbian or n9 what is America gettingthey r getting windows phone. Didnt u read the news first?

                                        • F
                                        • Fatisha
                                        • t44
                                        • 11 Aug 2011

                                        Can someone explain to me about the Windows Phone 7, the benefits.