Apple sued by HTC over three more patents
- K
- Kevin
- 4Y{
- 17 Aug 2011
Its KARMA for Apple I hope Apple will lose the case the pay huge fines. After all Apple is the one who like to sues other mobile manufacturer so now its their turn to get sue. GO HTC
- ?
- Anonymous
- 17 Aug 2011
Yup, i agree with the statement say pushing back their effort on next gen of product.
But who is the fellow started all this non-sense?
- T
- The S
- teu
- 17 Aug 2011
greatest news of the day. Sammy please do support HTC..
coming up next : LG sue Apple for iPhone having the look and feel of LG Prada.
go HTC..
go Sammy..
- ?
- Anonymous
- HkC
- 17 Aug 2011
good job. keep it should do the same thing.
- s
- saly
- ScH
- 17 Aug 2011
poor Apple....
- R
- Ranjit
- Kge
- 17 Aug 2011
Apple Drew First Blood !!!!!.....they cant stand competition and they are very insecure.
- J
- Judge Me
- m4N
- 17 Aug 2011
The lawyers are loving this; they can't loose!
- s
- soctia
- m7h
- 17 Aug 2011
All these "who started it rants" are rather childish. This sort of thing has happened for years, hence the reason in companies taking out a patent in the first place.
- D
- AnonD-7408
- iwp
- 17 Aug 2011
Apple got a nice Tea with the "Apple" flavour.....
- ?
- Anonymous
- mTW
- 17 Aug 2011
AnonD-248, 17 Aug 2011Good work htc. Samsung should support htc in this battle..Not likely to happen. Android manufacturers in fact battle each other rather fiercely. One to look out for would be Samsung vs Motorola, as the latter may now receive Google preferential treatment after the merger.
- D
- AnonD-248
- 17 Aug 2011
Good work htc. Samsung should support htc in this battle..
- ?
- Anonymous
- mTW
- 17 Aug 2011
AnonD-9877, 17 Aug 2011Well, Apple started this whole patent lawsuits mess, so the... moreReally? Apple started this mess? You mean before Apple entered the smartphone business in 2007, companies never sued each other?
- ?
- Anonymous
- mTW
- 17 Aug 2011
This is what I have been saying all this time, all companies are acting the same, suing and being sued, for protecting patents. How come nobody is shouting out HTC as bullies. Suddenly now its, YEAY, and hooray!
- H
- Hamad
- MsN
- 17 Aug 2011
Apple has to sue HTC, because as can be seen in the picture with this article, the green piece in HTC's logo must have been taken from the bitten piece in Apple's logo, Apple has to get that piece back :-)
OK, just kidding, I actually think that Apple's products are not ready as good as their fans want you to believe they are, and are definitely hugely overpriced. Since they started this suing wave between mobile companies, they had it coming.
- ?
- Anonymous
- f4d
- 17 Aug 2011
It is time for all the other manufacturers to sue Apple for every possible infringement. Keep Apple submerged in lawsuits permanently and perhaps they will stop their petty suiing of other companies. If your product is the best it will sell the best.
- R
- Raj
- qp4
- 17 Aug 2011
.......Guess HTC wont be going down.........................................
Quietly =D
- D
- Dude
- 951
- 17 Aug 2011
lorsban, 17 Aug 2011Arguably, Apple started it. I hope the entire Android commu... moreI agree with u. Now apple have taste their own medicine. They started the suing trend, now everyone is suing them back. And i bet, since Google have acquired Motorola, there might be a few things that Google found that can be used to sue apple again since Motorola have rich patent in their out Apple..haha. Nokia and Microsoft should look for more fault again from Apple so that they can further push Apple down the drain. Teach Steve Job and his pal a lesson so that they are not that arrogant with their Apple. Mother Nature should sue Apple because they use Apple name and pictures without approval from Mother Nature..hahahaha
- a
- akuler
- 17 Aug 2011
haha..nice one HTC,
- M
- Mack
- Mf5
- 17 Aug 2011
HTC please take another bite on the other side of the apple..
- E
- EdB
- qTt
- 17 Aug 2011
It is *on* this season. Looking forward to the high-end phone wars come September/October. Let's see where the chips fall & who's left standing. Bring... it... on!