Mark Zuckerberg releases statement in light of ongoing data scandal
- DroidBoye
- Kg%
- 23 Mar 2018
Most of the people (including me) does NOT even READ the Terms and Conditions of Facebook and its apps. Yet they (myself NOT included) would still RANT and blame Facebook's creator that their data privacy were "compromised".
- D
- DealBreaker
- nDS
- 23 Mar 2018
It's not his fault!...As long as so many are eager to give away the personal aspects of their lives on that trash platform..they all deserve it.No one is forced to open a Facebook account and put all their personal informations in there.What'd you think?...that they will keep their words in protecting your data?...:)))...NO ONE does that...neither Apple nor Google nor Facebook...
- V
- Vegetaholic
- StU
- 23 Mar 2018
It's like nobody expected that would happen, biggest users data collection site in a world, I would not be surprised Facebook willingly was involved in it, considering Cambridge Analitics boss is well know billionaire software Engeneering.
- ?
- Anonymous
- srQ
- 23 Mar 2018
LilSweetLin, 22 Mar 2018All the recent mass shootings that have happened have been ... moreAR-15 isn't Assault Rifle !
Assault Rifles have two properties which define them.
1. Selective fire ability.
2. Medium size cartridge.
These properties are important. With selective fire a soldier can use single fire from a position and use weapon efficiently or rely on full automatic during attack to have suppressive fire. Medium size cartridge has less recoil than full size, therefore guns with medium size cartridge are easier to handle in fully auto. This makes assault rifles perfect weapon.
AR-15 has single fire only, it doesn't have fully auto, it can't provide suppressive fire and therefore isn't useful in battle. Military doesn't use AR-15.
And if you are not wearing any kind of armor, then it doesn't matter if attacker has semi automatic rifle or handgun. One shot from 9mm pistol is enough to kill. Eliot Rodger killed 4 with his Glock and rammed two with BMW. Will you ban cars?
Even with guns gone, schools aren't safe. bullying happens thousand times more than school shootings. your kid has thousand times more chance to get beaten to death than to get shot. Is simple as that.
- L
- LilSweetLin
- k2m
- 22 Mar 2018
Anonymous, 22 Mar 2018Background checks already exists and mentally ill are alre... moreAll the recent mass shootings that have happened have been done by people carrying AR-15 ASSAULT rifles. Those are weapons of war. They are meant to be used as a means to strike and kill as many of your targets as possible, within MINUTES. There's no reason for everyday, untrained citizens to have access to them, yet they do. I'm not saying people still can't get guns illegally, but imposing restrictions on who can access weapons like those is STILL not the same as saying no to 2A entirely. People are entitled to defend themselves, yes. But the main reason for 2A was for people to defend themselves from TYRANNY. You tell me what kind of threat of tyranny do kids going to school to learn, or people going to a concert to enjoy music, or people going to a club to have a good time pose?
Kids aren't safe AT SCHOOL. That's the one place a parent should feel comfortable that their kids are safe when they're not at home. And no, arming teachers and faculty is not the answer, either. Who is to say that a security guard or a teacher won't accidentally shoot a student who they think is reaching for a gun but is actually reaching for their keys, or their phone? When you're running on adrenaline, even the most sane people can make mistakes.
- ?
- Anonymous
- srQ
- 22 Mar 2018
LilSweetLin, 22 Mar 2018This isn't about Liberal vs. Conservative. I'm not a Libera... moreBackground checks already exists and mentally ill are already prohibited to obtain gun by law.
There are tons of gun laws already, but these laws haven't reduced gun related violence by bit.
You are not doing away 2nd Amendment, yet, but you striping law abiding citizens from the rights (The last call is about to ban semi-automatic rifles, as if all these crimes were done by them) day by day and make their lives harder, while the targets of all these gun laws , will simply ignore them.
- D
- AnonD-679450
- Qg%
- 22 Mar 2018
"I STOLE Facebook, and at the end of the day I'm responsible for what happens on our platform", said the Zuck.
- L
- LilSweetLin
- k2m
- 22 Mar 2018
Anonym, 22 Mar 2018Only if you bite into the current "identity politics". Same... moreOh, I'm sure that when Obama was elected that was said, no doubt. And because of that, I ended up seeing terrible things being said and done by white Americans, like pictures of burning Obama dolls in effigy, hanging Obama dolls from trees, calling Michelle Obama a transvestite, or calling them a family of "monkeys". "Identity politics" DEFINITELY exists on both sides.
- A
- Anonym
- 60J
- 22 Mar 2018
LilSweetLin, 22 Mar 2018What you say is true, of course. But don't pretend that her... moreOnly if you bite into the current "identity politics". Same logic applied would state that being black was the reason Barack Obama got elected... but paradoxically proponents of "identity politics" want to have it both ways.
- L
- LilSweetLin
- k2m
- 22 Mar 2018
Anonymous, 22 Mar 2018"There was no way a woman was going to get elected after a ... moreWhat you say is true, of course. But don't pretend that her being a woman has no part in it, for conservative folks that still believe "a woman's place is in the home", or that "a woman should be seen and not heard". Does this sound like the 1950's to you? It should, because that's what dye in the wool conservatives want to go back to, where the men (especially "disenfranchised" white men) feel like men, and keep their "little women" in check. If you don't believe me, why is Mike Pence VP? Someone who calls his wife, "Mother", who advocates prayer in schools, and for gay conversion therapy. Whatever happened to separation of church and state? For anyone to believe that Trump, who has never prayed or attended church a day in his life, other than to pander for votes suddenly found Christianity, you're blind sheep, and I've got a bridge to sell you. I'm from NYC, and Trump's exploits are well known. He knows that other than his base, that buys anything he says, he's basically the most hated person in the country, and now possibly the world. He panders to his base, because they kiss his behind. That doesn't mean I'm a fan of Hillary, either. I think she's an out of touch, creepy crone that needs to give up the ghost and go away.
And by the way? Before you jump on my '"disenfranchised" white men" comment, take a look at who in this country have committed the mass shootings in the last 15 years. I defy you to look at EACH ONE of them in their eyes, and not see a common thread there. Common thread? Beta, white men with hate in their hearts, that felt the need to take other people out because they didn't feel like they got the attention they felt they were entitled to.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 39x
- 22 Mar 2018
LilSweetLin, 22 Mar 2018This isn't about Liberal vs. Conservative. I'm not a Libera... more"There was no way a woman was going to get elected after a black man"
So Hillary Clinton was beaten because she was a woman? Not because of who she was and what she stood for. Nothing to do with policy, credibility, authenticity? ONLY because she was a woman?
- L
- LilSweetLin
- k2m
- 22 Mar 2018
Anonymous, 22 Mar 2018It's funny that when Obama's administration used it to help... moreThis isn't about Liberal vs. Conservative. I'm not a Liberal, and I'm not a Conservative. I'm a down the middle Moderate. What Americans fail to realize is that our "government" NEVER really works for us. It works for themselves and their pockets--PERIOD. Trump is no different than Obama, Bush 43, Clinton, or Bush 41. It's all about donors giving these politicians their money in exchange for what they can get back in return, IE: a tax break, or deregulation of laws. Why is Trump in the NRA's pocket, when all people are asking for is making it harder for lunatics to get guns, by mandating psychological testing to ensure you aren't nuts before purchasing a gun? Asking for background checks and mental health testing is NOT the same as doing away with 2A completely.
And don't fool yourself-- Trump is still friends with the Clintons. He's a reality tv star, pretending to be president. The point of him being in office is to sew further division in the country--and it's WORKING. There was no way a woman was going to get elected after a black man. The powers-that-be wouldn't allow it. That's why she's still bitter up to this point. All she's doing is also sewing division, cause she won't go away, when she should. Even other Democrats are tired of her now. But maybe, just maybe, that's the plan? None of them are to be trusted.
- D
- AnonD-706449
- n@{
- 22 Mar 2018
DO NOT trust this mother i already deleted my Facebook and if you guys don't want to ge sacmmed anymore do the same as many smart, famous, known and Developers did delete your account. god bless all other platforms there's plenty of platforms which not as horrible as Facebook.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 22 Mar 2018
Come on, Zuck, Facebook exists to exploit its users' data.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 39x
- 22 Mar 2018
Anonymous, 22 Mar 2018That enquiry drags on. Still ongoing .I say enquiry, I should really say ''investigation'.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 39x
- 22 Mar 2018
matt99, 22 Mar 2018No apologies to Russia then?That enquiry drags on. Still ongoing .
- ?
- Anonymous
- kb4
- 22 Mar 2018
Great job zuck, u kind is truly GENIUS
- D
- AnonD-730256
- iSt
- 22 Mar 2018
Anonymous, 22 Mar 2018It's funny that when Obama's administration used it to help... moreboo hoo
- Galaxy Note 9
- YM3
- 22 Mar 2018
Though everyone including self were indifferent (due to own bias) towards privacy, now it is getting beyond our boundaries! I am in the process of deactivating and deleting my account. Just giving my circle who may not be available in other contact groups about this.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 39x
- 22 Mar 2018
Anonymous2, 22 Mar 2018Donald Duck is probably an idi*t and a result of inbreeding... more"Hope you never meet me in real life"
Well that was a nice friendly, warm post. Do you think the poster would really wish to meet you.
Do you think the poster had a point though? Double standards?