Samsung Galaxy S9 Exynos vs. Snapdragon speed test emerges

28 March 2018
The two versions are similar, but not identical.

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  • K
  • Kiyasuriin
  • 6qW
  • 29 Mar 2018

I am quite aware that Exynos takes it's time to accelerate. (like 4.1s 0-100Kph acceleration) but max speed of 380 kph.. comparing to a 2.8s but top speed is just 330kph) In the long run (like if it was 4 laps of app running) Exynos would've win...
as an exynos S9 user... I can say that the phone RARELY heats up. due to that gradual heatup. and battery life is marvelous.

    Samsung is still darn focused at Apple when in fact Apple is troubled due to its cpu battery dependent. That explains everything.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • p2E
      • 29 Mar 2018

      MrElectrifyer, 29 Mar 2018Interesting how things are totally reversed in EverythingAp... moreDo you even watch the videos? Exynos is way slower in daily apps and only catches up in the last 4k video compiling test. So exynos is still slower than snapdragon version in apps that actually matter.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • 6TT
        • 29 Mar 2018

        Actually the test interested is:

        1. Which is running cooler.
        2. Which is consuming less battery.

        While maintaining the same speed. (OC the other if not same)

          Interesting how things are totally reversed in EverythingApplePro's speed test:

            I am just buying a phone that is affordable and reliable, not flagships. Their price hikes are not worth anymore.

              • D
              • AnonD-594740
              • LvJ
              • 29 Mar 2018

              Nick, 28 Mar 2018This is an apps opening test, plain and simple. It has to d... moreNot exactly.

              We dont know what is the quality of the final clip to make that assumption.
              It can be encoded in some "fast preset" or just through the GPU.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • IBK
                • 29 Mar 2018

                Anonymous, 28 Mar 2018SD is always better ... Sammy cant extract all of its p... morelol

                Please don't discuss things you clearly know nothing about.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • SaJ
                  • 29 Mar 2018

                  The winner was running faster about 10% but was it also eating 10% more battery?

                    • D
                    • AnonD-732843
                    • 3as
                    • 29 Mar 2018

                    Anonymous, 28 Mar 2018Anandtech did a great write-up on the differences. The Exyn... moreNot only are the devices & softwares not optimised, to the contrary they are also limited to not reach the full potential use by users.

                    Why so you say?

                    Planned obsolescence.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • 6jX
                      • 29 Mar 2018

                      AnonD-398383, 28 Mar 2018"Throw in a video crunching test and you will see the singl... more"Once again"???

                      Traditionally speaking exynos variants had better battery life, often by far. This year is an anomaly because Samsung tried to match iphone's single core performance (but failed). Stock or near stock ARM cores are not very scalable as it turns out. Not to say that Qualcomm chips are a good compromise, they are weaklings compared to what can exist there ... if only more players had the apple approach on mobile chips...

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • 6jX
                        • 29 Mar 2018

                        Anonymous, 28 Mar 2018exactly 80% of the perf for this test comes from storage p... moreWhat makes the situation worse is that it is the kind performance that matters the most to most people. While people do apply cpu intensive filters and play gpu/cpu intense games these are still minority uses. By at large most people mostly open apps and go from one to another (multitasking), so you care about storage (load times) and ram amount (multitasking) and *then* for anything else, yet you'd hardly see review sites even mentioning them at times.

                        All you get is gpu/cpu performance because it is more easily quanitfiable but also much less relevant to mobile users. Ironic really, to get into review sites, yet find more expertise on youtube (phonebuff style videos can tell you more about actually perceived performance anyday)

                          • D
                          • AnonD-398383
                          • Ibx
                          • 28 Mar 2018

                          "Throw in a video crunching test and you will see the single score in GB4 doesn't lie. E9810 runs circles around the SD845"

                          But it does so at the cost of massive power increases. Once again, Qualcomm has the best overall package here, delivering the best compromise between performance and efficiency. Samsung knows nothing but brute force, and it's reflected in the terrible battery life of the Exynos-powered variant.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • i}3
                            • 28 Mar 2018

                            Nick, 28 Mar 2018This is an apps opening test, plain and simple. It has to d... moreexactly
                            80% of the perf for this test comes from storage performance.

                            yet everyone think of the cpu as "the thing that makes the phone fast" including so called technical reviewer (hint: they have no clue what the hell they're doing - this often includes gsmarena too)

                            the other funny one is "performance degradation over time" issues which are 100.00% storage performance issue, yet everyone thinks its "battery" or "cpu". They have no clue. No clue at all.
                            Next up "water burns and fire makes you wet".

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • LQt
                              • 28 Mar 2018

                              SD is always better ...

                              Sammy cant extract all of its power. Other flagships are way faster than Samsung's.

                                • D
                                • DangerousDroid
                                • 34{
                                • 28 Mar 2018

                                Here we go again crapzinos ! Why so powerfull chipset if you can't do easy tasks faster then others?

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • 043
                                  • 28 Mar 2018

                                  AnonD-748079, 28 Mar 2018I dont get it... so the 1000+ advantage on the single core ... moreI think more important factors are memory speed and software.

                                    • r
                                    • r33fd
                                    • LaB
                                    • 28 Mar 2018

                                    Nick, 28 Mar 2018This is an apps opening test, plain and simple. It has to d... moreIt was in the video processing portion of the test where the Snapdragon first went ahead, and then it also opened all the games quicker (this is usually a sign of better CPU).
                                    I too am baffled by the result as the single core scores of the exynos would suggest it should be miles ahead, but it's actually slower in real world, very strange stuff.

                                      • N
                                      • Nick
                                      • nDR
                                      • 28 Mar 2018

                                      This is an apps opening test, plain and simple. It has to do with the CPU scheduler and the storage. SD845 will kick in the performance core at max frequency by default. E9810 on the other hand will increase gradually the frequency. As most of these app openings are quick bursts, SD845 will always have the advantage in this kind of test.

                                      Throw in a video crunching test and you will see the single score in GB4 doesn't lie. E9810 runs circles around the SD845

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • mT2
                                        • 28 Mar 2018

                                        I would like to see someone to put the phones though graphically intense apps to show what matters the most, difference in GPU's, specifically the frame rates, which is done too rarely by more or less big Utubers....