Steve Jobs steps down as Apple CEO, remains Chairman
- M
- MdN
- Mtr
- 25 Aug 2011
Not an Apple owner or fan, but the man deserves some respect, and he's stepping down now when he reached the top, Apple couldn't be bigger than they are now. I really wonder what happens next, but Apple should stay big for some time, they have the name and the fans.
- a
- anonymous
- Ta}
- 25 Aug 2011
Steve Jobs. You are a technology visionary.
Have richly deserve for
1. How we use computers - GUI based Vs Text based (Linux,Unix,DOS)
2. How we listen to music - iPod Vs Walkman/Discplayers
3. How we use cell phones - iPhone Vs clumsy NOKIA models
3. How we read books/newspapers - iPad Vs Paperback
- s
- smoochie
- TqY
- 25 Aug 2011
Dude, 25 Aug 2011Mr. Job is sick, i mean not in a good condition of health. ... moreActually I agree totally with you, very nice comment, I don't really like apple but in the end I think I fear they will be the next motorola, or even worse, the next palm. I wish they would change their closed mind attitude and loose their arrogance, maybe then I would buy apple.
- D
- AnonD-669
- t7J
- 25 Aug 2011
Kudos to Mr Steve Jobs...for bringing such great products.
- D
- Darkangels6sic6
- YH7
- 25 Aug 2011
Most innovative?????? Are they on major drugs?? Crack, ecstasy, ayahuasca root??????????
- I
- Iphone4life
- mE0
- 25 Aug 2011
iThankyou Steve jObs hope u get well soon the world won't be same without u...
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3JD
- 25 Aug 2011
Steve Jobs, what a legend. One hopes that he continues to guide Apple for the foreseeable future, even though Apple is in very capable hands. Truly one of the tech industry's brightest stars.
- j
- judash
- UD}
- 25 Aug 2011
sad.. get well steve!
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3Yb
- 25 Aug 2011
[deleted post]People with dignity, always have words of respect, even for their enemies.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3Yb
- 25 Aug 2011
Dude, 25 Aug 2011Mr. Job is sick, i mean not in a good condition of health. ... moreSteve Jobs replacement has effectively been running Apple since 2009.
- D
- Dude
- 951
- 25 Aug 2011
AnonD-6786, 25 Aug 2011what happnd Mr.Jobs?Mr. Job is sick, i mean not in a good condition of health. Few weeks ago i did put in comment that Steve Job will step down sooner rather than later, and now it really happen. After this, Apple shares will gradually going down and the same goes with their sales as Apple find it harder to compete in ever changing and growing technology in mobile devices (eg. they still can't release their dual-core iphone 5 because of many issues). Steve replacement is not a proven technology innovator thus will find it even harder to keep things in order. Everything about Apple now started to feel old such as their iOS(the same interface used for years now), still lack of many functionality (depend too much on third party apps), mediocre hardware and design.
- ?
- Anonymous
- sxv
- 25 Aug 2011
He's afraid of Google + Moto. He steps down so that he won't be responsible for the company to go down later.
- D
- Dude
- 951
- 25 Aug 2011
Anonymous, 25 Aug 2011Bye bye Apple your ruler has gone! Roll on Android you are ... moreAndroid will be king? No....believe it or not but Windows Phone OS will be the king. And Meego on the other hands will eventually not been killed off when Elop saw a great sales comes from N9, thus continuing to support Meego and producing more new Meego devices. Meego or Windows OS will be the king of mobile. Mark my word. Android can't be king...but they will always be a tough competitors though.
- A
- Abadi
- 0EI
- 25 Aug 2011
thanks Mr. Jobs
- N
- Nagol
- k7P
- 25 Aug 2011
Apple will still be successful but they won't be the same without the mastermind. We will see where Apple goes from here.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 25 Aug 2011
Dyl2thrill, 25 Aug 2011You are %100 correct, he's scared because he knows android ... moreVery funny, sales of Samsung Android phone is not even close to Apple in terms of revenue. Their Galaxy Tab is a flop. The initial release of Galaxy Tab 10.1 is being pulled-out after the release of iPad 2 just to revise the design. What a shame and your comments are baseless and out of proportion just for the sake of commenting non-sense.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 25 Aug 2011
Bye bye Apple your ruler has gone! Roll on Android you are king!!
- D
- Dyl2thrill
- 25 Aug 2011
Anonymous, 25 Aug 2011I have to give it up to steve jobs! very smart man, quit wh... moreYou are %100 correct, he's scared because he knows android is going to smash apple out of the market within the next few months.
- s
- smoochie
- TqY
- 25 Aug 2011
Anonymous, 25 Aug 2011I have to give it up to steve jobs! very smart man, quit wh... moreAh ah, good one! Actually I would say he is leaving apple already too late, yes he has a very creative mind and we should be thankful for that, but copying was always part of the process and the nasty attitude that apple always had against rivals and even clients that aren't blinded by their glow, was just terribly powered by his ego. Hope things change from now on, have a good life and don't come back :D