Steve Jobs steps down as Apple CEO, remains Chairman

25 August, 2011
Steve Jobs steps down as Apple Chief Executive Officer. Tim Cook takes his place effective immediately.

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  • D
  • AnonD-18747
  • Kg%
  • 25 Aug 2011

what an excuse, because apple is going doooown

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • 3Ah
    • 25 Aug 2011

    Thanks to jobs apple patented the infinite lawsuits against companies and ordinary people

      • D
      • AnonD-7168
      • Lb1
      • 25 Aug 2011

      Jay, 25 Aug 2011@ NightHawk Hahaha you must be paid by Apple, it is funn... moreWhen did I say that iPhone was the first touch screen device? read again. iPhone is the first CAPACITIVE touchscreen phone. Do u know the difference between capacitive and resistive touchscreens? in simple words, Capacitive allows u to use ur phone with ur finger otherwise u had to press with ur nail or a stick on the screen in resistive. gosh why apple haters are such noobs! first we gotta educate you people on technology so that you at least reach a certain level where we can argue with you.

        • k
        • krish
        • tUc
        • 25 Aug 2011

        "Quit while at the top" is one adage that Steve Jobs has followed to the T.

        Hats off to him. I also loved the way he said that Apple's best days are ahead of it, expressing confidence in the person taking over him. Also gives Cook the confidence to fill Jobs really big shoes

          • d
          • dmk
          • Lh}
          • 25 Aug 2011

          To all Apple fans, need to know few points, Steve Jobs is no saint he was good leader and manager. he did not create ipod or iphone single handedly. He was using an nokia phone before iphone came into market. Nokia N95 was more advanced than the first iphone. And iphone is not the first touchscreen phone it was samsung and lg who were the first to come up with touch screen including gestures. What Steve did was to combine all these in to brilliant phone ios. The first ios had lot of bugs and the apps did crash but the apps crashed in a way that people did not realise it. The is no new innovation in apple products which nokia dont. Nokia symbian even now has the best features and innovations in an mobile.
          Steve is good with what he does and people who think that apple is doomed due to his absence are wrong, the apple will eventually fall because they are too much depended on only 1 os and the os is so boring with just icons. There are no glance widgets where information is readily available.

          To me Apple Ipod or Iphone are the most over rated and overly priced products in the market, actually all apple products are overly priced. No wonder why they have huge profits as the products are manufactured for less than £70 and the salaries are far below the other technology firms out there.

          Apple will go down and will disappear from market very soon but its not due to absence of Steve,it will be due to its own principles and policies.

            • c
            • compunerd3
            • DVq
            • 25 Aug 2011

            Anonymous, 25 Aug 2011RIPLOL,

            Steve isn't dead just resigning

              • s
              • simple user
              • Sve
              • 25 Aug 2011

              AnonD-7168, 25 Aug 2011Retirement of Steve Jobs means, the end of rapid technologi... more"Retirement of Steve Jobs means, the end of rapid technological advance in the world"


              you made my day! :-D

              Apple invented nothing of those things you have written in all your posts.
              The only thing (not Apple but) Steve Jobs invented is how to sell overpriced high-tech products to average Joe, who do not give a **** about technologies. That's why Apple is rich company. That again proves that even brightest engineered devices will not be successfull if a skillfull salesman present them to market in shiny package.

                • s
                • simple user
                • Sve
                • 25 Aug 2011

                Jay, 25 Aug 2011@ NightHawk Hahaha you must be paid by Apple, it is funn... moreActually iPhone is probably first device on mass market implementing many gestures to control UI. Unfortunatelly they require use of both hands which makes usefullness very questionable. Anyway iPhone hase only one phisical button to control UI (besides volume) so not implementing those gestures would make device almost unusable. And iPhone has only one button because it is made for people that are confused by many buttons.

                  • D
                  • AnonD-7168
                  • Lb1
                  • 25 Aug 2011

                  Retirement of Steve Jobs means, the end of rapid technological advance in the world. Apple has good engineers no doubt about that n so does all other companies but it was Steve Jobs who knew how make the right decision for the company n how to make the employees work. Steve Ballmer, Stephen Elop they are also CEO but look at the difference. Before Steve Jobs returned in 1998, Apple was just like other flop companies.

                  After Nokia stopped innovating from 2007, Apple took the pace. By technological innovation I mean bringing out something entirely new for eg. Nokia developed the fist operating system for phones then things like FM transmitter. Then Apple brought the touch screen, and appstore. These are completely new things which have changed the world.

                  Companies like Samsung copies Apple. If Apple stops innovating then Samsung will also stop progressing. All they do are minor hardware upgrades like improvements in CPU or increase the megapixel of camera but no new features are coming.

                    • S
                    • Savor
                    • Y7T
                    • 25 Aug 2011

                    I am not a fan of Apple, but I do using some of their products. I would say I've bought Nintendo and Sony products much longer and have been a fan more to them than Apple. And even those two have made bad decisions I didn't agree with and saw their decline. Nobody's perfect. Let's see what happens now that Apple lost their Savior? From 1986-1996 were not the best times in Apple's history. Bill Gates officially resigned from Microsoft in 2008 although Steve Ballmer was already the Microsoft CEO by 2000. Yet, a more charitable person like Gates gets forgotten. When Steve Jobs resigns, it is sad news. Tomorrow morning, they will both still be billionaires. They could care less of your sympathy and can wipe away their tears and ass with hundred dollar bills. If Jobs could find the drink for immortality, he would try to buy them all to control the supply chain. Microsoft and Apple are still rich corporations without either one as the CEO. Worry more about Steve Jobs' health than anything else. Every great empire crumbles and it is only natural until Apple has another downfall too now that their "great emperor" has stepped down. This is fairly similar to Mac vs PC all over again. When Jobs got fired from Apple in 1985 and was with NeXT, Apple didn't succeed as much without him. Microsoft started to take off by the early 90's. Then Jobs returned in 1997, saved Apple, and the rest is history. Now he resigns, and this could be a vulnerable time for Android to take over. Google is the new Microsoft in this era. Copied Apple's GUI and gave it to vendors who wanted to use it. Look at their history and you see parallels. But at least Jobs steps down while still on top of the game. The Macintosh didn't exactly sell well. Subsidization was the difference in pricing this time around between experiencing Mac OS X vs iOS.

                      • J
                      • Jay
                      • n7}
                      • 25 Aug 2011

                      @ NightHawk

                      Hahaha you must be paid by Apple, it is funny most of your statements are just stupid.
                      For example Iphone was not the first touchscreen phone!

                        • D
                        • Dude
                        • 951
                        • 25 Aug 2011

                        Anonymous, 25 Aug 2011Steve Jobs replacement has effectively been running Apple s... moreYes, u r right, since 2009 but Steve Job is still actively involve eventhough not directly during that time and all the planning and leadership was all under steve brilliant mind. Now Steve is leaving and up to the new guy to come out with new plan, new direction and new perspective and to be just that, is not easy especially when Steve Job has done so greatly and to succeed him is going to be hard. Watch and observe, Apple will started to cramble and there is nothing this new guy can do especially the share holders loosing faith in the new guy. Good luck to Apple.

                          • D
                          • AnonD-16587
                          • 3qE
                          • 25 Aug 2011

                          AnonD-7168, 25 Aug 2011All these people who are posting abusing comments against S... moreYes, of course, people that are angry at Apple are angry only because they are low educated and have no money to afford Apple. LOL

                          I know very well of Apple's and Steve Jobs history. It was all good until 1999. Then they started with seduction of masses, with culmination in 2007.

                          Do I have to make an argument in post that's three times longer than yours?

                            • E
                            • ERFAN
                            • m1G
                            • 25 Aug 2011

                            i wanna cry ... i wanna cry

                              • J
                              • Jay
                              • n7}
                              • 25 Aug 2011

                              All my respect for Apple is gone, because they are getting to greedy. I hope Apple will get's their grip together because they sue other companies for BULLSHIT reasons. Apple get a grip, i see people all over the world starting to diss Apple.

                                • D
                                • AnonD-7168
                                • Lb1
                                • 25 Aug 2011

                                All these people who are posting abusing comments against Steve Jobs and Apple are not even worth the dust under the feet of Steve Jobs. These low educated people have no idea how much we owe to the Apple n Jobs for the technological advance.

                                Apple is the reason why today everyone is having a computer at home. They pioneered it with their Apple I n II computer. Apple invented GUI without it these uneducated people would not been able to type all these today because they couldn't afford to learn the use of DOS. Apple invented the first mouse as well.

                                Apple brought the breakthrough in the music industry with its iPod and iTunes. Or else you people would still be buying CDs n play it in your walkman.

                                iPhone came n reinvented the phone. All these touchscreen phones you see around you today is because of the first iPhone. Can't you remember how the phones were like in year 2007? nokia phones with buttons and competition for camera megapixel. iPhone brought a new trend with it which is capacitive touchscreen, apps, appstore. Then the whole world rushed towards touchscreen phones.

                                iOS inspired android. Without it there would not have been any android as we see it today. In year 2011 we would been sitting with 16 MP camera phones with buttons.

                                what Apple did in 2007, other brands are still struggling to do it after 4 years. A smooth, simple, lag free, crash free, Operating System.

                                why wouldn't Apple sue Samsung? Just compare a recent samsung droid phone with 2007 iPhone - small small things like kinetic scrolling, proximity sensor, keyboard layout, camera UI, even the lockscreen a few days back used to look exactly the same as iOS. Android's backbone is built over iOS. What they are doing is just changing the look of the UI with a new version after 6 months and stupid android fans are thinking that they are having a new OS! I can customize the look of my iOS via Cydia more than what android changes every time with their new version.

                                What are android fans angry about? Just because they can't afford an iPhone other people should also stick to a cheap android phone like them? They don't even know how much their android is copied from iOS because they have never ever used or touched an iPhone so they actually don't realize how minor things are copied exactly. To understand that you have use iPhone n android for a whole day.

                                There is no such thing as android fan. Those people are Apple haters. After symbian is doomed many people switched to Apple n Blackberry. Those who could neither afford and iPhone nor stick to the backdated symbian were forced to choose android n now there is a big gathering of those losers who call themselves android fans.

                                At least Apple offers us high quality material with their own invented OS n technology. What does samsung give you? Copied, inferior technology packed in cheap plastic n then make little changes in the UI after every 6 months n release it as a new version n make you fools buy another cheap plastic phone. Version after version is coming but still no cure for android's malfunction, lag n high quality apps shortage.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • puA
                                  • 25 Aug 2011


                                    • E
                                    • Excellentnews
                                    • 3aI
                                    • 25 Aug 2011

                                    Wow excellent news.Two fallen dictators in a week gadaffi and now steve jobs.This is good news for everyone and may now let people how a choice in what product they.want to use and not what apple say.Good riddance!!

                                      • m
                                      • maxwell
                                      • vxt
                                      • 25 Aug 2011

                                      well hope that the company will not commit the same mistakes they made when steve was gone ..

                                        • S
                                        • Steve Jobs Uses SGII
                                        • M$F
                                        • 25 Aug 2011

                                        Steve, thank you very much.But this is long over due.We wanted you to go into oblivion many years ago.And we all know why you are leaving;you do not want to experience the thundering that will rock Cupertino with the mighty collapse of Apple.Still Steve,everybody understands the stress and torture your fragile frame has undergone in the court rooms in the past couple of years.Needless to say, the amount of sleep you have caused your competitors.Steve go rest now, you will not be missed, perhaps remembered once in a while for all the wrong reasons.