Survey says over 80% of US teens prefer iPhone over Android

10 April 2018
The trend has slowly gained momentum over the last few years.

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • Rne
  • 11 Apr 2018

Anonymous, 11 Apr 2018It's definitely a status thing. Most teens only care about ... moreThat's a weird take on the subject... I actually own a succesfull IT company and have chosen to get an iPhones for my workers. Both, iOS and Android have their positives and negatives. Although Android is more open and in theory you can do more with it, in reality, business owners want simplicity because instad of fiddling with the OS all the time, they can ustylise that time to do something more productive, like make money for example :). All in all, it's a person prefference and need for simplicity and in reality, rarely a status symbol when it comes to business use.

    • A
    • Andy
    • 39x
    • 11 Apr 2018

    Because teenagers are naive and don't know anything yet. Care more about their phones Being a fashion accessory than being a good phone. I'm 24 btw

      BiyoBiyo JunJun, 11 Apr 2018teen android love to made fun of teen iphone that their and... moreI'm a teen and I'm expecting my Xperia XZ to last me 5 or more years.

      I guess I'm an outlier but still, some teens do buy Android and expect them to last.

        -. -, 11 Apr 2018i can confidently say over 75% are iphone and almost 90% pl... moreAsia. Market full of Xiaomi and Huawei. No one wants to afford $1000 devices when you can get better integration with the regional services for $500 with a even more impressive looking phone.

          • e
          • exclusivity
          • PZE
          • 11 Apr 2018

          they also eat tide pods and snort male contraceptives
          they consider beiber and niki minaj as legitimate talents
          and can you forgive them for the existence of the kardarshians family

            • D
            • AnonD-573665
            • pE8
            • 11 Apr 2018

            They all are the evil man rich kids who don't want to be spied on.
            Why i phone is built like shit, it will not last long.
            or kids yust want the expensive stuff, which everybody else also has.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • pdH
              • 11 Apr 2018

              AnonD-625621, 11 Apr 2018Na... everytime i see someone with iphone i see a deluded ... moreThe iPhones persons that I know belong to two Group.
              One is Computer Expert and one most likely can not start Computer without getting it stuck (unless it is mackbook).

              So Many different kind of peoples use those and above examples and not egesentrick/showy persons even a Little bit.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • pdH
                • 11 Apr 2018

                Jimbob of Jonestown, 11 Apr 2018Thank you for the admission that you have no point. If y... moreI agree!
                The iPhones just work!

                They Are easy to use, no useless tinkering to get things done. Most popular among anyone who don`t care of huolintaliike with gadgets but instead wants to Have a equipment that just work as it is mean to.

                They Are not best bang for the buck, but They don`t claim it and if you keep you phone 6 years, it actully can be good bang for the bug compared to Many Android phones that don’t get upgrades longer than two years... buy 3 300$ phones every two year on one iPhone... Hmm... iPhone Sounds actually a good bargain.

                  • J
                  • Jimbob of Jonestown
                  • NUV
                  • 11 Apr 2018

                  Anonymous, 11 Apr 2018You spent way too much time typing that gibberish. Thank you for the admission that you have no point.

                  If you're not going to read something, don't comment on it - the process is dangerous, and you might learn something.

                  I'm loathe to summarize things for dullards who make comments like yours, but I'll dumb it down for you:

                  IPhone does not require a knowledge of the intimates. It is well designed, consistent, and regulated. It is familiar and compatible. People as a general mass do not care about the intimates of tech, in fact, they prefer to actively avoid them.

                  iPhone is generic and unimpressive to a power user, certainly - but the truth is that the average person wants to literally ask what we would take and do the exact opposite, because for us the OS and intimates are part of the fun. They see it as work, and so avoid it.

                  There, you learned something. Try reading more, you may find it grows on you. And for Christ's sake, don't waste people's time saying you d

                    • J
                    • Jas Hothi
                    • uuv
                    • 11 Apr 2018

                    AnonD-625621, 11 Apr 2018Na... everytime i see someone with iphone i see a deluded ... moreTrue

                      • J
                      • Jimbob of Jonestown
                      • NUV
                      • 11 Apr 2018

                      Anonymous, 11 Apr 2018Your comment makes no sense. It's nothing to do with "fixi... moreYou didn't understand my comment, seemingly at all.

                      You can't reliably do that. I've never seen an iPhone crash, with half the battery it lasts a day longer, design is consistent and apps are regulated, not landmines in a marketplace.

                      You can do those things on android, I never stated it was impossible, but I know from experience selling this stuff for 5 years that people want "it works" and a walled garden is something they are totally indifferent to - they like the regulation of it.

                      Not everyone gives a damn about customization or the problems that can come with it. IOS is optimized for its hardware and the experience + compatibility is always consistent.

                      People talk down about iPhone users, but the problem is that people are forcing their own expectations and values on the usage of others. The fact is the iPhone works quite well and it satisfies a huge number of people - they're happy with it and if they're not bumping into the walls of the safe space, why wouldn't they pick it?

                        • t
                        • tar
                        • SpG
                        • 11 Apr 2018

                        of course they prefer it.
                        The most generic society on the and copy, have no taste!

                          • I
                          • I_message
                          • P@Y
                          • 11 Apr 2018

                          Don't you know that Imessage is the reason why some iphone cannot send text messages to an android phones?

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • m5N
                            • 11 Apr 2018

                            Blackberry phones were all the rage once with teens using BBM. Now thats gone they have jumped ship and almost all have gone iphone imessenger.
                            The iphone does come across as a kids phone everything but the price shows that.
                            Android is definatly the ultimate computer in your pocket and separates the kids from the adults.

                              Imperator Neubaticus, 11 Apr 2018It's so easy to pull numbers out of thin air and appear sma... moreFirst of all dont call strangers "kid" because you would be surprised that older people than you visit this site.

                              Second thing, I would like to get those numbers from air, but its a matter of reading articles, stats and just go outside and see how people use their phones.

                              I know that some people are hurt by the truth but you'll be fine. Its not lethal.
                              Just check any consumer report and articles, I would love to give you them but you are sound like healthy person, so you can find them by yourself. Dont worry its not hard :]

                                • S
                                • SZTadir
                                • X%U
                                • 11 Apr 2018

                                Ipolit, 11 Apr 2018Interesting dicussion here. It is hard for me to understand... moreLove for android or hate for Apple doesn't have much to do with people's ability to purchase them. I can purchase an iPhone but I bought Android nevertheless. I can't stand Apple and their pinch for locked system. I mean you can't even transfer files from an iPhone to android usIng Bluetooth. That's the reason for hate.

                                  • c
                                  • casual observer
                                  • EJ2
                                  • 11 Apr 2018

                                  80% of adult men 30 years old prefer Ferrari over Chevrolet

                                    • a
                                    • anythingyouwant
                                    • uEx
                                    • 11 Apr 2018

                                    millenials who buy with their parents money

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-1825
                                      • p7H
                                      • 11 Apr 2018

                                      No-one want to live in green bubble world. Yack

                                        • r
                                        • r
                                        • g3$
                                        • 11 Apr 2018

                                        Fusion, 11 Apr 201899% of the comments on any iPhone article are from Android ... moreTotally agree with you