Survey says over 80% of US teens prefer iPhone over Android

10 April 2018
The trend has slowly gained momentum over the last few years.

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • vV5
  • 12 Apr 2018

Rich kids

    • J
    • Jimbob of Jonestown
    • NUV
    • 12 Apr 2018

    Anonymous, 11 Apr 2018You forgot about how they film dead bodies and put them on ... morePeople die. The real immature thing is getting worked up over it.

    Life is a joke and so is what happens to the people in it. If you're not laughing, there's the same amount of BS in the world, but one less happy person for it. Not like the guy he filmed is really going to care, now is it?

      • P
      • Pragmatic
      • sxn
      • 12 Apr 2018

      Jimbob of Jonestown, 11 Apr 2018Thank you! Someone gets it! I've literally worked sellin... moreWell, good job.

      The problem here is that many here expect others to conform to their values/standards with respect to phones, and anyone who doesn't is shot down.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • vMf
        • 12 Apr 2018

        I think for what they are , overpriced really, android offer budget phones like Nokia-with Oreo now days! My 80yr old mother has Samsung S8 and isn't confused. Just messages and talks on it and checks mail......nothing confusing about that!!!!!!!

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • vMf
          • 12 Apr 2018

          Jman, 11 Apr 2018This guy gets it. iPhones are always used in business more ... moreSteve jobs will be crying right now....all he wanted was making them simple, I don't understand because they are not that simple now with IOS 10-11. The only phone that was like that was Windows....This is what i don't get why ppl call them simple?. My Samsung is set up i never touch it.

            • A
            • AdamBoy64
            • Fv4
            • 12 Apr 2018

            I can see the appeal with iPhone. It has a reputation of being easy to set up and use, being straightforward and reliable.
            That may or may not be true, but it seems to be the popular opinion.

            I'd prefer to have neither, but given the choice I'd choose Android because it's available for lower-end devices.

              • i
              • iMessage?
              • tDP
              • 12 Apr 2018

              Anonymous, 11 Apr 2018imessage is the reason and it's a good reason. If Android ... moreWhat's so special about iMessage anyway? Isn't it just like a usual messaging app (the one which sends SMS and the likes)? What things does iMessage have over various Android messaging apps?

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • 0wY
                • 12 Apr 2018

                Only appropriate that US people are the ones filling a US company's coffers.

                  • A
                  • Alex
                  • mAV
                  • 11 Apr 2018

                  Anonymous, 11 Apr 2018That smooth transition has a lot to do with the fact that M... moreMIUI is still Android through and through.
                  The fact that icons are similar and you don't have an app drawer by default doesn't mean it's fundamentally like iOS.

                    • D
                    • AnonD-751405
                    • uS%
                    • 11 Apr 2018

                    But 99% of the world prefer android.

                      • A
                      • Alex
                      • mAV
                      • 11 Apr 2018

                      Anonymous, 11 Apr 2018That's a weird take on the subject... I actually own a succ... moreWhat does being more productive with an iphone actually mean?
                      I don't know from where this general perception that Android needs non-stop fiddling comes from. Maybe from the incapability of actually admitting the usefulness of having options and creative freedom. For me iOS would be a constant stress and would require me to train my brain into accepting in doing things the way Apple wants me to do them and ignore the limitation of their OS for the glorification of some pseudo simplicity( which I fail to see and perceive when using an iphone.)
                      Anyway I have a 190$ Mi A1 running Android Oreo and getting monthly security and stability/optimization updates. How would somebody using an iphone be more productive than me using my phone?

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • m5N
                        • 11 Apr 2018

                        The market will always be big enough for both. But apple do seem to know how to tell you what you need not what you want. The teen market has been targetted and by those figures id say mission accomplished. But they wont always be young and gullable!

                          • P
                          • PiCosm
                          • mpR
                          • 11 Apr 2018

                          That's because they are what we call in the UK, thick. 1. They buy them because their mates have one, which is the same reason they use Facebook, an abomination, of which I admit Apple is not. 2. They are two thick to know about the flaws in iOS such as lack of customisation that itself requires creativity (such as the way I have got flames moving on the home screen of my Note 8 and a task list and calendar in front of them) or the fact the audio recorded with video is mono, but stereo on most Android phones inc those from LG and Samsung. 3. There are more features and innovative form factors on Android phones. 4. iPhones are 35% more in price.

                          Only negative with Android today is the slowdown, in particular with Chrome.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • XSi
                            • 11 Apr 2018

                            exclusivity, 11 Apr 2018they also eat tide pods and snort male contraceptives the... moreYou forgot about how they film dead bodies and put them on the Internet

                              • J
                              • Jman
                              • nGR
                              • 11 Apr 2018

                              Anonymous, 11 Apr 2018That's a weird take on the subject... I actually own a succ... moreThis guy gets it. iPhones are always used in business more than Androids because the business needs some simplicity, and the buyers in IT will buy it for those that demand them.

                              The closed system in place benefits the IT guys who don't have to fix problems.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • XSi
                                • 11 Apr 2018

                                So 80% of American teens decide to spend a thousand bucks of their parents money on phones that'll get backdated in a month. Good to know.
                                I'm 15 and if I had that type of cash to blow off, I'd buy myself an essential phone and a DSLR

                                  • J
                                  • Jman
                                  • nGR
                                  • 11 Apr 2018

                                  Jimbob of Jonestown, 11 Apr 2018Honestly, while Android does seem to succumb to OS bloat fa... moreAndroid isn't all that bad these days for bloat, but it still suffers from major updates that slow down the phones a little, or use up more battery, but this is like iOS. The advancements in technology tend to do this. The solution would be as you say, use a ROM, or don't update at all.
                                  As for the article? Apple sells well because it's a US brand. 'Murica and all that. The iPhone is still incredibly user friendly, but I think Android doesn't get the same rep because of past issues. They both do pretty much the same things now and offer the same apps.

                                    • J
                                    • Jimbob of Jonestown
                                    • NUV
                                    • 11 Apr 2018

                                    okcnaline, 11 Apr 2018I'm a teen and I'm expecting my Xperia XZ to last me 5 or m... moreHonestly, while Android does seem to succumb to OS bloat faster (or it did, back in the day), speaking in hardware terms: The only phone that doesn't last a long time is the one that keeps getting ejected onto concrete or dunked in toilet water.

                                    I have a Nexus 4 that still functions flawlessly, if a bit slowly running an Oreo (8.1) base rom. The only issue it has is a somewhat insensitive power button, but apparently that's a rampant issue with the phone anyway.

                                    Throw on a case, some tempered glass, and don't dunk it in water, and you have a phone that'll last you a long time. I actually hate the water thing because it's been part of the justification for removing the headphone jack - a bunch of dinks who can't avoid dropping their phone in the toilet robbed us of a very useful piece of equipment.

                                      • J
                                      • Jimbob Jones
                                      • NUV
                                      • 11 Apr 2018

                                      Andy, 11 Apr 2018Because teenagers are naive and don't know anything yet. Ca... moreI need a phone that lasts all day, with manually reviewed apps designed to a consistent standard. I also need it to work for several years without slowing down or losing compatibility. Further to that, I like having a single expert source to help me with problems and excellent customer service. I want to be able to buy anything labelled for it and be guaranteed it will work well. That's a good phone to me.

                                      So..... tell me what Android offering you have?

                                      Whoops. It doesn't exist. LG bootloops constantly, Samsung has major quality control problems now, Google released hardware that stops working just out of warranty and is facing a class action for it..... the battery does not last nearly as long, and the play store can be a veritable field of landmines in terms of how well the apps are scanned.

                                      I'm not an apple fanboy. I have an android myself, but there are objective realities surrounding how this stuff works, and iPhone has android beat for a consistent, well-rounded, single-source experience.

                                      YOUR GOOD PHONE IS NOT MY GOOD PHONE, BECAUSE OUR NEEDS ARE DIFFERENT. It's relative, and you should not attack people for having different needs and use cases from you. That's just being elitist and frankly, ignorant.

                                        • J
                                        • Jimbob of Jonestown
                                        • NUV
                                        • 11 Apr 2018

                                        Anonymous, 11 Apr 2018I agree! The iPhones just work! They Are easy to use, n... moreThank you! Someone gets it!

                                        I've literally worked selling this stuff as my full time job for half a decade. I've seen and dealt with THOUSANDS of people, which is more than enough to make some inferences (as one can with statistics less than 35 people, so....).

                                        THE GENERAL POPULATION DOES NOT LIKE TECHNOLOGY - it's a chore, not a hobby. Almost every person I dealt with was concerned with services access, and honestly it was rare someone even bothered to ask me the processor or what was in it.

                                        Their prerogative was in questions like "Can I use this for facebook?" or "I store a lot of photos, will this hold them?"

                                        They see it as a necessary evil to get what they want in the modern world, and even teenagers are like this - they don't want the phone for its tech, they want the phone for how it integrates into their lives and how seamless it is. The less seamless it ends up being, the more they dislike it. Android is objectively not seemless. If you are familiar with one iPhone, you know them all. If you're familiar with one android, you can guess around the skins but still may have trouble. There's hardware issues too - An iPhone has a 1750mAh battery and barring some of the super-battery phones out there, I have yet to see one die nearly as fast as an android with nearly double the battery. If you want your phone working all day, there's a winning proposition for you right there.

                                        Which comes again to the point I want to emphasize, particularly to the people just bashing teens:


                                        *Guy walks into a dealership for vehicles*
                                        Hi, I need a truck that can pull lots of stuff and do other truck things well.
                                        Salesman: Like this ford?
                                        Sure. Any other options?
                                        Salesman: Well, we have this Dodge which can't do that stuff as well - but it does a ton of extra stuff, and people say you're an idiot if you buy the ford.

                                        Do you think he's going to walk out with a dodge or a ford? His needs are best met by the ford - sure, he's limiting himself objectively, but he DOESN'T NEED THE OTHER STUFF. So why would he care?

                                        The whole thing about a walled garden is that it's fantastic unless you bump the walls. Not many people are bumping into the walls, so why would they leave protected paradise to venture among the wastes? Maybe there's fortune to be made, but here they're assured what they want works well.

                                        You do not have a right to say they are wrong for the things they use a phone for, and by extension it is foolish to say they are wrong for picking a phone that unarguably does them well. They want facebook and snapchat. That's what they buy the phone for - they don't buy it as a work device, or whatever else. It's not sold that way, it's not intended that way, it's not used that way. Apple devices cost a lot - but they do work well. People will pay for that. In my extensive sales experience, it's actually one of the few factors that will motivate them to up their budget.

                                        However, their choices and needs are just as legitimate as yours - all the people complaining here are doing is coming off like the crotchety old man who is angry that other people are happier than he is.