Survey says over 80% of US teens prefer iPhone over Android
- ?
- Anonymous
- xqs
- 11 Apr 2018
All isheeps.
I also don't think people should get smartphones they don't understand anything about (specs)
- X
- Xz8441
- uQx
- 11 Apr 2018
while the rest of the world wakes up, the US (and their teens) slumber ever deeper into sheep.
- ?
- Anonymous
- kAF
- 11 Apr 2018
BiyoBiyo JunJun, 11 Apr 2018because they know it still lag , right ? no wonder andr... moreNo wonder the iPhone using teens are ones that eat Tide pods and snort you know what...
- D
- AnonD-501550
- 7X9
- 11 Apr 2018
As if that's unexpected
- ?
- Anonymous
- yAL
- 11 Apr 2018
No wonder they came out with Animoji, so it's now a kid's phone
- I
- Imperator Neubaticus
- sxr
- 11 Apr 2018
Akinaro, 11 Apr 2018Average teenager dont care about phone as far as it have fa... moreIt's so easy to pull numbers out of thin air and appear smart but kid, you aren't fooling anybody. And april the 1st has long passed.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0BG
- 11 Apr 2018
Akinaro, 11 Apr 2018Average teenager dont care about phone as far as it have fa... moreThat's the thing, with a battery like this it's crappy even for facebook usage. They are just incapable of seeing the bad. Just like they thought (And still do) Clinton is a good person and a women-supporter. Really, you can see this insanity in all aspects of life. Zeroi common sense, zero ability to detect wrong/evil/inconvenient.
- T
- Techfan21
- rx7
- 11 Apr 2018
Zenodroid, 11 Apr 2018False. They are forced to use it, because the schools are u... moreThe iPhone isn't even a part of Apple for education.
If they're "forced" to use Apple products it's only the iPad or a Macbook.
- A
- Akinaro
- J8}
- 11 Apr 2018
Average teenager dont care about phone as far as it have facebook/twitter/instagram.
The same with average Android user dont care about OS version or how many updates it get. HeII average user dont even know resolution of screen in his phone...
Actually maybe 5-6% of Android user actually modify/root their devices and cry about updates or changes... rest of people... just use their phones. Simple.
- M
- Marvin
- mAM
- 11 Apr 2018
I always laugh when i hear that a teenager age 14-16 plans to buy something worth upward of 600$ in the next month(s).
- D
- AnonD-82756
- dQp
- 11 Apr 2018
I just don't get all the hype over Iphone I have had a Iphone 6s and that was enough for me the experience I had was terrible, I am on Android now mind if Microsoft persisted with there operating system I would still be on Windows, rumour has it they are coming back so you never know I may return I always liked it.
Current phone Xiaomi Redmi 4A
- D
- AnonD-751278
- 11 Apr 2018
Yes... US teens are also swallowing Tide pods and snorting condoms for fun... I doubt they know how to use a calendar or either Android or iCrap
- ?
- Anonymous
- S1x
- 11 Apr 2018
Hello Life, 11 Apr 2018iphones are very trendy and cool.. not only teenagers, but ... moreThe phone with the best mobile camera runs Android. The phone with the worst camera runs Android. The cheapest phone on the market runs Android. The most expensive phone on the market runs Android.
It's not about being poor or rich, it's about choosing the device that fits you, or choosing to trust the marketing department which says one device fits all and you don't need options. Be cool, just like everybody else with the exact same device.
- ?
- Anonymous
- S1x
- 11 Apr 2018
Anonymous, 11 Apr 2018the problem with Android is the huge fraction of brands and... moreIt seems the freedom to choose between a large number of options is not desirable or trendy in the land of the free.
- Z
- Zenodroid
- LgH
- 11 Apr 2018
Anonymous, 11 Apr 2018Yea it's not just crippled software, the hardware is just e... moreWell, Apple gadgets are always welcome for free, when the new rifle needs target practices ;-)
- ?
- Anonymous
- ije
- 11 Apr 2018
Kiyasuriin, 11 Apr 2018actually. (and I'm an android girl.)
there are few command... moreYou can double tap the overview button to quickly switch between apps in stock Android since v7.0 Nougat.
"the ability to ACTUALLY LOCK yourself inside an app. (Stock android doesn't have."
Stock Android has screen pinning since v5.0 Lollipop.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0BG
- 11 Apr 2018
PeterThePanda, 11 Apr 2018iOS 11 basically ruined iPhone for me. iOS 10 was okayish b... moreYea my Xiaomi loses 4-5% at night, good enough and i don't really care, as long as the battery lasts with real usage. There's still much to be desired, but still much better than iPhones.
- J
- Jaz
- 7kh
- 11 Apr 2018
What a crappy choice.
- P
- PeterThePanda
- t7x
- 11 Apr 2018
Anonymous, 11 Apr 2018Yea it's not just crippled software, the hardware is just e... moreiOS 11 basically ruined iPhone for me. iOS 10 was okayish but 11 is like freaking garbage not to mention bogged down the phone. iOS now is more and more bloated with every newer edition bogging down older phones. On the other hand, Android (at least those close to stock) is being more streamlined and efficient. My current Android phone after being updated from Nougat to Oreo did not get slower, and even got faster in many normal features like app loading times.
And until Apple decides to put it a proper sized battery (not the mediocre ones they have) on their phones, I probably will stay with Android. Sure, iOS has better standby battery life, but that is pointless if you can barely use your phone for half a day without needing to plug in. Plus, many Android phones running Nougat and newer now have great standby battery times. It also doesn't matter that the iPhone X has an OLED display because all that white in the UI is draining the battery anyway, OLED only saves battery if you use black UI and backgrounds since the pixels are turned off when you use black.