HTC uses patents purchased from Google to sue Apple

08 September, 2011
Thanks to patents purchased from the mother ship, HTC gets ready to fight Apple on its own turf.

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  • K
  • Krishna
  • vGW
  • 08 Sep 2011

Can't believe Apple's still a company!

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • mTW
    • 08 Sep 2011

    This is the name of the game. You have patents, you can sue if you think another company infringes. I am an Apple fan by the way, and to me this is part of business whether you like it or not. Same with Apple suing Samsung. What's the big deal.

      • D
      • Dude
      • 951
      • 08 Sep 2011

      Stavros, 08 Sep 2011Why does everybody hates apple nowadays? hmm...Because Apple do not like competition, thus started to sue everyone and now everyone retaliate. That's why, dont play fire, because u might burnt yourself. And with Apple keep saying they r the first of this and that, where in fact they r the last one to implement things, for example their so called video call, multitask, which r all crap and other brands have already implement that features years years ago, making people even more sick of them. Apple and their iCrap r so annoying...with their fan boys. Come on guys, sue is the time to kill Apple once n for all...hahahahaha.

        • S
        • Stavros
        • BwW
        • 08 Sep 2011

        Why does everybody hates apple nowadays? hmm...

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • 9CH
          • 08 Sep 2011

          Wow this became more interesting.....well here google is looking more clever by supporting HTC they can care about their os development .....not like apple who is busy in suing others rather than developing their own platform.....

            • D
            • Domino.
            • 9x6
            • 08 Sep 2011

            Does anyone know were i can get ipod shuffle pillow cases?, i want them so they can go with my iphone quilt cover.

              • R
              • Ryan
              • miZ
              • 08 Sep 2011

              I think its only fair that they ban the I-Phone as well. Iphones are no longer allowed to be sold :D

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • t7X
                • 08 Sep 2011

                google planning to betray android manufacturers not named MOTOROLA



                  • b
                  • bindyx
                  • SeQ
                  • 08 Sep 2011

                  its about time all the other companies started sueing apple back
                  yes samsung products look like apples in a way but do so much more
                  without steve jobs at the helm apple are finished
                  the iflop 5 will be here soon as told by fan boys for the last 3-4 months apples innovationes are out of date the icloud wow havent o2 had the bluebook for years which is basically the same a cloud account
                  lets look at ios5

                  No Flash support in the web browser
                  No quick toggles for Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and 3G
                  No Facebook integration
                  No proper widgets for the lockscreen
                  App folders still are limited to 12 apps tops
                  No DivX/XviD video support out of the box (though there're lots of players in the App Store)
                  No USB Mass storage mode for uploading content to the device
                  No haptics for the touchscreen
                  No Bluetooth file transfers to other phones
                  Contacts lack a swipe-to-delete or mass delete feature

                  whats new notifications hold on phones did that 10 years ago

                  all of apples new technology has been used for years but because its backed by fan boys and people that bum apple is new and amazing makes me cringe

                  look at the iphone 4 a mobile device surrounded by glass and to top it off the most easiest glass to shatter in the world

                  apple products are nice and shiny but id rather have something with value for money that dosent become a dinosaur in a year

                    • l
                    • lothar
                    • QJ7
                    • 08 Sep 2011

                    a correction in the article.... some of the patents owned by apple are actually purchased from small and nondescript companies.......

                      • r
                      • randall
                      • fsV
                      • 08 Sep 2011

                      Samsung have already won the patent war in Europe when the Dutch court threw out the ro**en Apple suit except gallary app. Now HTC would fare better with these patents. Guy remember Apple has been going round buying up patents so there is nothing wrong with that.

                        • m
                        • mkm
                        • TfX
                        • 08 Sep 2011

                        AnonD-8008, 08 Sep 2011Now Google should help Samsung too...afterall they are one ... moreBecause even if other products are copying Apple, if it's not a threat, they won't sue. They're only suing HTC and Samsung because they are threatened by both.

                          • m
                          • mkm
                          • TfX
                          • 08 Sep 2011

                          They should sell some over to Samsung. Or better yet, after HTC's done with Apple, HTC can sell it to Samsung. Lol!

                            • D
                            • AnonD-8008
                            • nm@
                            • 08 Sep 2011

                            Now Google should help Samsung too...afterall they are one big Android maker too.
                            German court can go and ....well u know what i mean.
                            How the hell Sammy lost...i mean what was the issue enyway???
                            Apple doesnt have enything that resemples TAB 7.7....
                            Why wont Apple go after ewery Tablet...
                            Well i personaly hate apple cra.....

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • 3Ir
                              • 08 Sep 2011

                              thank you google thank you htc! nice "quietly suing" logo by the way!

                                • O
                                • Otabek
                                • m%T
                                • 08 Sep 2011

                                Die time and pay time for coward apple fool

                                  • O
                                  • Optus
                                  • Iaa
                                  • 08 Sep 2011

                                  YAY!!... Apple can have a taste of their own medicine..

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • Lim
                                    • 08 Sep 2011

                                    google should do that for samsung.

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-15787
                                      • fv8
                                      • 08 Sep 2011

                                      Great news apple deserve this

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • MdG
                                        • 08 Sep 2011

                                        Lol, this is getting interesting. How i wish they have paid more attention in getting more innovative and powerful products out there instead of wasting money in lawsuits.