HTC uses patents purchased from Google to sue Apple

08 September, 2011
Thanks to patents purchased from the mother ship, HTC gets ready to fight Apple on its own turf.

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  • H
  • Hugo Chong
  • TC$
  • 08 Sep 2011

Apple VS Google & allies fight, so court house should be very busy lately. Apple start the lawsuit fight, let see how it going to end. From a consumer point of view, Apple should make a better product rather then ban competitor product.

    • a
    • andriod kaki
    • IVV
    • 08 Sep 2011

    support!!! fight apple all the way....

      • A
      • Anon
      • mAR
      • 08 Sep 2011

      andy, 08 Sep 2011If it weren't for jobs, android would have never existed an... moreoh, reeeeeeeaaaaallllly?

      the mobile phone industry was headed towards smartphones anyway, and whether Apple would have existed or not probably makes little difference.

      But I'll tell'ya what _DIFFERENCE_ Apple made. It created a system to gather and brainwash people into being ready to give up the freedom of what code they can run on their own devices for "security" and a shiny case, and since the precedent has been set, it is paving a way for more of these perverse technologies like that to invade our lives.

      Not to mention anything that company ever produced lately is ridiculously overpriced (and overrated) and yet people still buy it.

      Gee, thanks Steve Jobs.

        • D
        • AnonD-1825
        • p77
        • 08 Sep 2011

        bindyx, 08 Sep 2011its about time all the other companies started sueing apple... moreDo you write these list's for WP7 news too? or is it only for iPhone?

        I have readed WP7 news long time and hardly see this kind of list there even it has longer list. It's quite interesting this Apple hating.

          • D
          • AnonD-12453
          • KiJ
          • 08 Sep 2011

          apple never really did innovate anything.. most of them are out there for years, and people look at it like they invented a time machine or something..

          but the usability of idevice is so wide because the dev are backing them up by making such a large number and also the best aps.. you can't deny that by saying android also had many aps, the most of the best one are still exclusively on idevice.. so some people could argue, even though it was such a limited device, but they could still do something with it with that great aps.. the garage band does looks great, and i want it badly..

            • c
            • cfm69
            • t04
            • 08 Sep 2011

            AnonD-20418, 08 Sep 2011GO HTC! Sue this damned company!What?!!! Apple will stand still and won't give up battling all other phone manufacturers. HTC is Taiwan brand phone device. Think!!!

              • D
              • AnonD-5583
              • uv7
              • 08 Sep 2011

              Just wonder why every1 hates apple. They may not be innovative, but they sell n sell big. Let iphone5 come. Again, it wont be that innovative, but it will sell big. Haven't used an iphone myself, won't be trying either (too costly for my pocket). But am awaiting ipod touch 5 with 3g capabilities!

                • c
                • cfm69
                • t04
                • 08 Sep 2011

                boris, 08 Sep 2011good for HTC! I hope Apple loses this fight!!!! :P Apple is... moreAre you from Russia? Anyway, Apple never lost the battle and never get a virus!!! Huh!!!

                  • D
                  • AnonD-20418
                  • pct
                  • 08 Sep 2011

                  GO HTC! Sue this damned company!

                    • a
                    • andy
                    • tRH
                    • 08 Sep 2011

                    If it weren't for jobs, android would have never existed and the industry wouldn't be what it is today.

                      • b
                      • boris
                      • t7E
                      • 08 Sep 2011

                      good for HTC! I hope Apple loses this fight!!!! :P Apple is just too greedy!!!!! why can't they fight and compete fairly! if they think Samsung or HTC or other companies are beating their ass slowly each day, why can't they just come up with a better idea and make more awesome gadgets than suing their competitors??? if Apple thinks that they are the best, well then just SHOW IT! stop fighting your competitors by suing then and just show us what you got! the consumers will be the judge of that.. the fighting has got to stop! there's too much problems going around the world and Apple is just contributing more problems each day! blah blah blah!!!!

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • tR6
                        • 08 Sep 2011

                        *they CAN'T keep up with the competition

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • tR6
                          • 08 Sep 2011

                          about time. i hope more company joins in. if apple loves suing so much they should convert into a law firm and just get off the smartphone industry. they can keep up with the competition.

                            • d
                            • drozd
                            • qVU
                            • 08 Sep 2011

                            again, coke is not suing, you started the whole thing you greedy company....y don't you suit car companies also for existing..stupid apple....

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • t7Q
                              • 08 Sep 2011

                              I am an iphone user. But with this case i will support htc. Too much for apple. After what they did to samsung.

                                • q
                                • quilly
                                • Iax
                                • 08 Sep 2011

                                What did Apple expect? They wait so long to bring out a new smartphone, its already out of date by the time it hits the shelves. If they lose this one, they have no one to blame but themselves. Maybe this will teach them to fight their opponents with better tech than in a court room.

                                  • m
                                  • mattywisey#
                                  • nGb
                                  • 08 Sep 2011

                                  Stuff this suing crap... i am a android and htc fan, but this whole thing is starting to bug me. i think apple have just ran out of ideas and are trying to protect what they have by blocking others better innovative designs and tech

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-9877
                                    • mAS
                                    • 08 Sep 2011

                                    Apple should be called something like: Jobs, Cook and Associates

                                      • a
                                      • anti-apple
                                      • 3J1
                                      • 08 Sep 2011

                                      yes HTC on the offensive. Hope the courts see sense and Apple "the progress and competition killer" get a taste of their own medicine. Did i mention Apple products are for people that are too lazy to think for themselves.

                                        • D
                                        • Dude
                                        • 951
                                        • 08 Sep 2011

                                        bindyx, 08 Sep 2011its about time all the other companies started sueing apple... moreYou are right my friend. But still, we keep on reading from reviewers (especially American based review site) that iPhone are the best of this and the best of that, but the truth is iPhone itself lacking many many features and functions in it. Their camera is not even close to be the best and their video call is not really a video call and their multitask is just a freeze application in background which is not how multitask device should work. That's why i don't trust any review site anymore. Burn Apple down.