HTC uses patents purchased from Google to sue Apple

08 September, 2011
Thanks to patents purchased from the mother ship, HTC gets ready to fight Apple on its own turf.

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  • D
  • AnonD-1906
  • 01a
  • 08 Sep 2011

its the world war of mobile allies Vs apple & microsoft.
Just like in WW2 Allies vs germany, italy and japan guest who wan.

    • H
    • HTC
    • uUL
    • 08 Sep 2011

    This spells:
    H--> Hell
    T--> To
    C--> Come

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • i5B
      • 08 Sep 2011

      I think Steve Jobs forsaw the problems with patent issues and decided to quit with a platenum handshake. Good for him.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • mTW
        • 08 Sep 2011

        Apple is one of the greatest innovators in the tech industry, widely praised even by its rivals. It doesn't deserve the hate that seems to fill GSMArena's comment sections.

        I believe that we are currently in some of the most exciting times in the smartphone world. iOS, Android, WP7, Blackberry. Competition is strong and the consumer has lots of choice.


          • D
          • AnonD-252
          • 39i
          • 08 Sep 2011

          Good! Force Apple to remove all iPhones and iPads from all stores all over the world! :) Apple have become the "evil" giant that Microsoft once was, (and still is even though not as a that big giant anymore, but with its "puppet" Nokia they still can do a lot of damage)!

            • H
            • Hmm
            • Lh%
            • 08 Sep 2011

            Anon, 08 Sep 2011you should turn your sarcasm detector on, chump I _WAS_ ... moreOk point taken, but I'm not your chump ;p

              • D
              • AnonD-8542
              • ibn
              • 08 Sep 2011

              Hmm.. that is a little unfair I think, giving such an edge to HTC. How about the the other Android manufacturers? Granted, HTC probably agreed not to use the patents to sue the other Android manufacturer, that is still a dangerous weapon to give away.

              Anyway, I thought Apple shouldn't have started all this suing business, especially since iOS will be adopting things like homescreen and notification, features long available in Android.

              Just look at Motorola. They own these patents all this time but they never use them to sue their competitors.

                • A
                • Anon
                • mAR
                • 08 Sep 2011

                Hmm, 08 Sep 2011Smart phones were around long before the Iphone sucker. Nok... moreyou should turn your sarcasm detector on, chump

                I _WAS_ just hinting that smartphones were around for a while

                  • D
                  • AnonD-20289
                  • LbX
                  • 08 Sep 2011

                  AnonD-1825, 08 Sep 2011"the mobile phone industry was headed towards smartpho... moreAnd look now perhaps? More high end devices emerge at blazzzzing speed with superb tech than what Apple is preparing to launch? In that case, I'd say..WIN-WIN situation for all, YES?
                  p/s: Thanks Apple (wink)

                    • P
                    • Phone Addict
                    • M{e
                    • 08 Sep 2011

                    Go HTC!! Attack the Evil Empire Apple! Attack!!

                      • H
                      • Hmm
                      • Lh%
                      • 08 Sep 2011

                      Anon, 08 Sep 2011oh, reeeeeeeaaaaallllly? the mobile phone industry was h... moreSmart phones were around long before the Iphone sucker. Nokia 7650 i rest my case.

                        • m
                        • mkm
                        • TfX
                        • 08 Sep 2011

                        AnonD-5583, 08 Sep 2011Just wonder why every1 hates apple. They may not be innovat... morebecause they don't stop whining.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • sSW
                          • 08 Sep 2011

                          andy, 08 Sep 2011If it weren't for jobs, android would have never existed an... moreactually, android exists not because of jobs but to make an open source mobile os for handsets. if the creator of the android framework existed but not jobs, android would still exist. But i agree when you said that the industry wouldn't be what it is today if it weren't for jobs that created Apple.

                            • D
                            • AnonD-21271
                            • nTd
                            • 08 Sep 2011

                            Well Apple is uninnovative/uncreative/.They were selling big in the US and later the world,but they really don't have that much/Retina-display/apps/. Some fans might even suicide if Apple goes down but I still don't see why? I,ve used iP hone a lot and the best of it I used while jailbroken.+ Apps Store it's like a frrekin money machine! My solution is that most people in the US don't know real smarthphones. People think taht if the buy something soo expencive they'll have something nice, but noo they have to buy apps to make it nice and pretty. They'll get use to it and be satisfied of it just by buying something from the app's store which will satisfy them. If they use a different smartphone with an android platform for example.They wouldn't like it, because it wouldn't be easy as the iPhone they used to buy stuff right off the market and it fitted perfectly, noo need to see if it maches the screen or if it matches the core and specs/ if they start again with android and their market people would say:It's too difficult I want my iPhone/Steve found out that goldmine-LAZYNESS and he made the phone for lazy people/ which in the US are maybe 5/6 of the total population already sitting on the couch and watching TV+ fudjing themselves with food. Now Apple's afraid that their product isn't going to work it's trick because of Android Market and the way Google made it easy to use /equals/ suing android using companies like:HTC,Samsung trying to stop the burst of knowledge about smartphones in their slaves minds.
                            Which will do this(two friends in US:version)/Yo come to my house for dinner homyy!--K,bro!//later at dinner//--yo dude what's that new phone there!--oh my new Droid it's faster then the iPhone and cheeper and it has free apps!!!--Reply of iPhone user--WT-Firetruck free apps /swap/ hey see my new (LG,HTC,Samsung,SE,) it has Android and free apps!!! :)HAPPY/iPhone trash-That's what Apple's afraid of. They will still get profits but not like 130 million a year-5 million a year or so! /////////Who ever reads this to the end is a hero!!! :P

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • LpI
                              • 08 Sep 2011

                              andy, 08 Sep 2011If it weren't for jobs, android would have never existed an... moreSame thing if it weren't Nokia.

                                • D
                                • AnonD-13720
                                • vLy
                                • 08 Sep 2011

                                andy, 08 Sep 2011If it weren't for jobs, android would have never existed an... moreits funny someone would say that..its all because of apple!

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-1825
                                  • p77
                                  • 08 Sep 2011

                                  Anon, 08 Sep 2011oh, reeeeeeeaaaaallllly? the mobile phone industry was h... more"the mobile phone industry was headed towards smartphones anyway, and whether Apple would have existed or not probably makes little difference."

                                  Look phones before iPhone :) look them one year after iPhone, look them two years after iPhone and finally look them three years after and you finally see that eventually everyone copied iPhone :)

                                  Yes it made huge difference!

                                    • d
                                    • demak
                                    • A8t
                                    • 08 Sep 2011

                                    andy, 08 Sep 2011If it weren't for jobs, android would have never existed an... moreIf left to Jobs, android wont be in existence because he loves the monopoly of the likes of you isheeps who can't see anything good in competition and the advancement of technology everyone else is now enjoying because of android.

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-17046
                                      • pHa
                                      • 08 Sep 2011

                                      andy, 08 Sep 2011If it weren't for jobs, android would have never existed an... moreAPPLE STOLE XEROX IP.PERIOD.APPLE extends the tech to GESTURES, MULTI-TAP, ETC BUT APPLE STOLE XEROX IP. PERIOD!
                                      Also GOOGLE & ANDROID COMMUNITY, Apple is dangerous. Why? Yes, they ARE Bullies. BUT!! SMART. RICH and TENACIOUS. Note how Apple REASONS. This interview on YOUTUBE.Apple's Mr Jobs
                                      Kindly listen HARD from 32 seconds. Hmm.You say Great atists STEAL? Oh. Now@ 45 second-56 spot. I see, Mr Jobs you're SHAMELESS about STEALING IP? I see.Aha You say Apple "Doesn't care about being right." Just SAVE APPLE! Note the sequence. Jobs segues into how he STOLE Xerox' IP. THAT IP HE USES TODAY. Not paying Xerox a pence. BUT LAUGHING at "How they were "copyheads" NOT computer smart." (like him). More on history of "APPLES" gui
                                      APPLES'S modern shenanigans IN COURT:
                             Google(and the rest of us) better watch out!!

                                        • S
                                        • Sun Down
                                        • PF5
                                        • 08 Sep 2011

                                        Love the Shop. This whole fiasco will end, right about...