German court upholds Galaxy Tab 10.1 sales ban after hearing

09 September, 2011
German court maintains the ban on the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 shipments.

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • t7X
  • 09 Sep 2011

All these lawsuits flying around are getting kind of boring and annoying.

I guess an inch-thick circular Samsung Tab 10.1 will pacify Apple. Add that a 256mhz processor and a 126 mb ram. And Apple can breathe a sigh of relief. LOL

Up up up you go. The things people do to stay on top. To maintain that healthy profit and keeping investors happy. They don't want anyone crashing their party.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • PFQ
    • 09 Sep 2011

    I din see Apple trying to sue the imitation stores in China. Because they know they can't win and can't afford to piss off the Chinese.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • JAB
      • 09 Sep 2011

      yup stop copy catting so no court visits

        • S
        • SzeSze
        • 9BU
        • 09 Sep 2011

        lol... i wonder how much Apple paid German to keep this...

          • v
          • vicky
          • 7tE
          • 09 Sep 2011

          why ban on samsung OS is different than apple!! Apple getting problem with succes of android device!!

            • T
            • The J
            • utL
            • 09 Sep 2011

            If Apple is seeing this then there is a suggestion - Grow up, don't be jealous. There was a time when you are on the top... But talking about the present day - Samsung is the leading company! You say that Samsung is copy-cat... I Don't see how it's true! Samsung's smartphones are all designed differently - there is no similarity between Apple iPhone 4 & Samsung Galaxy S II. Sorry sorry correct that they do have similarities like they have SCREEN, HOME BUTTON, 3.5mm JACK etc. Well if Apple is suing Samsung for giving Screen, Home Button etc in their smartphone, then HEADS UP Apple carry on... Any way coming to the point I don't want to compare Apple iPhone 4 with Samsung Galaxy S II because its quite clear that Galaxy S II is superior than iPhone 4!

            So Apple admit that you can't see any other company outrun you & so you are using law to sue them... Well one day when all companies will be on one side & you will be on the other - JUST IMAGING...!

              • s
              • samdroid
              • iIR
              • 09 Sep 2011

              how much dya recon apple has offerd as a brieb to german courts

                • D
                • AnonD-4697
                • Pr@
                • 09 Sep 2011

                AnonD-1544, 09 Sep 2011 You know the saying you deserve what you get ? I believ... moreI was making this same comment some time ago..

                If Samsung changes the way it make, looks and feels their gadgets, Apple will not have any excuse to suite.

                Samsung need to changes "RADICALLY" all their designs and tries to make something new, just like Nokia, make something that no ones have or offer, if they do that si pretty sure Apple can't suit them.

                But for now, Samsung still behind Apple designs, I hope look Samsung change the way it makes his devices.

                Maybe a Porsche, Ferrari and Lamborghini are sport cars, uses gasoline, seats people and uses tires. BUT they are totally different between. That's the kind of ideas Samsung need to evolve their devices.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • 3Yb
                  • 09 Sep 2011

                  Slug, 09 Sep 2011The German justice system will become a laughing stock if t... moreIts not about who made something first, but who holds patents. I myself don't like this, but it is also this very same situation that has allowed HTC to sue Apple based on patents from Google. That's the current state of affairs, until laws change, it will continue this way.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • 3Yb
                    • 09 Sep 2011

                    I don't hate Samsung by the way, I just hate this asian copycat culture (I am asian myself). I believe that we are just as capable, and shoud push ourselves to strive for originality.

                      • S
                      • Slug
                      • nFh
                      • 09 Sep 2011

                      The German justice system will become a laughing stock if this continues. Allowing an injunction on the grounds of form in the way they have is akin to preventing the sale of motor cars with four wheels on the basis that Mercedes built one first.

                      If this continues, then Germany would have no option but to ban the sales of all tablets in Germany bar the Ipad, samsung would be best to appeal on the grounds of this. After all, pretty well every tablet is the same shape and form. If one is banned for infringing the shape and form, then surely they all should be? Love to see this one debated.

                      Apple used to be the geeky, niche club who invented some genuinely interesting things and were seen as the little guys battling the system and fighting for freedom and the right to be inventive. Now they have grown into the playground bully, slamming all the other kids to the floor and demanding their lunch money. It's not a good look and does not do much to mask the stench of fear and panic from Apple.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • 3Yb
                        • 09 Sep 2011

                        AnonD-8153, 09 Sep 2011uphold justice? thats just insane!!! what do you expect to ... moreNobody would bat an eyelid if the company being sued was a chinese knockoff company. Copycatting is copycatting, and it is actually even more shameful for a company with a good reputation like Samsung to indulge in such activities. part of me thinks that they didn't do it on purpose, but rather from their culture which they are now learning to avoid.

                        http://www.yout ubecom/watch?v=Z-mu2_QbKKc

                        You would also be shocked if you go to South Korea, when I visited I was surprised to see almost clones of Mercedes and other European cars, copied by Korean companies. Thankfully, the car industry has learnt and in fact Kia for example are producing wonderful original designs of their own. Hopefully the same will happen in their electronics industry.

                          • D
                          • AnonD-1544
                          • Irg
                          • 09 Sep 2011

                          You know the saying you deserve what you get ? I believe samsung deserves what they are getting now because most of their revenue lately came from copying/pasting apple and not because of innovation and any unique ideas let's be reasonable for a moment.

                          Yes I understand all companies copies from others but there are limits you know, and I believe samsung really took it so far with copying apple to the extent that it became disgusting and many tech blogs referred to the company as the copyist.

                          Anyhow, Like the writer stated this will end soon by samsung using different methods to get around the patents, but samsung learned a good lesson from this which is you can't keep stealing and getting away with it! Grow up and try to be original.


                            • I
                            • Ihateapple
                            • K5g
                            • 09 Sep 2011

                            Why does ipad always sue and ban other companies. They think they're kings and the rest are bunch of peasants. During steve job's speech at stanford university, he said mac is the best computer software and windows is just a copy. Close your childish mouth steve jobs. You still need to be nutured by your mother.leave samsung and other guys alOne because even if they are better than apple. Apple is still the first to create a tablet, smart player and a capacitive touch screen smartphone.

                              • D
                              • AnonD-3569
                              • fvZ
                              • 09 Sep 2011

                              I guess Samsung just has bad lawyers.

                                • D
                                • AnonD-4697
                                • Pr@
                                • 09 Sep 2011

                                Apple knows how to stop Samsung, but for how longer???

                                  • s
                                  • stupid nazi's
                                  • IBx
                                  • 09 Sep 2011

                                  What does an old judge know about current technology? They need someone young that knows current tech to rule not some fat old man that thinks an iphone4 is 4G. Think about it, if this happened with HDTV's there would only be one choice if you wanted to buy a new TV.

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-8153
                                    • RmC
                                    • 09 Sep 2011

                                    uphold justice? thats just insane!!! what do you expect to make a tablet? i believe the judges is bribed, its just doesnt make any sense! i curse you apple, mark my word, soon you will goes bankrupt, and your product will be left by the community!

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-13637
                                      • LxI
                                      • 09 Sep 2011

                                      Apple is just wastin their time cuz Samsung just gonna Fix watever is wrong an den Release it back but Apple is toooo Stupid to reliaze dat......

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • t7D
                                        • 09 Sep 2011

                                        this is just madness