German court upholds Galaxy Tab 10.1 sales ban after hearing

09 September, 2011
German court maintains the ban on the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 shipments.

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  • D
  • AnonD-4956
  • qbc
  • 11 Sep 2011

Hahahaha, Apple FTW!!!

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • La5
    • 11 Sep 2011

    this childish fight is bad for both of their reputation, but probably samsung won't loose as much as apple, because samsung can come up wiht better hardware anytime, as for apple they havent came out with anything new for 6 moths

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • 3Yb
      • 11 Sep 2011

      Ty, 11 Sep 2011If only apple is allowed to sell thin square tablets, are o... moreJust reverse the question. If Samsung was the one who held the patents, would it be ok for Apple to infringe them? No? Ok then.

        • h
        • ha ha ha
        • utH
        • 11 Sep 2011

        am loving this really any 1 wanna party... this is lesson for copy cats which includes android also Nokia is / will be best ever forever :P

          • I
          • IROC
          • nxn
          • 11 Sep 2011

          This is doing nothing for Apple's reputation. They have turned into a playground bully.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • 0Yu
            • 11 Sep 2011

            Its rate is dropping. Sigh. Yet, soon Sam's tabs will be spread all over as droppings.

              • T
              • Ty
              • P$u
              • 11 Sep 2011

              If only apple is allowed to sell thin square tablets, are other manufacturers meant to make theirs spherical??? or triangular for that matter???

                • O
                • Open
                • TS$
                • 11 Sep 2011

                no fair should told about os no about design...depend want you need..ios,android or windows os...

                  • P
                  • PHONEADDICT
                  • tu6
                  • 11 Sep 2011

                  Apple is just afraid of competition and they are running out of innovation. It's common sense that when a new product comes out and whoever want to get a piece of the market share, they must produce a slightly better product for the consumer to pick and choose. Some will choose a lower end product, mid range or high end product depending on their requirement and purchasing power. APPLE is now acting as if their product is now 2nd grade to Samsung, but didn't realize that their product is actually the best in it's own class.

                  I am predicting by the year 2020, all innovators will start suing each other over patent infringement and after that "REMEMBER" we will be left with "ONE" brand for each product to use worldwide. Once they are settled in court we will see the following products (to name a few) which are allowed to be displayed on shelves or manufactured with just one brand.

                  1. Condom
                  2. Panties
                  3. Shoe
                  4. Slipper/Sandal
                  5. Rice cooker
                  5. Car
                  6. Airplane
                  5. Lap top
                  6. Desktop Monitor
                  7. Keyboard
                  8. Washing Machine
                  9. Ship
                  10. Stainless steel
                  11. Glass
                  12. LCL panel

                  By the time the suing is over, I believe APPLE will not be allowed to be in operation, because the office furniture, door bell, the office table, the telephone cable, the type of cement produced to build the building, the machine they use to manufacture their computer maybe a banned item and should not be produced and use without the proper copyright permission. Therefore importing materials becomes very strict. Some innovators/countries may ban export to other countries (Afraid of patent infringement) Some countries will ban import of certain product to protect the local market, just like SAMSUNG GALAXY Tab & Galaxy Note being banned in Germany because APPLE only wants their IPHONE / IPAD their there.

                  Later on once SONY ERICSSON produce a better touch screen phone and tablet, APPLE will start digging the on the patent (supposedly origin from APPLE) and will ban the sales in US to protect the local market.

                  This suing thing will become endless. I can tell you all, by end of the day, IMPORT and EXPORT becomes a non existing activity between countries.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • mTW
                    • 11 Sep 2011

                    Samsung, you are a great company with great hardware and tech. Please concentrate on original designs to improve your damaged reputation. I'm sure that you can do it. Leave behind this culture of imitating others.

                      AnonD-21641, 11 Sep 201110 things Android phones do better than the iPhone http://... moreThe article is also heavily biased and some "facts" are simply untrue.

                      Safari is not the ONLY browser, there is Opera, Dolphin and a host of other non-mainstream browsers.

                      Also, iTunes and it's back-up function for iPhone is probably the best I have ever seen. Managing your iPhone is ridiculously easy, so is using it. Can't say that about Android (and I own both an Android and iPhone).

                        • N
                        • Novafrmsl
                        • teu
                        • 11 Sep 2011

                        This is insane....
                        "The judge basically said that only Apple is allowed to sell thin square tablets with round edges. That's just insane."

                        So apple's the only one can make tabs like that what would the other manufacturers do?? make theirs like a half eaten apple!!!!!!!

                        I checked out every bar or tablet that any manufacturer releases and sad to say Apple's devices are poor with latest technologies than not only samsung with nokia, htc, Sony Ericsson Even motorola they only has some patents and check out your phone coz samsung has some pritty patents in their hands too.


                          • T
                          • Ty
                          • YMH
                          • 11 Sep 2011

                          The tabs and for that matter the galaxy s, s2 and ace look nothing like the apple devices, has apple even placed the damn iphone4 and the s2 side by side?? the s2 is slimmer, lighter and even the center button is rectangular, apple devices suck....and always will.

                            Anonymous, 10 Sep 2011Why would Apple need these phenomenal rewards? It's already... moreApple is doing what any company would do when it comes to patent infringement. You only see one side of the coin, and just because Apple makes large profits, doesn't mean Apple hasn't invested billions of dollars to get them there. This is about revenue protection and stakeholder management, hardly about "fans".

                            Apple as a company have their legal advisers, PR and marketing teams, trust me, if they were concerned that this would harm their reputation they would probably go about it differently. Fact is, it doesn't.

                              • a
                              • anonymous
                              • uCw
                              • 11 Sep 2011

                              Dont worry, there is yet more innovative tablet to be produced by htc, sony ericsson, motorola and lg, lets just see how will apple be able to handle once they release their own tablet.

                                • G
                                • GaryJay
                                • UGn
                                • 11 Sep 2011

                                Samsung should innovate new concepts, there are at least a tons of things that user is looking from a tablet. From batteries, portability, keyboards and other OS

                                  • A
                                  • Androyd
                                  • K7g
                                  • 11 Sep 2011

                                  I'm not a fan of Apple only for 1 reason - its way too expensive. I am starting to get sick of every phone and tab manufacturers crawling thier way to the market with products looking like the the iphone or the ipad. I mean c'mon is apple the only visionary in this kind of technology. If your vision is to provide a cheaper version of ipad & iphone.. samusung upholds that vision!

                                    • N
                                    • Noctis
                                    • 0Bw
                                    • 11 Sep 2011

                                    ?, 10 Sep 2011This is BULLSHIT. Apple seems really afraid of this. Why? I... morenice said my is afraid and as last resort they sue samsung.The coclusion is that Samsung is way better than apple in smartphones and tablets.I'm never gonna buy apple products again.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • Pv9
                                      • 11 Sep 2011

                                      apple is paying serious money to that judge because this is beyond ridiculous

                                      patent is gesture one, that its bounce one. but they wont accept cuz only apple can make thin round squares? they dont even have that patent

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-21641
                                        • LxI
                                        • 11 Sep 2011

                                        10 things Android phones do better than the iPhone

                                        Android KILLS ios Any Day MUHAH AHAHAAHA
                                        I LOVE YOU ANDROID!!!!!