German court upholds Galaxy Tab 10.1 sales ban after hearing

09 September, 2011
German court maintains the ban on the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 shipments.

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  • D
  • AnonD-977
  • v}7
  • 10 Sep 2011

zafar, 10 Sep 2011The German court is either stupid or is being sold to iphon... moreJails are full of people who think courts are "stupid".

The thing is, what the court says, goes.

    • D
    • AnonD-977
    • v}7
    • 10 Sep 2011

    [deleted post]LG's screen unit is back up to full steam ahead for iPad 2 screens, Samsung can kiss those temporary sales goodbye.

    Apple has enough money that they can pay Samsung's competitors enough to build factories to make the custom parts Apple designs.

    Samsung are trying to be greedy by taking two bites of the Apple.

    They were already caught out as liars and thieves in the LCD price fixing scheme.

      • D
      • AnonD-16803
      • HBx
      • 10 Sep 2011

      Even if Samsung decided to use meego instead of android , apple will attack Samsung again. I do not get it why apple is keeping its own apples(products) the same old rotten ones, rather than making more inovative ones, all apple needs is an improved OS and some extra features for its user interference.

        • ?
        • ?
        • 3KB
        • 10 Sep 2011

        This is BULLSHIT. Apple seems really afraid of this. Why? It looks like Samsung is much better and much much much cheaper... hmm. Thank you Apple now i know what to buy - the Samsung!!!

          • D
          • AnonD-13637
          • LxI
          • 10 Sep 2011

          testing 1234 testing

            • m
            • madubalism
            • ftK
            • 10 Sep 2011

            why now? Instead of apple to be busy thinking of improving in their products for better user experience, they are busy fighting samsung just because have ousted them from the top. Why not allow for bluetooth file transfer?, unlimited download?, replacable battery?, reduce the price of the product and check out the market response. Stop this battle and think ahead; it was tried on microsoft and failed. Now microsoft still remains the world best selling computer OS.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • pct
              • 10 Sep 2011

              I really hope that Apple will score an own goal in this game!

                • S
                • Stupid Judge
                • PIK
                • 10 Sep 2011

                Obviously I am a hardcore Apple fan

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • 3Yb
                  • 10 Sep 2011

                  Everyone with a problem here, why not appeal to the German courts. Otherwise, I have a tissue for you guys.

                    • k
                    • kaffeetrinker80
                    • 0%L
                    • 10 Sep 2011

                    i`m sorry APPLE, this is the wrong way.

                      • D
                      • AnonD-8908
                      • n1C
                      • 10 Sep 2011


                        • r
                        • rv232001
                        • t7X
                        • 10 Sep 2011

                        If that's the case, then why didn't they sue blackberry for the playbook or Hp for their Touchpad or Motorola for their Xoom...

                        I Really hate Apple to be honest, in my opinion, they are doing this to force middle income person (such as myself) to buy their product which is very expensive and still its lack important features (Calling and Texting and Flash Player)...

                          • M
                          • Masoom rana
                          • t}E
                          • 10 Sep 2011

                          In my 'spider-man: Big time' comics,i found peter sayin sumthing abt apple store.
                          Thnk god,dey didnt sue marvel 4 it.
                          Its reality,apple is a greedy,jealous company. Dey dnt allow downloads 4rm sites,nt 2 stop piracy,bt 2 make money out of iTunes music store.
                          Dey say flash isnt gud 4 cel,makes it crash.Actually,ios cnt handle flash.
                          Dey even lied dat capacitive screen tech was der,wen nokia N8 was out.weneva apple has feared competition,dey made al da innovation of da world ders.huh!
                          Actualy apple neva was symbian earlier,and android nw.
                          And yeah,da nxt samsung flagship of 2012 (s3,apparently)wil sale dan apple eva did,and i can given it signd,on paper.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • LYP
                            • 10 Sep 2011

                            AnonD-977, 10 Sep 2011Samsung, creative? They copied the RAZR, they copied Nok... moreThey have copied razr? youre a funny one without real info... maybe u should change your smart friend you got the info from.

                              • D
                              • AnonD-8044
                              • nGC
                              • 10 Sep 2011

                              Anonymous, 10 Sep 2011Samsung LCD\LED and Plasma TV's look similar to LG, Toshiba... morei am a recently converted Apple fan but would no way like Apple to rule the roost..If one company dominates then things just stagnate..When a company makes a new products that wows you all others companys jump to try and make anSsamsung are the top manufacturers BUT i will never forget Sharp and Nokia for their mobiles they have brought out..I still like Nokia but wait for the N9 to release.

                                • I
                                • Itachi
                                • LKp
                                • 10 Sep 2011

                                I mean come on this ridiculous this whole situation is totally being blown out of proportion the thing is they already lead the market with their tablets and other devices so now they wanna stop people from making money by patenting a square device with round edges isn't that the general shape of all tablets come on apple grow up you know monopoly of any market is by all means illegal so stop that if you're so great you don't need a courtroom's help beat samsung fair and square or u can't

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • mxM
                                  • 10 Sep 2011

                                  Samsung LCD\LED and Plasma TV's look similar to LG, Toshiba, Panasonic etc. Do we see them all taking each other to court. Many cars look similar but as anyone knows it is what is under the bonnet that counts! We don't see car manufacturers all taking each other to court. Apple cannot compete fairly with equal or better products in the market place and thus have to resort to sueing everything that moves! I find it pathetic quite honestly. Apple will lose far more than they gain through this as any "good will" will disappear not to mention many of its customers! I also feel this whole saga is just a perfect indicator of how Steve Jobs would like the mobile world to be. Totally locked down and under his control! He waffles on about open standards. Really!!! He produces a phone which you cannot insert a memory card in, cannot change the battery, uses proprietary data connectors (which, of course are far more expensive than standard ones!) and cannot customise properly without invalidating the warranty! I really have no time for Apple and just hope they suffer a big fall sooner rather than later.

                                    • g
                                    • godzilla
                                    • K2E
                                    • 10 Sep 2011

                                    now they'll go for the laptop saying samsung copying like them! sick mentality from apple. it won't be long other companies will start sueing apple as well & found themselves in the middle of the ocean drowning! don't cry just grow up apple.

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-21562
                                      • vbx
                                      • 10 Sep 2011

                                      AnonD-977, 10 Sep 2011Samsung, creative? They copied the RAZR, they copied Nok... morewatch 'pirates of silicon valley' movie for your answer.