Sony brags about the Xperia XZ2 Premium's high ISO video recording in latest promo

11 July 2018
The video extolls the virtues of the camera system in the company's latest flagship smartphone.

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • JpI
  • 12 Jul 2018

Anonymous, 12 Jul 2018Aperture 1.6/1.7 like some smartphones have would be better... moreYour phone has bad sensor..

Imx220 ( z3), imx300 ( xz) and imx400 ( xz2) can handle 25600 but Sony chose not to allow.

Bigger sensors handle high ISO better. Also the monochrome catches as much light as three RGB sensors.
So it is like 4 sensors doing the job while iphone and galaxy has 1.

Ppl critics Sony for low light shots, but compare a Samsung or LG using iso 200 while Xperia goes 900.
But forget if you set all 200 or 900, the Xperia wipes the floor with other brands..

Besides XZ2, only P20 Pro and OP6 does well above iso 1000

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • Yde
    • 12 Jul 2018

    Ryan7646, 11 Jul 2018"engineered to capture detail beyond what the human eye can... moreHow dumb can you be? It's for taking pictures in pitch black without the flash or any lights

      S E F I R O, 11 Jul 2018I'm a bit skeptical with the idea but Sony really has to im... moreI'm completely against overly aggressive fake OIS/EIS combo video stabilization that just looks horrible. Samsung is pushing it really too far to the point that moving video looks amateurishly stabilized in the post.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • JpI
        • 12 Jul 2018

        Ryan7646, 11 Jul 2018"engineered to capture detail beyond what the human eye can... moreThe idea is not use somewhere with zero light.
        It is to increase footage quality where all phones struggle.
        All phones blow up lights at night vids, slower shutter to catch more light also brings blur.

        Check these videos : difference between XZ2p and other is obscene

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • 0rY
          • 12 Jul 2018

          Anonymous, 12 Jul 2018Video of XZ2 Premium at ISO 12800 is better than video of S... moreAperture 1.6/1.7 like some smartphones have would be better than higher iso.

          My phone camera can go up to 3200 iso in the stock camera app, but open camera allows it to go up to 12000 iso that is 800 less than this Sony phone, but it looks terrible.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • JpI
            • 12 Jul 2018

            Anonymous, 11 Jul 2018iso 100000000 but no OIS...That is the idea ...

            A shot of XZ2P at iso 2000 will be better than other phones at iso 1000.
            Keeping quality at higher iso keeps faster shutter, no blur..

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • JpI
              • 12 Jul 2018

              Video of XZ2 Premium at ISO 12800 is better than video of S9+ at ISO 300...

              Where is the almight f1.5 Night King?

                "high ISO video" :-D
                Oh Sony, you make best sensors, yet your own implementation always sucks.

                  "engineered to capture detail beyond what the human eye can see"
                  So what's the point if the human eye can't see it anyway?

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • pr3
                    • 11 Jul 2018

                    iso 100000000 but no OIS...

                      • S
                      • S E F I R O
                      • jHn
                      • 11 Jul 2018

                      I'm a bit skeptical with the idea but Sony really has to improve their overall smoothness first with their photos and videos not just exaggerating the ISO amount. That wouldn't improve anything if they don't start fixing the small issues first.