Pichai responds to EU fine, hints Google might start charging for Android
- N
- Nikhilpatelj12
- T2{
- 19 Jul 2018
If this is what the EU wants. Why don't they make apple do the same as they have in short forced everyone to use siri and safari. It's basically the same and turns out to be kind of unfair for Google. Not being biased towards Google but that's what I think
- A
- Akash
- D06
- 19 Jul 2018
What's wrong with EU? You can install any rival apps you want. If you don't like the Google apps, you can disable them. Then how does this become anticompetitive?
- M
- Max
- Mvv
- 19 Jul 2018
HAHAHA, what a joke. No, they won't charge for it. Android is not Google's _product_, it's their tool enabling the data collection supporting their ad pushing which _is_ their product. You don't charge the fish for the bait on your hook, young grasshopper...
- ?
- Anonymous
- MdX
- 19 Jul 2018
Anonym, 19 Jul 2018The EU did drop the ball, Apple has much more draconian ant... moreFor once I actually side fully against the EU on something...previous things had some merit, this has...literally no reason to be happening.
- J
- Joe Dickson
- Ibx
- 19 Jul 2018
They should start charging for Android, China will have to pay billions.
- D
- Dre
- 19 Jul 2018
This guy is worse ceo ever. Android have never really advance thru him. Sack him. Bring someone who can do a much better job.
- D
- AnonD-492870
- FVp
- 19 Jul 2018
Them's fightin words...
- A
- Anonym
- 60J
- 19 Jul 2018
The EU did drop the ball, Apple has much more draconian anti-competitive practices, a much larger share of the market (in value), yet they chose to fine first the ones that actually give an Open Source version of the OS and actually allow 3rd-party hardware manufacturers to play major roles in the ecosystem (which they can't even do with Apple in the first place).
- E
- Eagleseye
- L1q
- 19 Jul 2018
I am an android user for 6yrs. From very first day i choose Opera mini over chrome/pre installed browser. Same thing i do in my pc. Never touched IE/MP. Always relies on Firefox/Chrome/Vlc player. I never understood why EU so afraid of built in softwares?
- ?
- Anonymous
- yAK
- 19 Jul 2018
Smaller phone makers either pass on the cost to consumers and end up people will buy the more established brands since there's not much difference in price or they'll go bust. Businesses lose, consumers lose but EU get a big fat paycheck.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0xU
- 19 Jul 2018
Well crap. The EU wants to take one more good thing away from us.