Nikon unveils full-frame mirrorless Z7 and Z6 cameras

23 August 2018
Nikon has finally announced its mirrorless full-frame cameras along with S Line of lenses.

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  • J
  • Jose Porto
  • 8B5
  • 31 Aug 2018

"This is a huge step for Nikon - it announced its first new mount since 1958...."

This must be press release Nikon lingo for please forget about Nikon 1-mount which didn't quite achieved expected success (essentially it crashed and burned) ;)

    Yosef W, 25 Aug 2018Different emphasis, different needs, different purpose bro.... moreI'm not talking about DSLR, I would not use a DSLR for video, or anything for that matter. DSLR is ancient tech and not for me. Dedicated videocameras are also obsolete of you have a decent mirrorless, unless talking about majour productions - which we're not.

    Assuming two pro-sumer budgets, one $1500 and the other $3000. I know very well what my choice for a camera and lenses suitable for both stills and video would be in both ranges. There are no outragously good dedicated video cameras (compared to mirrorless) in general in this range, especially not giving one anything a spare for a camera for stills.

    The reason is shockingly simple, there is hardly any market for it anymore.

    The best mirrorless cameras offers 5-axis in body stabilization (which can work in combination with OIS) and 4k HDR video at very high bitrate. Photo cameraes have become properly good for video in the past years. The other way around though, most video cameras aren't great for photography.

      Marco M, 24 Aug 2018Nearly twice the weight, no 4K video, weaker low-light perf... moreDifferent emphasis, different needs, different purpose bro. Especially for photographers who are rather nitpicky. And nacht, if u want to shoot a film, just buy some digital cine camera. It'd do anything far better than a DSLR.

        • M
        • Meowser
        • jeS
        • 24 Aug 2018

        Chris, 24 Aug 2018What sensor is the Z6 using? If that's not published, do yo... moreIt is noted in the article that the Z6 is likely to use the sensor from the D750, so look up the specs on the D750 for your answer.
        "Nikon's first full-frame mirrorless cameras are the Nikon Z7 and Nikon Z6 and they are largely based on the Nikon D850 and Nikon D750 DSLRs."

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • MwH
          • 24 Aug 2018

          Marco M, 24 Aug 2018Nearly twice the weight, no 4K video, weaker low-light perf... moreWeight and size does matter, but in a sense that they feel good in hand. Smaller cameras are harder to operate, have crammed and small controls, and if they are too light you get a lot of camera shake when shooting hand-held.

          Autofocus points - I do not care about those at all as I focus manually 90% of the time. I do fine with moving subjects as well. (+70% of moving subjects are in focus for me)
          Also, I don't need more than 3-4 fps when shooting. Most of the time I take single shots.

          And video recording... well if I would be interested in video recording I would buy a video camera which records videos better than any DSLR. I'm a photographer so I need a camera to take photograps. All other things are just extras.

          Besides these, colour rendition, colour contrast and colour tones matter.

          But then again, I'm creating artistic and creative photos. I'm not doing any sports or news agency work.

            Anonymous, 24 Aug 2018No, he is actually right. I got a new camera a few months a... moreNearly twice the weight, no 4K video, weaker low-light performance, shoots much slower and has significantly less autofocus points that only covers parts of the frame anyway. I can only assume you don't like taking photos of moving objects.

            The D800 is a nice enough camera for stills, but too heavy and slow in this day and age. The Z-series will be great for Nikon, but they should have outperformed the older A7-series in just about every aspect when launced as a completely new system, but it doesn't. And that is disappointing, no matter how you look at it.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • MwH
              • 24 Aug 2018

              Marco M, 24 Aug 2018Yeah, blame the camera - not the photographer - right. . .No, he is actually right. I got a new camera a few months ago, and I was really considering Sony a7iii (60%), Nikon D850 (30%), FujiX-T2 (9%), and Canon 5d mk4 (0-1%).

              After seeing sample from all, and playing with raw files in lightroom, I actually got the Nikon D800 over whatever else the other four companies had to offer. Yes, the D800 instead of the D850.

              Sony photos looked too "plastic"/artificial and just had something that looked off, can't say exactly what. Fuji under-delivered in dynamic range, so it got cut off the list as well. And Canon, well... Besides not liking the colour output, there was something I didn't like about holding the 5D mk4 in hand - it somehow felt cheap.

              Even though I could have afforded any camera body below $3000, Nikon pictures have a certain look, and the D800 body felt best in hand out of the whole bunch. And had the most pleasing colours and contrast.

              I shoot mostly manual, and sometimes in aperture priority.

                Anonymous, 23 Aug 2018Its just populism, more and more people are getting tired o... moreYeah, blame the camera - not the photographer - right. . .

                  • F
                  • Fayth
                  • tEZ
                  • 24 Aug 2018

                  it's good to see they make mirrorless camera looks professional.

                    • C
                    • Chris
                    • I0d
                    • 24 Aug 2018

                    What sensor is the Z6 using? If that's not published, do you know what size pixels (i.e., in microns) it's using?

                      Finally there's some competition on the full frame mirrorless market!

                        Single card slot, NO eye AF, CIPA rating of 330 vs Sony’s CIPA 770 and from early reports AF performance not even close to A7III. Welcome to Mirrorless Nikon you have a few more generations to reach A7III level.

                          comeon, 23 Aug 2018small sensor, low resolution don't require a lot of process... moreNope. You do bracketing up to 7 pictures as this baby is able to do it fast enough & do the processing elsewhere.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • MwH
                            • 23 Aug 2018

                            paco2x, 23 Aug 2018Looks OK but those Z series don't have anything remarkable ... moreYes they do - Noct f/0.95 lenses (and faster than that)

                              • u
                              • user
                              • L13
                              • 23 Aug 2018

                              Several things to note: the adapter costs $150 when bought together with the camera; it's also important to note that battery lasts much longer than the CIPA standard of 330 shots, as usual.

                                • M
                                • Marvin
                                • mAM
                                • 23 Aug 2018

                                Anonymous, 23 Aug 2018Its just populism, more and more people are getting tired o... moreYep, biggest market share for FF cameras in the world's largest market...yep, that's a trend that's just about to disappear

                                  Marco M, 23 Aug 2018About time, but sadly a bit underwhelming effort.Let us reserve judgement until we shall see the results of Nikon's fruits of labor

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • pj8
                                    • 23 Aug 2018

                                    Its just populism, more and more people are getting tired of Sonys extreme processing, fake colors/deliberately wrong white balance, and especially the extreme geometric corrections that throws realism completely out the door. A good DSLR from Nikon or Canon still take the most true to life photos, and it just gets better with serious cameras like Leica. Sony A7 series are jokes that will disappear when the current trend comes to an end.

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-731363
                                      • SH3
                                      • 23 Aug 2018

                                      WoW what a prices.
                                      Now imagine how much should cost apple X made within USA where USA assembler get 10-12 dollars per hour compared to chinese assemblers earnings.

                                        • c
                                        • comeon
                                        • pdr
                                        • 23 Aug 2018

                                        Xhxhyy, 23 Aug 2018Professional photography seems stuck at processing power. ... moresmall sensor, low resolution don't require a lot of processing power, so phones can take multiple photos, post process and stack them to make one "perfect" photo. A dsrl/mirrorless just takes one photo and even if dinamic range looks lower, you can recover much more detail from highlights and shadows without increasing noise levels