Cheapest 2018 iPhone may be late, no Apple Pencil support for handsets this year

27 August 2018
Three new iPhones are expected to become official next month, more details about them have been outed.

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FinnishInquisition, 28 Aug 2018I think you handily displayed how insane your position is b... moreYour fooling yourself.
You know why they don't want to use the sailfish OS or support it? Because they the system only gives the country's government to spy on their people and no other company.

These companies sell for their country and if you can't see that then you don't know what is technology and how it's dangerous at times.
Do you some can watch you from the camera of your smartphone and laptop???
Even there are reports that Google home listens to you.
Same in the smart TVs so please wake up.
For me I know they're spying but I don't care about it. But I'm not dying that they don't.
Yes the Illuminati exists and won't talk about here because it ain't it's right place.

    FinnishInquisition, 28 Aug 2018I think you handily displayed how insane your position is b... moreI certainly believe illuminaties are real, I have realized this long back in 1999 itself!

      KamAbdi, 28 Aug 2018Dude I know every company has to gather data in order to en... moreI think you handily displayed how insane your position is by saying the Illuminati is real.

      And no, not even Microsoft, Facebook or Google sell the data they gather. It's a valuable commodity to them, and they use it in their advertising. This just further cements how clueless you are on this subject.

      Apple gathers no personal data. The data they gather to improve their map services is cut into tiny chunks and anonymised before being sent for analysis. The Siri voice data is given a randomised anonymous number that cannot be linked to you, and that number is deleted after 6 months. Apple value privacy for their users. They have nothing to gain from gathering personal data. They are not an ad revenue company like Google. They are a hardware company.

        FinnishInquisition, 28 Aug 2018Oh sure, and the illuminati is secretly turning all the fro... moreDude I know every company has to gather data in order to enhance their systems, so the data they take as a feedback but they also sell it and it's true, it's no conspiracy.
        Some companies does for competition so it's about making money which they cancel each other out.
        Your the one who brought up the illuminati so I will tell you this, yes they exist :) and what's being said out there is true but we're not here to discuss that because this is a tech

          KamAbdi, 28 Aug 2018Wow i can see you starting the defence mode :) All of them... moreOh sure, and the illuminati is secretly turning all the frogs gay, right?

          What you're talking about is a conspiracy theory with zero backing.
          Facebook is running an ad network, and is gathering user data for it. It has never been hidden or a secret, like you pretend it has. Same with Google and Microsoft. Apple on the other hand has nothing to gain by collecting user data. They have everything to lose if they were to attempt it though. The math is pretty simple, if you can manage that simple equation.

          As for your link; "at no point during this incident was their personal data compromised". Don't know if you're aware, but hacking into an internal network is not the same as hacking into encrypted services.

            Anonymous, 28 Aug 2018Hacked might be a issue with security.. but what your sayin... moreYes, people falling for phishing attempts is user error, not a security flaw with the devices.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 81X
              • 28 Aug 2018

              Anonymous, 28 Aug 2018Hacked is an issue with security. You are completely dense.... moreYou clearly haven't read enough to understand the issue. Poor security practice by a user (weak passwords, accessing private cloud data on untrusted networks) are not 'hacks', and impossible to secure against completely.

              The real measure is how US government departments sued Apple to try to compel them to provide a means to access phones they had physical access to. When Apple refused, they resorted to buying an expensive security tool from an Israeli company to read suspects' iPhone data - via an attack vector that has since been mitigated. Ever heard of such measures on an off the shelf Android?

                • C
                • Carol
                • mgK
                • 28 Aug 2018

                pl2rts, 28 Aug 2018Apple use the placebo effect on people a lot like any other... moreMaybe, but i think is more then just that. Actually, since birth apple exploided human mind, from child to adult. The thing is, pshichology is a corporations friend. Yeah,there is the placebo involved too. But the most they want is money, so they push the boundries. As once Jobs said, with a fully as'''ole attitude: Technology should be expensive, not everybody should be able to afford it. A me.tality of a rich wanna be richer. Did'nt worked. But they still try to push the limits of comun sense: where is the normal joe's "pain point"? when would this person stop paying for something? How much would one person would pay for the placebo. Apple is all about jobs said. Technology, even a freaqi.g usb stick should cost so much that not everybody can afford it. It is actually the n'zicorporation of technoligy. Who supports them, has no ideea what they actually support. Pretty much like germans in the 3rd reich.

                  • C
                  • Carol
                  • mgK
                  • 28 Aug 2018

                  KamAbdi, 28 Aug 2018I answered a guy who said the same thing so check my commen... moreI think you do not understand what network means. A phone is a phone, and cannot affect more then it's user. A network affects everything, fron guvernment to celebrities to police to whatever uses it. While a customer might buy huaway devices. Am pretty sure, Guvernment representatives, ploce and whutnut are most probably starring away from those devices. Something they cannot do if an entire 5G network is spyed on. Now of course that is a lot of paranoia, but you know how "they" say: the thief is affraid of thieves!

                    Carol, 28 Aug 2018Kind of heavy headed, ain't ya? It is about the 5G network ... moreI answered a guy who said the same thing so check my comment which I replied him

                      ryballs, 28 Aug 2018You still don't seem to get it. I am talking about 5G infra... moreOk but at the end of the day all of them are Huawei products, the modems and the phones and the tablets, so Huawei puts something the 5G infrastructure build and doesn't put something in their other products?????? That's strange !!!!
                      I think this decision applies to all Huawei's products.

                        FinnishInquisition, 28 Aug 2018I'd say extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence... moreWow i can see you starting the defence mode :)
                        All of them spy on each other but when they want to tell that about a specific company, then it means it's about money and to cancel that company out. Same happened with Facebook.
                        If you believe Apple protects people, then you must be the bigger fool in this world and same like you who believes that.
                        So Apple steals your data so please...........

                          yours, 28 Aug 2018your phone copy'd :)It's copied, not copy'd:)

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • 3DR
                            • 28 Aug 2018

                            Anonymous, 28 Aug 2018Why do you care at all then? Why are you here commenting? D... moreI meant do u own an apple device not the company and yes I do own an iphone and these lies u mention are not lies, but just trolling haters going out of their way to advertise these lies which are nonsense. and ur one of them. its very sad for someone showing their hatred for a mobile phone. why u even commenting on here when u don't own an iphone but just to hate. theres far more important things in life to feel negative about but u have to target mobile phone brand. u must not have any friends

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • I8m
                              • 28 Aug 2018

                              Anonymous, 28 Aug 2018Hacked might be a issue with security.. but what your sayin... moreNeverending excuses and side tracking from most of you as usual.
                              If you believe they have had no privacy or security issues then you are not at a mental level adequate enough tti be engaging in this conversation.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • I8m
                                • 28 Aug 2018

                                Anonymous, 28 Aug 2018why do u care? do u own an apple? it doesn't affect you so ... moreWhy do you care at all then? Why are you here commenting? Do you own apple or even gsm?

                                  Carol, 28 Aug 2018Especially when they lie to their customers how safe apple ... moreApple use the placebo effect on people a lot like any other brand. Price it so high then they can and there for people think thats a quality as it's expensive. The more expensive something is then the more quality it is. That placebo effect works so well that even 2 same pies with one priced lower and other higher then the higher price will taste better cause it's placebo effect

                                    Anonymous, 28 Aug 2018The most optimised os in the entire universe, now with whoo... moreIn the world maybe and thats about it. Never say universe as there might be more advanced beings out there then we are and less advance and even on par to us. It's to ignorant to think we are only intelligence race in this universe that have billions of star systems

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • 3DR
                                      • 28 Aug 2018

                                      Anonymous, 28 Aug 2018Yup. Of course. They told the truth about lies and in respo... morewhy do u care? do u own an apple? it doesn't affect you so u also need to exercise and feel positive :D
                                      previous comment explained her negative points about these so called lies. go and read instead of jumping on bandwagon and believing what other haters say.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • LaT
                                        • 28 Aug 2018

                                        Anonymous, 28 Aug 2018Hacked is an issue with security. You are completely dense.... moreHacked might be a issue with security.. but what your saying is that its down to the device.. of the phone if the end user decided to go onto the open wifi.. which means that this vunreability applys to every device you put on a open wifi.. so i cant see how you can target apple for not being secure.. i mean apple could stop people from using wifi.. or stop people from using open wifi without a password.. or auto connect to open wifi's.. but at the end of the day.. its more down to the user.. i mean in your term of security.. you might aswell not use a phone.. nothink is inpenetrable.. somethings are harder.. and some not so much..
                                        If you want security.. dont use a phone or a pc or anything eletrical with a reciever of some sort..