iPad Pro 12.9 (2018) leaks in CAD-based renders and video, lacks 3.5mm headphone jack

04 September 2018
It might become official at Apple's big event taking place on September 12.

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  • D
  • AnonD-731363
  • SH3
  • 04 Sep 2018

Anonymous, 04 Sep 2018Why when bluetooth doesnt match the quatily.. it takes up ... moreJack is ancient technology and bluetooth is good enough and gets even better.
Get a bluetooth earphones made by bose and you will realize that jack is not needed anymore.

    • b
    • bixby lover :-)
    • XMp
    • 04 Sep 2018

    like the comments from android fans. Just like their phone manufacturer is making blind copy to iPhone and making ads to compare their latest flagship with 2-3 year old iphone - just to prove they are better sheep(they are real sheep as they just follow android - they are incompetent to make a basic os). and fans are pathetic - they use 8-10 gb ram to run their unoptimised full beta os (every android feels like beta , sorry) - and think ohh more ram better- but simple games lags (even with pathetic "game mode").
    android fans are like failed people who cannot achieve anything - so say some nonsense.
    I like the courage of apple as they are the trend setter - may be some features were available with some xyz companies (like xiaomi, samsung etc ) but no one cares.

      Tons of people just like to bash Apple with or without good reasons.
      They made first touch screen smartphone - we all use one today.
      They removed headphone jack - lots of Android manufacturers followed it and people aren't complaining nearly as much, despite Android phablets/tablets without headphone jack...
      Then the notch, tons of people enjoy their Android phones with notches and use Face ID on them aswell. And call iPhoneX ugly while having a notch + bottom bezel on their phone, some even have a button on it.

      Apple is not innocent, but they made lots of good things and set trends that people do follow. So it's kinda obvious that their products get bashed just for being Apple.
      And finally - you NEED Apple. Without Apple, Android wouldn't have reason to have such improvements year after year since it'd have no competition.

        AnonD-731363, 04 Sep 2018Wrong. Jack is an ancient technology and have no future i... moreI actually agree with this.

          • P
          • Programmer
          • 63H
          • 04 Sep 2018

          Tifosi, 04 Sep 2018iOS is not crippled, also iOS is a real OS that natively ru... moreDude, don't write about things that you don't understand. Android's core is written in C++, android applications framework and services API is written in Java.
          Android itself is not running on JavaVM. Don't beleave me? Go check yourself - it is open source.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • PGq
            • 04 Sep 2018

            AnonD-731363, 04 Sep 2018There should be no excuses when comming to removing jack. ... moreYou sound just like a BLIND fanboy who wants everything wireless so long as your master Tim C(r)ook says so. Mind you, the battery life hasn't come to a point where it lasts a year without charging. Please wait 50-100 years for this to happen.

            In conclusion, in your DREAMS.

              • D
              • AnonD-632062
              • 3Yf
              • 04 Sep 2018

              Anonymous, 04 Sep 2018The iPad Pro simply weighs a heft and Apple expects us to u... moreHahaha!

                AnonD-731363, 04 Sep 2018Every company should finaly remove jack. Waiting for this... moreAnd I think all companies should HAVE The jack. And a support for a stylus pen. So?

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • PGq
                  • 04 Sep 2018

                  AnonD-632062, 04 Sep 2018So many bad decisions from Apple, that it is simply outrage... moreThe iPad Pro simply weighs a heft and Apple expects us to use Face ID. It will NEVER be as SECURE as compared to trusty, versatile fingerprint scanner. Tim C(r)ook just wants more $$ by "reading" our faces and "make purchases" without user agreement.

                    • I
                    • Icy
                    • UNH
                    • 04 Sep 2018

                    FaceID not working in landscape seem like an epic fail... Will the keyboard be cramped?

                      • D
                      • AnonD-120291
                      • S3y
                      • 04 Sep 2018

                      Nonk, 04 Sep 2018hahahaha lol Its simple really, apple wants as much of your hard earned money as it can from you, it would like you to have to buy adaptors and extra devices for everything to play nice, give less and charge more! If it aint broke, break it and charge the earth to remedy it

                        Anonymous, 04 Sep 2018want to know the reason why Apple decide to remove the head... moreDuh?
                        Of course it's a thought out strategy. Like in every other big company they have big "strategy and PR" department.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • XS5
                          • 04 Sep 2018

                          want to know the reason why Apple decide to remove the headphone jack on their devices? It was explained by JerryRigEverything. Go search for that video.

                          It is Apple's marketing strategy to earn more. The reason is well explained there in the video. That is how business world works. They are maximizing the chance to earn more money. If you think Apple will lose customers, I don't think so. They have a huge fan base who doesn't read this type of article and doesn't care if 3.5mm headphone jack will be removed, they will still buy Apple products.

                            • D
                            • AnonD-731363
                            • SH3
                            • 04 Sep 2018

                            Anonymous, 04 Sep 2018Why when bluetooth doesnt match the quatily.. it takes up ... moreThere should be no excuses when comming to removing jack.
                            All phones should be bluetooth and wireless with anything.
                            Even a Q Charger or wireless charger should be finaly included in every box and every phone should support this.
                            No more fiukin cables.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • LaT
                              • 04 Sep 2018

                              AnonD-731363, 04 Sep 2018Every company should finaly remove jack. Waiting for this... moreWhy when bluetooth doesnt match the quatily.. it takes up little room at all.. and on a table.. i mean you can fit a pen and a headphone jack on the note 8.. whats iphones excuse....

                                • D
                                • AnonD-632062
                                • 3Yf
                                • 04 Sep 2018

                                So many bad decisions from Apple, that it is simply outrageous.

                                Huge curves on a tablet screen? Really?

                                Removal of the fingerprint scanner? You really expect us to raise the behemoth of an iPad towards our face, each time just to unlock it?

                                Killing the 3.5 mm headphone jack? What's your excuse now? Is it to free a quarter of a cm^3 space for additional battery. Oh wait, it's planned obsolescence to push more AirPods that need to be charged repeatedly, right?

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • tNw
                                  • 04 Sep 2018

                                  Aslipundit, 04 Sep 2018I can run the full version of Photoshop on my Surface pro 4... moreTab S4 only has the rental crap Office 365 read-only edition.

                                  Because having full office apps on other platforms would make it faster for them to sink into irrelevancy.

                                    Duel, 04 Sep 2018Sounds like you want laptop or pc instead tablet, that's th... moreWell, they call it 'Pro'.. What is 'Pro' about a media consumption device? The active stylus is good and all, but apart from that? Even transferring files to and from the ipad is a pain. No OTG either.

                                    I do not see how this device carries the 'pro' moniker. You can do so much more on windows and even Android.

                                      • N
                                      • Nonk
                                      • Ge@
                                      • 04 Sep 2018

                                      Anonymous, 04 Sep 2018calm down boi its just an ipad. have you had your coffee yet?hahahaha lol

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • HJD
                                        • 04 Sep 2018

                                        How can such a big device only have one port???