iPad Pro 12.9 (2018) leaks in CAD-based renders and video, lacks 3.5mm headphone jack

04 September 2018
It might become official at Apple's big event taking place on September 12.

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  • D
  • AnonD-731363
  • SH3
  • 05 Sep 2018

Anonymous, 05 Sep 2018Just because you have terrible hearing.. and dont want bett... moreMan about that wireless IQ maybe you.
My brain works fine compared to yours which cant count 2+2 you always gets 3 which is wong answers.
I can name you mayne people using wireless earphones which will tell you that wireless are better than wired.
I can name you 10+ devices.
You always going like old fashioned tape replaying same thing around and around.
Either you are boring or your life is boring but i am bored of hearing the same old lies.
Truth is jack is ancient technology and has been taken over by wireless.
Same way like tapes and disketes has been replaced by CDs DVDs and blue ray discs.
If tape is better than a bluray tech then you really needs medic.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • PGq
    • 05 Sep 2018

    bixby lover :-), 04 Sep 2018like the comments from android fans. Just like their phone ... moreCall yourself a bixby lover (Samsung supporter perhaps?) yet you support Apple. Oh the irony.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • PGq
      • 05 Sep 2018

      AnonD-731363, 05 Sep 2018Well but having Mil-STD810G and IP69+ Thats would be somet... moreJack is NOT AWKWARD looking by the way, whether it is present or in the future. Before you call us Android Truthers BLIND, we aren't. We are just being logical.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • PGq
        • 05 Sep 2018

        AnonD-731363, 05 Sep 2018Wrong again thats a lie. Dozens of bluetooth earphones ar... more"Releasing and producing ancient jack technology in present era killing companies and sales."

        Mind you, Pocophone F1 has generated a ton of money due to it's insane low price despite having the jack. It seems that people who buy this do care about the jack presence in some articles and are happy about it. This shows that 3.5mm jack is not ANCIENT. It is just there as STANDARD, for your CONVENIENCE. And if you have a 3.5mm connector type headphone, just plug it in, simple as ABC and use it right away. No need to fumble over turning on the BlueTooth just to use BlueTooth headsets and wait for connection which may not work at all times.

        Based on my comments, you are being one-sided.

          • D
          • AnonD-731363
          • SH3
          • 05 Sep 2018

          Anonymous, 05 Sep 2018Just because you have terrible hearing.. and dont want bett... moreMan thats a lie. try wis.com there you buy wireless for a bargain price.
          Airpods JBL or anything from BOSE are outstanding earphones beating anything wired you can name.
          You are funny and loosing getting blind in own lies.

            • g
            • gimm
            • tx4
            • 05 Sep 2018

            vote by your wallet guys, stupid trend is for stupid people. There's no acceptable reason for removing 3.5mm jack, unless you don't mind called 'mindless sheep'

            • 👍
            • D
            • AnonD-731363
            • SH3
            • 05 Sep 2018

            Anonymous, 05 Sep 2018WRONG AGAIN. Headphone jack is NOT USELESS. It is LOGICAL, ... moreWrong again thats a lie.
            Dozens of bluetooth earphones are equal or far better in producing sound quality than wired ones.
            If you always go for cheapest model you cant spot difference. Try airpods for example.
            Releasing and producing ancient jack technology in present era killing companies and sales.
            Look at xiaomi. They put nothing extra to pocphone and is selling only for 300 like a freshly baked bread on a huge duiscout.
            Jacl looks awkward and its stupid finaly understand than i am right and you are wrong OMG. Its not that hard.

            Based on my comments you know nothing.
            My first and last apple experience was with apple 6 when it was brand new I GIVE UP after 3 months switched back to android because apple is ignorant and not working way i like love and prefer.
            Had Vibeshot from Lenovo for 3 years now having Moto X4 both android phones both are excellent working very well without even a tiny problems i am completely satisfied compared to you.

              • D
              • AnonD-731363
              • SH3
              • 05 Sep 2018

              Anonymous, 05 Sep 2018Umm my Airpod is almost 2 yrs.. before that I had Sony.. n... moreI agree but some people just talk same craopm and repeat like old gramophone where disc were rolling all the times same circle :-)

                • D
                • AnonD-731363
                • SH3
                • 05 Sep 2018

                Walter C. Dornez, 04 Sep 2018You say that, but LG and Samsung have kept the jack and the... moreWell but having Mil-STD810G and IP69+
                Thats would be something but no phone is submarine and it will never be.
                Anyway jack is awkward looking thing in present future era of bluetooth and wireless technology.
                Even my colour printer is wireless and its much bigger than pair earphones.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • LaT
                  • 05 Sep 2018

                  AnonD-731363, 04 Sep 2018Wrong. Jack is an ancient technology and have no future i... moreJust because you have terrible hearing.. and dont want better sound from a cable doesnt mean everyone else doesnt..
                  Its old tech that works better than new tech.. funny how no bluetooth headset match wired quatily.. and you need to pay x2 the amount to match the same quatily.. i feel like you have a wireless IQ... it keeps dropping out each day..

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • PGq
                    • 05 Sep 2018

                    AnonD-731363, 04 Sep 2018Yea yea. Tim Crook is not my fan boy and i dont like appl... moreWRONG AGAIN. Headphone jack is NOT USELESS. It is LOGICAL, CONVENIENT and PRACTICAL for real world usage. And it sounds BETTER too. Heck, even a cheap $6 headphone STILL BEATS Bluetooth / Wireless any day in terms of audio lag / quality. Are you wishing every company to "bend themselves" to your master Apple? DREAM ON.

                    Based on your comments, you don't sound like an Android fan to us Android Users / Truthers. You seem to be "lying" to others that you don't like Apple. However, the people (Android Users / Truthers) who came to comment here know that DEEP inside your heart, you like Apple. And how can you be happy and BLIND with that ridiculous decision?

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • IbF
                      • 05 Sep 2018

                      S6 User, 05 Sep 2018I forgot to add; All manufacturers should make their rechar... moreApple makes replaceable user if Apple does not like you.

                        • S
                        • S6 User
                        • nFX
                        • 05 Sep 2018

                        I forgot to add; All manufacturers should make their rechargeable batteries replaceable & ideally user replaceable.

                          • S
                          • S6 User
                          • nFX
                          • 05 Sep 2018

                          Last December GSMA did a Weekly poll: Do you still use a 3.5mm audio jack?:

                          69% voted for 'I do, wouldn't buy a phone without one':

                          This year it may be less, as there are more alternatives:
                          I like being able to plug my phone into my amplifier using the 3.5mm jack to L&R RCA's, & charge my phone at the same time.

                          In September 2016 when Apple launched the iPhone 7 without a 3.5mm jack, 46% (the majority) of their users weren't very happy about it, and said that they wouldn't get the iP 7:

                          This strategy has worked well for them (so far), I understand the Airpods are it's top selling accessory:

                          Also they'll soon be releasing NC Over the Ear.
                          They would've been available in 2018 but Bloomberg’s sources reportedly said that while they were due for launch this year, ‘development challenges’ has seen them be pushed back to 2019.

                          It'll be interesting to see if their fans go with Apple/ Beats or Sennheiser, Sony, AKG, B&O, B&W, Bose, Onkyo, etc.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • 6TT
                            • 05 Sep 2018

                            Anonymous, 05 Sep 2018You ignorant, all bluetooth headphones have 3 problems: 1... moreUmm my Airpod is almost 2 yrs.. before that I had Sony.. none died in terms of batteries yet. Lesser capacity yes, but not dead.

                            And they ARE as loud as a wired one that comes with the phones.

                            Unless you spend as much as you did to buy a wired earphone as a wireless one.. there is not much diff.

                            • 👍
                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • 3RM
                            • 05 Sep 2018

                            AnonD-731363, 04 Sep 2018Jack is ancient technology and bluetooth is good enough and... moreYou ignorant, all bluetooth headphones have 3 problems:
                            2.LOW VOLUME NO MATTER WHAT BRAND,
                            3.Battery is small and is totally destroyed in 2 years. Then, you have to throw the headphones. Any brand will not replace the battery.

                              AnonD-731363, 04 Sep 2018Bad idea. Jack is not good for waterresistance and being ... moreYou say that, but LG and Samsung have kept the jack and they're water resistant

                                • D
                                • AnonD-731363
                                • SH3
                                • 04 Sep 2018

                                Realistic1, 04 Sep 2018I actually agree with this.Thanks friend.

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-731363
                                  • SH3
                                  • 04 Sep 2018

                                  Anonymous, 04 Sep 2018You sound just like a BLIND fanboy who wants everything wir... moreYea yea.
                                  Tim Crook is not my fan boy and i dont like apple.
                                  I am android fan and as long as there will be no jack ill be happy with that decision.
                                  Hope every company would follow.
                                  As long as we have wireless options jack is useless as it can be.

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-731363
                                    • SH3
                                    • 04 Sep 2018

                                    Kiyasuriin, 04 Sep 2018And I think all companies should HAVE The jack. And a suppo... moreBad idea.
                                    Jack is not good for waterresistance and being wired all the time is really bad idea.