iPhone XR shipping dates already slipping back
- ?
- Anonymous
- tVk
- 19 Oct 2018
Yellow variant already sold out in Malaysia
- Walter C. Dornez
- r93
- 19 Oct 2018
Whackcar, 19 Oct 2018Any particular reason why you're considering this purchase?I suppose it's the fact that both me and my twin sister need a new phone. She doesn't like the price of the XS, and as much as I like Android and OLED, it's just kinda.... Smooth. Like iOS and iMessage are surprisingly useful. The less than 1080 screen and lack of 3D touch is what's keeping me back though. Maybe the S10 and the P30 will change my mind, so I'll wait for them first
- Kiyasuriin
- nYT
- 19 Oct 2018
Whackcar, 19 Oct 2018Any particular reason why you're considering this purchase?Why shouldn't he? Let the person do his decisions. It's not like you can prevent from himby except a convincing comment to get the device
- a
- apple1
- Tex
- 19 Oct 2018
It doesnt mean they are the most population, it could also mean they were the least stocked (based on lower expectations).
- k
- kalel
- sXb
- 19 Oct 2018
AnonD-632062, 19 Oct 2018This happens every year. Despite being one of the wealthies... moreWhy u want to buy the airpower mat? Or just trolling
- D
- AnonD-789972
- DkW
- 19 Oct 2018
AnonD-632062, 19 Oct 2018This happens every year. Despite being one of the wealthies... moreIts not about improper planning.. They simply plan their production based on their demand for colour options and storage options so that they can keep their customers happy by providing exactly what they expect..
- D
- AnonD-632062
- 3Ye
- 19 Oct 2018
This happens every year. Despite being one of the wealthiest companies and only having a few smartphones, they keep pushing back dates. Almost as if they would like to increase demand, by showing that it is a rare, tough to produce smartphone with golden components and drive up the hype among Apple fans.
But Apple is infamous for this. Any word on the AirPower mat that Apple so proudly showed off last year in September 2017?
Or is it still "Coming Soon...."
- D
- AnonD-789972
- DkW
- 19 Oct 2018
XR is going to be the trend setter in colors this year that's for sure..
Exclusive choice of teens & youths..
- M
- Mailman
- Yca
- 19 Oct 2018
Why do you keep mention "budget" phone? It is regular iPhone model and has nothing to do with budget phones.
- Whackcar
- y@W
- 19 Oct 2018
Walter C. Dornez, 19 Oct 2018Thinking about getting thisAny particular reason why you're considering this purchase?
- Whackcar
- y@W
- 19 Oct 2018
I predicted this before, and I'll reaffirm my prediction. The iPhone XR will be the highest selling iPhone this generation.
Whether that's sensible or not is debatable.