Apple iPhone XR sold 9 million units in its opening weekend, still short of predictions
- r
- radhiv1993
- K5u
- 30 Oct 2018
After they buy it, open youtube and bang! They will realize something LOL
- C
- Chris Luke
- fI@
- 30 Oct 2018
No worries, XR fanboys are cutting their lunch meals to eating hot-dog 2 months in a row, they'll buy it anyway
- DroidBoye
- vx2
- 30 Oct 2018
Does iOS support splitscreen feature in which I can watch Youtube at the top (Portrait mode) and browse 9gag, comment on FB or multitask at the bottom without interrupting YT playback?
- ?
- Anonymous
- K{M
- 30 Oct 2018
the bezels a little to big for me, as for the price, I think its reasonable for ios device as other android flagship is not cheap either.. 899 for pixel 3 XL & 999 for P20 Pro.. kamsia d..
- ?
- Anonymous
- 6jr
- 30 Oct 2018
Galaxy Note 10, 30 Oct 2018You are talking about default resolution as against 2011ish... moreMost phones nowadays have worse subpixel density than 2011 phones. What's your point?
S9 has lower subpixels density than their own 2013-2016 phones. One plus has lower subpixels density. Xiaomi amoled phones have lower subpixels density. In fact most/all amoled phones have lower subpixels density than XR.
XR is near top with its picture clarity. Not my fault that the rest regressed below 2011 levels... You should call *them* out. Not XR for at least having some standards...
- ?
- Anonymous
- 6jr
- 30 Oct 2018
[deleted post]I am defending truth. Those saying that XR has low resolution do not know what they talk about. Most android phones have worse resolution (fewer subpixels) but those fanboys don't even know it.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 6jr
- 30 Oct 2018
mrleft, 30 Oct 2018LOL I own an iPhone 8. The XR is priced very highly for wha... moreSales don't matter to a company. Profits do. They make more profit per phone. Sales (in revenues) are growing. Keep a better look at quarter results.
Apple is killing it *because* they are so forward looking. For example killed iPhone 8 and offer XR in its place in around the same pricing but vastly superior experience. Twice the screen size, twice the battery size, passive biometrics. Apple is actually getting cheaper because you get a far better phone at the same price category than a year before. Shareholders must be proud.
I don't even like Apple products due to their inferior OS (not a very good software company). But I am jealous of their hardware offering, if only androids were not as conservative and boring...
- Galaxy Note 10
- YM3
- 30 Oct 2018
Anonymous, 29 Oct 2018Quantum do is not more clear. It uses regular RGB stripes. ... moreYou are talking about default resolution as against 2011ish native resolution in XR @ 780p... Don't even bother to compare S9 or S9+ with any of these iPhones... Except A12 there is nothing there for demand $800 for 64GB.
- ?
- Anonymous
- PA8
- 30 Oct 2018
Anonymous, 29 Oct 2018Yet they keep setting revenue records YoY . The only smartp... moreLOL
- ?
- Anonymous
- PA8
- 30 Oct 2018
Anonymous, 29 Oct 2018This is the best phone per price in 2018. Twice as good ... moreLOL...
- C
- Christian
- 0UU
- 30 Oct 2018
Too much analizes and too much expertise for the obvious news.Iphone sales are slowing down.Big surprise(sarkasm)!
Days when Apple were conquering new teritories and new users are long gone.Good morning analysts(sarkasm).
What Apple could’ve done,and it is doing is keeping its base while slowly increasing its profit margins.And its not the price that is holding their sales,but actually their quality.
As strange as it sounds,their phones(hardware) is so good,when coupled with their iOS(updates as far as i5s) equalls that even a five year iphone still offers the torough apple expirience that we all love.
That’s why it is not so awkward when ppl continue to use their iphones for years without need/rush to upgrade.
It is natural path,and spple knows too well that only quality not quantity will keep them growing.
P.S.something for fandroids to think about...
- m
- mrleft
- r@p
- 30 Oct 2018
Anonymous, 29 Oct 2018Yet they keep setting revenue records YoY . The only smartp... moreLOL I own an iPhone 8. The XR is priced very highly for what it is, as are all the X-series phones when you compare them to their competition and how much they cost to manufacture.
Their market share has been dropping in recent years, and sales for every phone in the X-Series has been below expectations. I'd consider that evidence a pretty bad judgement of what the fans want. Apple's the sort of brand that should only be maintaining or increasing sales instead of losing market share to competition that's supposedly so much worse than it.
- m
- mrleft
- r@p
- 30 Oct 2018
Duel83, 29 Oct 2018What part you didn't understand of the article which said t... moreSales of the X, XS, XS Max, and XR have all been below expectations. That is not good.
- ?
- Anonymous
- iL5
- 30 Oct 2018
Brynn, 30 Oct 2018They never say how many are returned tho? reviewers, people... moreSame things go for every device,not just apple; companies dont mention these in details. They just state the number of sales.
- B
- Brynn
- nGw
- 30 Oct 2018
They never say how many are returned tho? reviewers, people just checking it out, people with buyers remorse and unsatisfied with product will all return phone.
- B
- Birdy
- 3qW
- 29 Oct 2018
Anonymous, 29 Oct 2018Xperia SP from 2013 had 1/10th of the horsepower, half the ... more I still own Xperia SP as a backup of a backup. Sony abandoned this phone at Android 4.3 while it could have given us at least Android 4.4. But, this was Sony's policy of 2 years of support. However, I skipped Android 5 from other sources and went to Android 6 (Cyanogenmod) which was awful (constant freezing of apps and occasional reboot). Android 7.1.x (Lineage OS) was and still is fantastic on Xperia SP. Yes, it is rather slow these days because of its old SOC and only 1GB of RAM but it works flawlessly. Some people installed Android 8 on it and it works. This phone is fine. There was nothing wrong when it came out (I bought it in 2014). I bought it mostly because of its 4G support which other phones lackes. And yes, it is useless to compare this phone with Iphone XR. These are two different worlds and there is 4-5 years of technology development between them.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 6jr
- 29 Oct 2018
lyndino, 29 Oct 2018This is a bs argument and you know it. If Samsung put in a ... moreQuantum do is not more clear. It uses regular RGB stripes. Learn what you are talking about first and then talk.
My argument was an incredible argument. Most androids are using pentile arrangements meaning 2/3rds of the subpixels of an RGB striped phone, yet not a peep from fandroids.
For example S9 is 1080p (default resokution) pentiled, meaning less sharp than iPhone XR. Yet nobody is calling Samsung out. Same with any other 1080p Pentile phone.
Also iPhone XS has the exact same subpixel density as iPhone XR. Yet nobody is calling XS as having low ress... Because it doesn't as XR doesn't for its size. OnePlus and S9 are the ones with the low subpixel red/count.
Fandroids are so unknowedgreable . It is funny really.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 6jr
- 29 Oct 2018
mrleft, 29 Oct 2018Apple has completely lost the plot about what users want. M... moreYet they keep setting revenue records YoY . The only smartphone comonay that Seels in the west that still does. Meaning that they do sth right.
Also XR is not over expensive. It is regular iPhone price that I phones had since 2010-2011 at least and for the price you cannot find a better phone. Twice the soc than anything else, best portrait photo, passive biometrics, etc, etc...
Typical fandroids, not grasping that people buy quality not brand. Brands like Nokia and Samsung only try to sell through brand but they grew boring and stale and their sales are falling. Chinese no names are instead rising because they dare to innovate, and of course Apple is smashing each year's records by continuously being on their feet. IMO last android makers should follow suit. Samsung has a bezel which is unacceptable in this day and age, Google offers tiny battery life in the same package as others offer giant battery life ... Etc.
Compete or just die.
- Kingslayer
- IbE
- 29 Oct 2018
I would actually buy another iPhone if they screening for spam calls and Dasher app were better. For some reason, Android does blacklist better for spam calls. I also using the TV app to watch videos. Sometimes my videos are there, sometimes not. Sometimes it plays, sometimes not.
No video player app on iOS compares to MX Player Pro on Android which can play the audio while the display is off. Nova Prime, QuickPic, ES File Explorer, and Flud are essentials. In terms of hardware, I really do like the silver XS or red XR. It simply becomes a dealbreaker once I start with iOS and iTunes again.
I'm waiting for the Sony Xperia XZ3 Compact in four months.
- l
- lyndino
- 29 Oct 2018
Anonymous, 29 Oct 2018You do realize that this is sharper than 1080p smoked (pent... moreThis is a bs argument and you know it. If Samsung put in a 960 screen with quantum dot tech (incredibly more clear than anything else out there [as an example]) you would jump all over it claiming it's nowhere near as good as anything iPhone has out.