Price history of Apple's iPhones: how did we get to €1,600?
- K
- Kriegsherr
- gIu
- 04 Nov 2018
Anonymous, 04 Nov 2018No wonder why Apple keep charging that much. Some tech si... moreTrue. Right to the point.
- ?
- Anonymous
- n58
- 04 Nov 2018
Realistic1, 04 Nov 2018In short - they are too expensive. Why? Because there are ... moreI reckon next year it will crash by crash I mean they raise the price and sell a limited amount.
- R
- Realistic1
- 3qE
- 04 Nov 2018
In short - they are too expensive.
Why? Because there are people who will just buy without much questions.
Sales are flat - but money is made because the phones are more expensive.
Makes sense but well... what when sales go down?
- d
- dude111
- 8{c
- 04 Nov 2018
Thats an increase of 28 euros every year for the base model if we normalize the first graph.
From 650 for the 4s to 850 for the XR.
Seems huge now but its not that much.
1+ for example had been increasing their price in a similar manner but instead of 200 euros during 7 years, it had been 200 euros during 4 years. Thats 50 per year! It does not look as much though because the initial price was much lower, but the increase was actually bigger.
Curious huh.
- P
- Pee
- tSv
- 04 Nov 2018
For sure Apple is not a bad guy here for raising the price to the ceiling. Now it’s up to consumers to really consider which direction of iPhone they want to see. Keep buying on silly price or give Apple a sign that they should stop this kind of ridiculous price strategy.
- A
- AJ Styles
- 0iF
- 04 Nov 2018
Haha wow my iPhone 8 is an “affordable” model.. lol
Glad I opted for the 8, but gotta admit that XS looks pretty Rockin..
- ?
- Anonymous
- Js{
- 04 Nov 2018
No wonder why Apple keep charging that much. Some tech sites give to iPhones a score higher than they should have ( Phone Arena rates Xr above Note 9 and Mate 20 Pro).
YouTubers will never point bad things about iPhones, they would lose viewers which means loss of money.
People that think iPhones are social status. People in poor countries do this. They also are paying more than twice the price paid by Americans.
- ?
- Anonymous
- XS5
- 04 Nov 2018
iPhones are not selling that good, but because of its price, Apple is still earning a lot! That was a great marketing strategy! Their consumers are force to get it because of Apple ecosystem. So no matter the price is, they will still buy it.
Watch this, it is explained properly why their iphones are getting expensive.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0UU
- 04 Nov 2018
Compared to iphone 8Plus,Xr is actually preety good value.Not just that,but even in comparison with android which is even more stagering.
So its not only Apple the ones who deserved to be pointed with a finger in articles like that.
- D
- Druzz
- mS3
- 04 Nov 2018
how do these graphs change when factoring in inflation? I expect that phones like the iphone 6 and 6s will have a higher cost
- u
- umeshk
- Dkd
- 04 Nov 2018
Anonymous, 04 Nov 2018No. And what you gonna say now?Right. Apple is not tge worst brand. Micromax is worse than apple
- Galaxy Note 10
- R5f
- 04 Nov 2018
umeshk, 04 Nov 2018True that. But those ppl wanting special status apart from... moreStatus of Foolhardy riches ! Not everyone aspires to become
- Galaxy Note 10
- R5f
- 04 Nov 2018
Apple probably knows it's technologies getting obselete and better to milk the maximum as long as it lasts! Also the greedy industry probably way ahead in many areas that makes normal consumers happy at affordable price ranges whereas Apple world lost out against them... Its RIM strategy and it only worked for shorting investors. Your can only expect smokescreen innovations to justify exorbitant prices....
- J
- Jason Melling
- kn3
- 04 Nov 2018
It is expensive because it has become a fashion accessory.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 043
- 04 Nov 2018
Kiyasuriin, 04 Nov 2018I did realize something weird.... the prices in the US and ... moreWow that is great. The iPhone 8 costed as much as the first gen, but if you think about the fact that there is inflation, it's actually cheaper.
- Kingslayer
- cUU
- 04 Nov 2018
SE is the only iPhone worth its value when first released. Blame the X for the huge spike.
Just last night, I realized I'm good with my Essential Phone, LG G5/V20, and iPhone SE. I added like 42 new songs using ClipGrab and YouTube audio, and it is such a hassle to convert them into a smaller mp3 file and then manually change the names for each song.
On my iPhone, those 42 songs still haven't been added and I still have to open up iTunes to change the titles. But I hate using iTunes. Also when you video record, the file can't be read on an Android. I need to convert it again using an mp4 converter.
Apple is supposed to be simple to use, but you have to jump through hoops to get there. I will likely be Team Android for life. It's been over 7 years using it and about 5 great years. With iOS, it's been 10 years of use but only 4 years of enjoying it.
If I keep adding another new phone, I have to manually change the titles of those songs I got from ClipGrab. That is over 100. I don't want to do that. Now on iOS, it's easier once it's done on iTunes. It's all the other hassle like no Bluetooth transfer, inferior Dasher app that no longer shows schedules days in advance, etc.
Team Android for life. I'm good with my Fantastic Four. I can rotate using them for the next four years. There will always be a hassle for me editing everything again from each app setting or song by buying a new phone. It really becomes quite daunting. Stick with what we have.
- R
- Rack
- mpU
- 04 Nov 2018
Just don't buy an Iphone, simple
- B
- BigDisplay
- nQY
- 04 Nov 2018
Kiyasuriin, 04 Nov 2018HAHAHAHA! I laughed really hard at this. nothing changed ... moreHahaha, was not to be catty, but i meet this very often with Apple users :-O
- ?
- Anonymous
- j5y
- 04 Nov 2018
AnonD-800802, 04 Nov 2018Lol Samsung is nowhere near in the same league as Apple. It... moreAnd mac still sells in single digit..
So much for a commoditized product. Also there are windows laptops that are miles better in there too...
- k
- kalel
- sXb
- 04 Nov 2018
Article made to feed the trolls. Have to keep all readers happy I guess.
Every other brand has had price increases. If any other brand was on the top then their prices would also increase.
Samsung prices have increased. Other products like cars and houses have increased. A thing called inflation plays a big part. Other brands like one plus and Huawei had their products at much cheaper prices few years ago. Their user Base has grown so has the prices.
There will be other brands who will eventually release phones around 1,000 mark too