Sony's 38MP IMX607 sensor specs leak, could end up in the Huawei P30 Pro
- S
- Shanti Dope
- Kg{
- 12 Dec 2018
Shui8, 12 Dec 2018I own a lot of Sony flagship phones before. And your wrong.... moreI want to be clear. I didn't say that Huawei didn't do the monochrome sensor thing any good, but the point is that it barely made a huge difference for the images, as compared to what Sony achieves with a similar setup. Because by logic, the P10 Plus must've also been capable of shooting native ISO 51200 images and ISO 12800 videos since its sensors are kind of similar to the XZ2 Premium, but we know that it's not the case here.
Not even the Mate 20 Pro could do ISO 12800 for video despite the larger sensor.
I do agree with the XZ2 Premium's faults in merging two images together, but updates could easily fix it, and besides, I'd take some slight errors in image merging than get a perfectly rendered image with average overall quality (lower exposure, higher noise, less details, poorer colors, etc.), but that's just my personal thing.
XZ3's software is definitely not on something as perfect, but it's really still good that it can easily cope up with the bests.
Sure it has worse dynamic range than most flagships of this year, but I would say it's about the only thing that it's inferior at.
I do wish they'd perform some sort of multi-frame image stacking without having to sacrifice other features like Predictive Capture and AF Burst, but that would require a massively powerful CPU. Not even the A12 Bionic could handle the two tasks either.
- C
- Curtisjr1
- NwI
- 12 Dec 2018
Rag, 12 Dec 2018Oh so there were Sony sensors in Huawei mate 20 pro and p20... moreSony Sensor & Leica Optics.
- S
- Shui8
- KZ8
- 12 Dec 2018
Shanti Dope, 12 Dec 2018The worst news is; you're wrong on that part.
Xperia XZ3's... moreI own a lot of Sony flagship phones before. And your wrong. Huawei monochrome sensor did well in terms of photography, especially low lights (dynamic range, contrast, highlight preserve). And that implementation since Huawei P9. XZ2 premium is great as well, but fail sometimes on rgb+monochrome merging (See Pixel Peepers on youtube).
As an ex Sony owner, XZ3 still have many problems since Z series, and they didnt bother to solve them.
- Average dynamic range (sometimes bad)
- Wrongly metering focus, causing overexposed image
- Oversharp, noisier for the sake of great details, but sometimes it cause artifacts that cannot be fix.
Yes they improve the camera since XZ2, but as of now, they are nowhere over the top.
- L
- Love the Community
- Fv4
- 12 Dec 2018
Sony's sensors are the best in the business but when Sony uses their own sensors, Sony phone's camera algorithms are average. Sensors are useless without proper programming and algorithms.
Google can make IMX 400 into a beast with their camera algorithms. Nokia at their prime (2008 - 2012) can make a sensor superior with their algorithms. Even Apple (where Nokia camera technicians applied there after Microsoft's phone division imploded) can make IMX400 into a beast. It's just Sony not doing justice with their own.
- Sony Xperia FOREVER
- fvr
- 12 Dec 2018
Anonymous, 12 Dec 2018The bad news is: xz3p will have worse image compared to com... morefirst, XZ2 Premium has the best camera in 2018 especially in low light... it's better than P20 Pro, and that note 9 or any other 2018 flagship (you name it)... go to youtube and check video comparison... so the future XZ3 Premium will certainly be better than it's predecessor!
- H
- Hoffmann
- MUa
- 12 Dec 2018
I will never undestand, why Sony supplies other OEMs with high quality sensors, but for itself it uses not the very best. Sony could have the best phone camera every year, crushing the Pixels, Samsung, or Aplle, but somehow decides to be the underdog.
- S
- S E F I R O
- jHn
- 12 Dec 2018
The quad pixel focus would be amazing and imagine that to be on a pixel phone. The capabilities especially with Night Shot would be the best of the game.
- T
- 3H9
- 12 Dec 2018
More big marketing words to fool people into thinking they are getting a top end camera. Most smartphone camera suck. On a 5inch screen, the image looks great, when you expand to a 40" TV, then you realise your smartphone takes such awful fuzzy photos. It will not replace a camera, with changeable lens.
If smartphone photography was to great, why would manufacturers be using SLR photos, to claim it came from their smartphones.
- S
- Shanti Dope
- Kg{
- 12 Dec 2018
Xtrax, 12 Dec 2018Even if Sony used it in their phone, still will be the wors... moreNoise? There are.
Artifacts? What?! Where?!
There are signs of oversharpening, but they come with a lot of detail. An oversharpened image still wouldn't look anywhere as sharp if there's not really as much detail in the raw photo, so even if there's no sharpening, it would still appear more detailed than the other lower resolution sensors.
You used to have 3 Sony flagships? Which one?
Xperia Z, Z1, and Z1 Compact?? Sure you did!
- S
- Shanti Dope
- Kg{
- 12 Dec 2018
Anonymous, 12 Dec 2018Do you think they will use the same sensor as on the S9 whi... moreDefinitely not, but we're definitely not seeing any signs of a potential Samsung ISOCELL flagship sensor that's worthy of competing to Sony's best IMX sensors. Their Quad Bayer sensor might not even beat Sony's own IMX586, let alone this IMX607.
Besides, who knows, maybe Samsung might reuse the same exact sensor again on the S10 series and just add an ultra wide angle lens as tertiary camera (since it's what Samsung is trying to do on their mid range phones as of now).
- X
- Xtrax
- nbr
- 12 Dec 2018
Sollar, 12 Dec 2018I don't really care much if it lands in a Huawei model or n... moreEven if Sony used it in their phone, still will be the worst camera of all flagships. Sony always make the noisiest artificial images even all the other phones use their sensors... Used to have 3 Sony flagships...
- S
- Shanti Dope
- Kg{
- 12 Dec 2018
Sollar, 12 Dec 2018I don't really care much if it lands in a Huawei model or n... moreThey might have something even better in their arsenal.
Sony wouldn't sell a new flagship sensor for their competitors to use earlier than them.
Who knows, maybe the next Premium would have an even larger 1/1.12" or 1/1.5" sensor with even better ISO performance, slow motion capabilities, etc.
- T
- Terano
- t@g
- 12 Dec 2018
Rag, 12 Dec 2018Oh so there were Sony sensors in Huawei mate 20 pro and p20... moreThere is different between of lens and sensor, like Nokia use Toshiba sensor and Zeiss lens in their 808 pureview
- S
- Shanti Dope
- Kg{
- 12 Dec 2018
Anonymous, 12 Dec 2018The bad news is: xz3p will have worse image compared to com... moreThe worst news is; you're wrong on that part.
Xperia XZ3's single camera competes well with the main camera of the Mate 20 Pro, which has superior hardware characteristics.
The XZ3 Premium (or XZ4 Premium) sure will destroy this one of the P30 Pro. Just like how they showed Huawei how a monochrome sensor is properly done with the XZ2 Premium.
- S
- Shanti Dope
- Kg{
- 12 Dec 2018
Rag, 12 Dec 2018Oh so there were Sony sensors in Huawei mate 20 pro and p20... moreThe lens are indeed Leica-made, but the sensors are Sony-made.
Most of the cameras today have Sony sensors. Probably even Leica cameras use Sony sensors.
- S
- Sollar
- MD3
- 12 Dec 2018
I don't really care much if it lands in a Huawei model or not. Nevertheless I sure do hope Sony will put it in their next flagship. I'd buy it in a heartbeat.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 043
- 12 Dec 2018
Shawkat, 12 Dec 2018It will crush S10 easily if samsung use the same sensor lik... moreDo you think they will use the same sensor as on the S9 which is the same sensor as on the S8?
- Whackcar
- y@W
- 12 Dec 2018
Those specs look brilliant. If it does end up on the P30 Pro, then that phone will likely be the best camera smartphone of 2019 (Might get topped by Mate 30 Pro). Huawei's camera game has been top-notch as of late, so i wouldn't expect otherwise.
2019 in gonna be a good year for smartphones!
- ?
- Anonymous
- xhm
- 12 Dec 2018
Sony Xperia FOREVER, 12 Dec 2018maybe will be used in the next XZ3 PremiumThe bad news is: xz3p will have worse image compared to competitors with the same sensor