Huawei reportedly in talks with Aptoide to find replacement for Google Play Store

22 May 2019
Huawei’s situation puts the future of Huawei’s smartphone business at risk, but it is not going down without a fight.

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Yes no one will buy phones that are preinstalled with suspicious software. All want the most secure phone and they wont buy one that have suspicious software. Huawei got what he deserved. F huawei... hahsahahahahahhhaha I work in EU for a mobile operator and i can tell you that this doesnt go well with coustomers. Over night no one wants to buy huawei. People have mibile banks and work mails etc. on their phone and they dont want to threaten their personal data. Privacey is most important thing this day not some stupid chinese brand that threatens their privacey. O yes and ones that say that they dont like samsung and apple they should think 2x. Huawei is not beter in any way and the prices are same. P30 pro that is lesser phone the iphone or s10 is the same price. People you are on GSMArena so compere them and you will see what you get from apple and samsung, and what from huawei for same price... I realy dont understand what is all that hipe with huawei. They dont have nothing that is worth mention except average mobile phones.

    • K
    • Kenli
    • vx6
    • 23 May 2019

    [deleted post]Yep. That's a possible alternative.

      Excalibur, 23 May 2019Even if the whole world ditch huawei, if sony wont increase... moreMaybe in your exuberant imagination.

        • A
        • Anonymous
        • 3cX
        • 23 May 2019

        I would rather die than buy Samsung or Apple products.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • mK9
          • 23 May 2019

          Dealler, 23 May 2019I assure you, no one in Europe will buy a phone with Chines... morekek, you are nto even european. All my friends from here said they will continue to buy huwaei and they will especially look for the one which won't have google because the price will have to be something to attract people to it. You are lagging behind like US

            I love that piece of news

              Dealler, 23 May 2019Ban without evidence? How can you know, there is no evidenc... moreAsk middle east country people.US army have been there for decade, and everybody under the sky know that those country don't have what US accused as mass destruction weapon,and i don't believe if US "found it" but keep it as "classified information"

                "Remember, part of the Huawei ban is that Huawei’s Android license from Google is revoked. This means Huawei would need to resort to AOSP builds for Android and it won’t be allowed to ship devices with Google Play Services."

                ^ Resort to AOSP builds is very, very critical. I actually like that. I prefer not to use EMUI or any iTunes-like software from the Chinese. The bigger problem is Google Play Services handles alot of stuff. That needs to turn on or you pretty much can't use Google's official apps.

                I would know this because my 5-year-old Xiaomi Mi 3 doesn't have Google Services turned on anymore. I have to side load all my apps. I can't use YouTube or Google Maps anymore. I can always restore it but it becomes a PITA to put all my files back there since I no longer have a Windows laptop to use Mi Suite.

                Trump is not messing around. And did you see the article on Qualcomm? That's actually good news for consumers! We shouldn't let Qualcomm have a monopoly. I hope this means cheaper flagships. We shouldn't be paying a grand for any flagship that becomes disposable after 2-3 years.

                  • D
                  • AnonD-867516
                  • Lh$
                  • 23 May 2019

                  Could someone explain why ZTE got Android back but Huawei can't?

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • uSZ
                    • 23 May 2019

                    Even if you give Huawei 10 years, they still wouldn't be able to create an OS that is good as Android and they still wouldn't be able to create chips as good as ARM. There are also a lot that goes into a Huawei phone that is US made. Do you think it's easy to create an entire phone in-house? Huawei is done. They will only be known inside China and North Korea.

                    I wonder if all the trouble ZTE and Huawei got from selling stuff to Iran was worth it.

                      • R
                      • Reijail Da
                      • wrr
                      • 23 May 2019

                      Guess, which country has the fortune for this case?
                      So far, trading in the IoT sector has been centralized in America, maybe it's time to shift to the EU. If it is opportunist enough, the EU can take advantage of this conflict.

                        AnonD-558092, 23 May 2019Aptoide is a malware store. Like Mobogenie. Anyway that ... more^ This comment is spot-on.

                        There's a reason we have Google Play Protect which scans for any malware. Huawei is pretty much screwed. I feel bad for the users who bought their stuff. They really do make nice devices with cool camera setups. I started paying attention to Huawei back in 2013 with the P6.

                        I was tempted to buy many of their devices but could never do it because I didn't want EMUI which needed an iTunes-like software called HiSuite to handle media on Windows which I no longer used. It's similar to Xiaomi with MIUI and their Mi PC Suite.

                        With my Essential Phone and Pixel 3, Android File Transfer on macOS works fine and AFT hasn't been updated in years! I can just drag and drop files. The Chinese completely ripped off how Apple did it which is terrible because I hate iTunes. It's so archaic.

                        It looks like Huawei's dreams of being #1 in the world is pretty much over. I know Google isn't perfect and who knows if the Pixel line will go on forever as Google hasn't exactly sold many the way Apple and Samsung does with their's. But if you want to best Android experience, you pretty much have to go to the makers of it.

                          Dealler, 23 May 2019There are already reports that trade-ins of Huawei phones t... moreEven if the whole world ditch huawei, if sony wont increase battery life, i'd still stick to huawei. P30 pro, the best phone in the world today

                            This is a freaking mess

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • mE0
                              • 23 May 2019

                              [deleted post]Are you quitting all American stuff? Even US based websites?

                                • S
                                • Sam
                                • 0WL
                                • 23 May 2019

                                Dealler, 23 May 2019There are already reports that trade-ins of Huawei phones t... moreSure that those phones are welcome for those than could not afford them before because already sold phones have and will have licenses and support. The ban is for upcoming products not those already manufactured. Good for those buying them that are smart enough not to get carried away by panic and gossips trying to do business damaging third parties.

                                  Sam, 23 May 2019Perhaps you no, but others yes. In any case, here, the deba... moreThere are already reports that trade-ins of Huawei phones tripled within 2 days in UK and Spain. European customer won´t buy phones with this level of uncertainty. They rather buy another brand a be done with it.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • NgC
                                    • 23 May 2019

                                    Anonymous, 23 May 2019People outside China will avoid this phone to spare themsel... moreYou're selfish

                                      • S
                                      • Sam
                                      • 0WL
                                      • 23 May 2019

                                      Dealler, 23 May 2019I assure you, no one in Europe will buy a phone with Chines... morePerhaps you no, but others yes. In any case, here, the debate has already started, regardless of who is more or less reliable or friendly, you can not depend so much on a specific country that can literally lay down your big companies when they want and force you to trade shitty things. It will start with the universities and the R & D departments of large companies collaborating, and then expand to the rest. But it will be achieved over time. It's time to encourage students to research proyects in that way too.

                                        • g
                                        • gringo
                                        • Ege
                                        • 23 May 2019

                                        aptoid = warez