Androids lose resale value faster than iPhones, study shows

09 February, 2012
According to a study by Priceonomics, an 18-month old iPhone can be sold for 53% of its original price.

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  • D
  • AnonD-12395
  • puG
  • 10 Feb 2012

I am not sure how data was collected. Marked for second hand is 'all over' with negotiable pricing. Robert Lichota

    • i
    • imranrulez
    • IWU
    • 10 Feb 2012

    This study is so stupid and the results are so obvious. There has been only 5 types of iPhones for the past 5 years compared to the hundreds of Androids. People seem to be too jobless these days and they come up with crazy comparisons. Do a study on the technology upgrades the Androids and iPhones get, it would be more interesting.

      • B
      • Barney Tabasco
      • S35
      • 10 Feb 2012

      No criticism of GSMA to publish, but it is one of those bits of research that are proving the obvious and would be completed within five minutes by looking at any recycling website or ebay.

      A bit like an article on research we see almost every day on the BBC (again, no criticism of them). Today's was conducted with 50,000 people through 9 different studies. The conclusion? Well, here's the headline:
      "Cannabis drivers 'twice as likely to cause car crash'"
      Really?! You don't say?!

        • B
        • Big_Bang
        • 2Td
        • 10 Feb 2012

        Its true . iPhones have have very good resale value in India...

          • b
          • broad camera user
          • 9FM
          • 10 Feb 2012

          this is not iphone vs android but how many people owned those device instead, more android owners will compete each other on how cheap their already used phone to make it sell faster :)

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • kg3
            • 10 Feb 2012

            You people know you can get a clear case for iPhones and it still cover your drop?

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • kg3
              • 10 Feb 2012

              I upgrade my Android phones every 3 months but yearly on iPhones.

                • r
                • rahul
                • utB
                • 10 Feb 2012

                This is bcoz of android have most cheapest handset in d market dat's why u cannot show a android smartphone as that's own features but iphone and bb both much costly but we all know android is far far better then bb or ios everyoe knows why any one want to sell in second hand if u have a sgs2 u may never back down. sorry for bad english......

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • wMH
                  • 10 Feb 2012

                  the money u put in for a used iphone one can buy an high end droid fone...jus coz it has a good resale value it doesn make fone worth ur money

                    • v
                    • vikas
                    • rAV
                    • 10 Feb 2012

                    one main reason is that mostly android phones are not supporting newer versions

                      • J
                      • Joe Blow
                      • vCP
                      • 10 Feb 2012

                      That was a no brainer. All you needed to do was take a squizz on eBay. What a useless article.

                        • e
                        • eddie8880
                        • N80
                        • 10 Feb 2012

                        Owning an iPhone pretty much guaranty to cover if not more for a new upgrade every year. The resale value here is so ridicolous even the last generation iPhone 4 is worth more than any latest android phones out there. After trying a few android phones(SG2&Atrix2)and owning all the iPhones I can see why such a difference. Let alone the software(personal preference)but the hardware and the design is so unmatched. Have you guys ever hold the SG2 and the iphone 4s side by side? Every curves, lines and material used is made so precise on the iPhone 4s really make any other phone feel like a toy. I really have to give it to Apple. People want their stuff. Their price is a premium because their product is a premium therefore their resale value remain at a premium price.

                          • J
                          • JImmy
                          • sS{
                          • 10 Feb 2012

                          The proliferation of Android mobiles particularly from Samsung has saturated the market with little of no difference with an upgraded product. Why buy a new Samsung when it is out of date within weeks when they release yet another mobile. This is what Nokia did. All Samsung is doing is devaluing their brand by buying market share with existing technology. People who have Android upgrade mobiles quicker than Apple or BB. Why because of the perception it is out of date quicker than other brands / operating systems, and that is true. Some 12-18 month old Android mobiles do not have enough memory etc for recent operating system upgrades, and it is still struggling with malware. The other issue is over promoting a product when real world delivery is far less than expectation. I have a Note, and while good, it is clearly over rated in what it can actually do. Android does not deliver a superior mobile call, sms, or email experience, which are the basics of a mobile.

                            • D
                            • AnonD-4697
                            • Pr@
                            • 10 Feb 2012

                            LoL too many haters here but the truth is for the price of an iPhone 4 (used) I can afford 2 SG2 hehehehe....very devaluated phones those from Samsung among many others....

                              • s
                              • shacer
                              • PB4
                              • 10 Feb 2012

                              Anonymous, 10 Feb 2012Your economics is all per the place. Resale value is calcul... morei was just saying based on price, sorry for that and tnx anywys.

                                • S
                                • Sam
                                • j}6
                                • 10 Feb 2012

                                A major factor in this is that new Android phones come out so often.
                                Whenever a "new" model comes out, the previous one will see a price drop.
                                If you notice, you will see an interesting trend in the graph...after a period of time, the difference in resale value becomes insignificant...they have all lost equal value.
                                This again supports what I soon as a new iPhone comes out, the older ones see a drop in (resale) value...just like Android phones.
                                Eventually, they all become the same...pretty worthless.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • pf3
                                  • 10 Feb 2012

                                  shacer, 10 Feb 2012of course android loses resale value becoz iphone is much e... moreYour economics is all per the place. Resale value is calculated as a percentage, so price is not the factor here. The fact of the matter is, the iPhone carries more value forward, leading to a better sales price as a percentage over its original price.

                                    • s
                                    • shacer
                                    • PB4
                                    • 10 Feb 2012

                                    of course android loses resale value becoz iphone is much expensive than android phones, and there are many phones that operate adnroid thats y it's much cheaper when it resales... and bb is second bcoz its nxt to iphone... and that doent mean that android is not a good os. btw, i dont ndrstand y bb is very xpnsive than android... android is universal..

                                      • H
                                      • Hee
                                      • trf
                                      • 10 Feb 2012

                                      I agree with this research. The same thing over here. iPhone even loses much less price in my country. This means we spend more money on Android than iPhone if we keep changing phone. Anyway i dont wanna waste money anymore so keep going for iPhone.

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-36731
                                        • TSB
                                        • 10 Feb 2012

                                        so people with more money who buy higher end phones also change phones more frequently. Duh

                                        The iPhone which is apple so also a status/image technology device has a higher resale. Duh

                                        People keep IPhones longer. Wow and their are do many new IPhones coming out all the time

                                        Did they really need to survey people to come up with this stuff. Hope no one paid for that info