Huawei expects a $10 billion dip in smartphone revenues due to US ban

23 August 2019
The new figure is much lower than the initial estimates.

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • I@a
  • 30 Aug 2019

this is a no place for people with political agenda... so will you two just take it somewhere else.

    • S
    • S Yu
    • wkc
    • 30 Aug 2019

    realitychecker, 30 Aug 2019I said that to be within the topic. To be as civil as possi... moreWow, that's some interesting sophistry here.

    So, according to you, for any US action to be justified, it has to be the *exact same* as what China has done, or else it's either off topic or something..."uncivil" and not to be spoken of, whatever in your world that might mean. Following your logic, China's currency manipulation is entirely unjustified, because "I don't recall the US devaluing the dollar to support its industries", but that's "off topic" and therefore the argument has no value! Ha! Alright you caught me kid, but anybody can see what you're playing here.

    And "discriminative", where do I show that I beg to ask? Pointing out that China is state-capitalist or that Xi is authoritarian? I'd rather say you're discriminative to the US for bashing the US while casually dismissing China's "interference" as "off topic", but yeah, go on and stick a few more leftist labels on me if it makes you happy.

    I don't expect any more replies from you, in fact you could shut up and stop confusing people with your cute "logic".

      S Yu, 30 Aug 2019You said it yourself. "In the end, we know what this is al... moreI said that to be within the topic. To be as civil as possible. You give details that are too obvious of going off topic and discriminative. You know what, I wont argue anymore with you. Have a good life. Dont expect another reply from me.

        • S
        • S Yu
        • gjD
        • 30 Aug 2019

        realitychecker, 30 Aug 2019Apparently someone isnt reading "Posting Rules" before comm... moreYou said it yourself.
        "In the end, we know what this is all about. Business."
        It's what I just said, only in more detail.
        Very poor attempt of pretending to be above it all with a holier-than-thou attitude.

          S Yu, 30 Aug 2019Your so-called bounds are self-imposed. This is all part of... moreApparently someone isnt reading "Posting Rules" before commenting. Typical. The bounds are not self imposed. Please read number 2 and 3 and 5 and 6.

            • S
            • S Yu
            • wkc
            • 30 Aug 2019

            realitychecker, 28 Aug 2019Im staying within bounds. You apparently cant. Im only tal... moreYour so-called bounds are self-imposed. This is all part of the game, except for China's state-capitalist system, almost everything is on the table. The US will try to put a lid on Huawei for China to yield in trade talks, China will either talk or it will boost Huawei through whatever means available, which to China's Xi means many more ways than any non-authoritarian regime.

              • S
              • S Yu
              • wkc
              • 30 Aug 2019

              AnonD-122899, 28 Aug 2019Scams? And you think that's happening ONLY in China because... moreWow, look at you! Textbook example of a drone.

              Baidu scams more than Google, I think we have a general consensus here. Only some Chinese aren't willing to admit that on international sites because of vain national pride, and some people like you simply argue for "proof" for the sake of whitewashing.
              How about this for proof?
              An official, provincial test administration center warns against signing up for the CEE on links yielded by search engines in fear of scams. They don't make such statements if there isn't abundant anecdotal evidence of students being scammed! Which search engines? Well Baidu has a 70% share of the Chinese search market, OTOH it certainly can't be Google outside the Great Firewall! Where on earth do you see an official test administration center speaking against access by Google??
              Now this:
              3 years after the death of Wei Zexi from Baidu medical ad scams, highly misleading medical ads are still prevalent on Baidu. Either Baidu's more deceiving than Google, or Chinese netizens are more stupid than their global counterparts, which do you think is more likely?! Lmfao!

              " I really have no idea why you even bring up birth rates in the first place when that has NOTHING to do with Huawei."
              Drone, get your story straight.
              "they don't have and do not need any of the Google or Facebook services. But their current substitutes are just on par with the US counterparts"
              What does this have to do with Huawei?
              "And that's the control that put China in safe hands, unlike where all the gun firing issues are happening in the US."
              What does this have to do with Huawei?!
              "When you are having a population blooming issues, it's time for the government to control the birth rates."

              If you have nothing but domestic brainwash to export, just don't post!

                • d
                • dim
                • t7q
                • 28 Aug 2019

                Well, Huawei makes $100B revenue so a $10B reduction does not actually mean the company is losing money, in fact, it still growing albeit at a bit slower than initially forcasted.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • MFI
                  • 28 Aug 2019

                  realitychecker, 28 Aug 2019The topic is about Huawei's US Ban. You and someone else ca... moreTopic like this often brings this "east-west" fight because it's relating. But yes you're right people should better try to keep the topic. This is no political battlefield.

                    AverageUser, 28 Aug 2019Because of people like you, we are in situation that we are... moreThe topic is about Huawei's US Ban. You and someone else cant stay within bounds. Lets talk about the US Ban, or is US justified to go around preaching for nation to stay away from Huawei? Is this dip in revenue will come away? Implications on future innovations and others. You know, things like that... Gsmarena became a platform of ppl with political agenda nowadays. Sad.

                      S Yu, 27 Aug 2019Really? You call that "indirectly dictating these nation's ... moreIm staying within bounds. You apparently cant. Im only talking about these countries decision and would be decision on US Ban which this article is about anyway. The main concern of US is spying concerns, which I said that they are guilty of as well. And now, they go on preaching the world to stay away from huawei with concerns on spying. Oh the irony. Oh the hypocrisy.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • MSJ
                        • 28 Aug 2019

                        AnonD-122899, 28 Aug 2019They are the government. What else do you want? If you not ... moreI Have to react a little here for once. "People never satisfy" this is the only thing I can agree. That doesn't mean they should live in any non-free regime at all though. Has nothing to do with that and it's no excuse for that.
                        Either you are part of such regime whether "fan", victim who don't know anything else or you have no idea how such regime might affect your life. Being not obedient puppy doesn't mean lion den, chaos etc. "You should be completely monitored" -this is quite scary to me, really. And if someone tries to change government or anything might end up in prison or worse. No kidding.
                        I have never been to China and things are not just simple so take it I'm speaking in general here. Ask them not me how much this applies to them specifically. But I must be on democracy regime's side for sure. Sorry for Anonymous only, just a single comment from me here.

                          • D
                          • AnonD-122899
                          • Gfx
                          • 28 Aug 2019

                          AverageUser, 28 Aug 2019Because of people like you, we are in situation that we are... moreThey are the government. What else do you want? If you not happy about them, overthrow them then! If you can that's it. Why not you blame yourselves for never being satisfy, regardless of whichever government. Humans will NEVER be satisfy. That's why people like you who always trying to challenge the system, thinking that what you are doing are noble but in actual fact creating chaos, should be punished. That's why people like you should completely be monitored. Never is your fault, but always the government. So what if everyone is the obedient puppy? Or do you prefer living in a lion den? "Also - you lost your job and can't pay your bill in time?" Is that government fault too? Go and find yourself another job! No one owe you your life. Stop being a complaining leech of the society.

                          I missed the trash can? NO! You ARE the trash can of the society - never see the facts but accepting rubbish ideas thrown by others.

                            AnonD-122899, 28 Aug 2019You should know one thing. When people are given too much f... moreBecause of people like you, we are in situation that we are.

                            Once you're completley monitored and your govermnent has absolute power, they can do whatever they want. If you complain or criticise - they instantly punish you.
                            Also - you lost your job and can't pay your bill in time? Sorry buddy, your social credit score goes down.
                            You missed the trash can? - Whoops - again...
                            You have no idea how much anxiety it creates to be constantly monitored.

                            Too much freedom won't turn you into a wild animal. But too much control will turn you into government's obedient puppy. Also, I'd rather be wild animal than someone's property on a leash...

                            If you're too blind to see that, that's beyond me, but what is sad is that other people will have to be in same boat as you are, because of your supporting of it.

                              • D
                              • AnonD-122899
                              • Gfx
                              • 28 Aug 2019

                              AverageUser, 26 Aug 2019Sad thing is that you have no idea what freedom is... Le... moreYou should know one thing. When people are given too much freedom, they will go wild and become animals. That's freedom for you.

                              Define "normal citizen". Can the people in China can't buy iPhones? Do they not have TV and cinemas and other entertainments? They are just enjoying lives like every other countries in the world! Yes, they can't access to Google, Facebook, Instagram etc etc. So??? They have their own services and FYI, their companies also also investing in Western movies!

                              I don't care if they are forced to do good things or not, as long as they are doing good, what's the problem here???! Or do you prefer to have chaos all over the place??? Seriously dude!

                                • D
                                • AnonD-122899
                                • Gfx
                                • 28 Aug 2019

                                S Yu, 26 Aug 2019"Yes they don't have and do not need any of the Google or F... moreScams? And you think that's happening ONLY in China because of Baidu?? More than Google?? Show the proof here. LOL! I think you really need to see the world more clearly. You sounds like scams are nowhere else except China. And seriously, I really have no idea why you even bring up birth rates in the first place when that has NOTHING to do with Huawei. And now you have deviated from the Huawei topic to human trafficking and rapes. If you have nothing to contribute, just don't post.

                                  • S
                                  • S Yu
                                  • wkc
                                  • 27 Aug 2019

                                  realitychecker, 26 Aug 2019You lost the point tbh. Every nation must respect other nat... moreReally? You call that "indirectly dictating these nation's policies"? Then what about China's pressuring of SK regarding THAAD? Since THAAD is on SK soil according to you they obviously have no right to complain, right?
                                  "they are guilty of the same wrong doing that they are accusing the Chinese of"
                                  Obstruction of free trade? No, not on the same magnitude. As I already mentioned before China is a closed market, it's State Capitalist, which is fundamentally anti-free trade and is what the US aims to change. In general terms, they will fail as this is not on the table for the Chinese regime, but it remains to be seen if they could get any substantial concessions from China that may make trade terms slightly more fair between these two economies of similar scale. China's debt is also ballooning following the US but since Chinese media is tightly controlled nobody in China writes about this, the only perspective is the outsider's, while China only puts up a stance to fight to the bloody end.

                                    • S
                                    • S Yu
                                    • wkc
                                    • 27 Aug 2019

                                    Dazzler, 27 Aug 2019Gpu Turbo - Still not a complete review as i experience on ... more"Still not a complete review"
                                    Alright, they claimed 60% increase, I say that's a lie from the recorded quantified frame rates of Anandtech etc. that clearly do not yield "60%" no matter how you play with the numbers, you give me "I could barely...before...After the patch its smoothly all the way" and call that "a complete review"??
                                    "Theres no placebo effects." lmao are you aware that animations are actually rendered at 6-12fps despite the standard 24fps data stream? They're designed to look smooth despite very few *actual* frames rendered. Who are you to say that your subjective "smoothly" is 60% more than your subjective "barely playing"?? lmao!

                                    Where's the proof? The proof is abundant.
                                    This is another guy who did a much more detailed test than the first guy who got fired and eventually managed to trigger some degree of the moon faking using a round crop of calligraphy. Calligraphy! He used a photo of paper and ink, cropped it to a round shape, blurred it, tweaked the WB, and it triggered the moon faking!
                                    You probably could read this, even if you can't you have Google Translate.

                                    "Plus if Huawei patch it to remove the additional texture image, why the Moon Mode still works?"
                                    What's happening here is you're deliberately twisting my words. Let me make myself unmistakably clear:
                                    Before the patch, Huawei's moon mode *undeniably did* moon faking, but by no means does this conclude that moon mode doesn't *simultaneously* do "exposure, focusing, shutter speed, metering, clarity enhancement" and whatever else you claimed!
                                    After the patch, Huawei's moon mode *may no longer* do moon faking, but by no means does this conclude that moon mode doesn't *continue to* do "exposure, focusing, shutter speed, metering, clarity enhancement" and whatever else you claimed!

                                      S Yu, 26 Aug 2019“u didnt even know how Gpu Turbo works” Why on earth would... moreGpu Turbo - Still not a complete review as i experience on my older Kirin 960 devices, with or without the patch. Theres no placebo effects. I could barely playing PUBG on high settings before considering average GPU power on QHD res. After the patch its smoothly all the way. Experience matters, no two words about it. And about the Mali & Adreno renders quality, doesnt change the facts about the stability improvements.

                                      Moon Mode - Wheres the proof? All i saw on XDA are some people claims to be 'researchers', comparing real moon photos from DSLR, tone the details down to P30 Pro smartphone camera level and calls it as fake. Plus if Huawei patch it to remove the additional texture image, why the Moon Mode still works? Where does it gets the so called 'textures' from after the patch? Seems like u confuse with your own words.

                                        • c
                                        • concerned person
                                        • Gxx
                                        • 26 Aug 2019

                                        AverageUser, 26 Aug 2019It is not about race, it's about my own privacy actually. ... moresurely chinese isnt a race but , a nationality/ ?