Apple to sell its two-billionth iPhone this year
- ?
- Anonymous
- 81X
- 10 Jan 2020
Trooper, 10 Jan 2020And don't forget their contribution to landfill. With so ma... moreWith industry leading product lifespans, industry leading support lifespans, and handset designs that have focused on making the most common usability repairs (screens, batteries) simple, Apple's landfill contribution is likely quite disproportionate with their market size. Not to mention the recycling program they've been operating for years.
- B
- Bewildered
- LaT
- 10 Jan 2020
Note7 owner, 10 Jan 2020The single most popular piece of electronic from a singular... moreThe only thing I don't understand is how and why so many essentially priorities the cost of an IPhone as an essential cost, so I wonder if a mid school pupil has one do the parents have an iPhone
Whilst the high cost of this phone is forefront in my mind, iPhone or Apple has restricted / disabled media sharing features like Bluetooth and Wi-Fi
IPhones as is even if sale prices made them essentially give away, NO
- s
- suni08
- nGa
- 10 Jan 2020
Trooper, 10 Jan 2020And don't forget their contribution to landfill. With so ma... moreIt’s ultimately the consumer’s choice to purchase a phone, and their choice to upgrade it
Apple providing 4+ years of updates goes a long way to help keep these devices for longer, and some focus on sustainability can be appreciated
- N
- NotAnOpinion
- 4dt
- 10 Jan 2020
Most Samsung fanboy-ism keeps on forgetting that Apple's main strength is software. Before the iPod/iPhone/iPad/iWearable revolution, services like Music App (Beats music/iTunes), etc. were bound to come to Apple without these devices.
Before the "iPortable" industry game-changer:
Final Cut Pro
MacBook Air
Apple TV
Apple has been a industry-leader in innovation for decades unlike one-hit-wonders like Huawei, Xiaomi and BBK.
- T
- Trooper
- mx}
- 10 Jan 2020
travstr, 10 Jan 2020you have to commend Apple's ability to make a product (and ... moreAnd don't forget their contribution to landfill. With so many phones being produced to bolster their already insanely huge bank balance, it's a fair possibility that quite a number end up there...
- t
- travstr
- 8rD
- 10 Jan 2020
you have to commend Apple's ability to make a product (and ecosystem) people think they can't do without.
- a
- a simple dude
- Nuq
- 10 Jan 2020
Fusion, 10 Jan 2020True. Unfortunately GSMA has become full of jealous Android... moreExactly every iPhone related article as at least 60 or more comments... Android users need to chill a bit.
- F
- Fusion
- jeu
- 10 Jan 2020
dude111, 10 Jan 2020Bu but GSMarena users keep saying that apple is doomed!!!11True. Unfortunately GSMA has become full of jealous Android fanboys obsessed with Apple. Funny how every Apple article always has the most comments full of iHaters.
- d
- dude111
- 8{e
- 10 Jan 2020
Note7 owner, 10 Jan 2020The single most popular piece of electronic from a singular... moreBu but GSMarena users keep saying that apple is doomed!!!11
- N
- Note7 owner
- k2G
- 10 Jan 2020
The single most popular piece of electronic from a singular company has to be the iPhone. I wouldn't be surprised if it has already surpassed Sony's Walkman in it's booming times. The best part is, it doesn't look like iPhone sales are going to end anytime soon. Apple will probably think of a way to clone human beings so they could sell more iPhones to them.
- M
- Mikey
- J7P
- 10 Jan 2020
Not an Apple fan, but kudos to the Co.
Not all Cos. can achieve such sale figures with such limited choice of products. It's truly great. Congrats.