We need your help: how to fix our voting system
- S
- Scoop
- P$u
- 21 Apr 2012
GP, 20 Apr 2012This is the most Affordable and practical approach for GSMA... moreThats amazing!! I agree.:)
- D
- AnonD-5583
- uvg
- 21 Apr 2012
Very funny. That wave1 with stupid bada OS was perenially at no-2 for last two years. Gsmarena had no problems with it. Sammy out of the list and here u go, crying foul and screaming for "help".
- Z
- Zeus
- BJ8
- 21 Apr 2012
In addition to this, why don't you guys have a rating of your own at the end of reviews (and alongside the specs page of devices you review)? I would take your review 'score' far more seriously than readers' votes.
- s
- s8isfi
- KIv
- 21 Apr 2012
1. Your rating system for mobiles should first of all need to be an aggregate of a rating system for the Hardware specs, a rating for OS and customization, ergonomics, Build quality and votes received from users registered with gsmarena.com and rating from other reviewers.
2. Here is a suggested distribution of weightage:-
Hardware specs----------------20% staff
OS and OS customizations------10% staff
Ergonomics--------------------10% staff
Build quality-----------------10% staff
User Votes--------------------30% Users
Reviews aggregate-------------20% reviewers
3. How about pulling down the ratings from the front page for the mean time, it reflects an unhealthy image of the otherwise marvellous efforts that you guys are putting in.
- K
- Kam
- RbX
- 21 Apr 2012
Thanks giving an opportunity to honest non members first.I'm a daily base gsmarena.com visitor.Its my favorite website so I'm taking this matter seriously and
like to offer some solution. First of all I support 2nd and 3rd option also just like most of the people but what I think to do it is with help of some expert web developers voting section should be design in a way that once i vote for a phone from any device PC or cellphone it goes disable and saved on that device automatically with IP address etc,so that way if I'm cheating and trying my phone to get more votes just by clicking again and again i won't be able to do that..I'm gonna need a fresher computer and internet connection to vote again..that might reduce the way same person give vote to the same phone and causing inaccurate results.I'm not technical expert but that's all I can think of right now.
Thank You
- M
- Mustafa
- svH
- 21 Apr 2012
thank you for this needed change, I think you can implement both 2 and 3, a most popular phone and another rank based, and all voting should be done by logged in users only
- D
- AnonD-13569
- vGe
- 21 Apr 2012
AnonD-12889, 21 Apr 2012I hv an idea and that is u can stop people rating mobile ph... morethis is a foolish idea. i come to gsmarena very often but never visited it from my phone, only pc or laptop (don't have a tablet). voting only if you own a device will restrict many serious voters and their votes.
- D
- AnonD-13569
- vGe
- 21 Apr 2012
Mine is tedious but one of the most appropriate idea.
You should do one thing, bring two divisions, first would be editors choice and second would be user's choice.. user's choice should be displayed on every mobile's page, while editor's choice should only be on the homepage of gsmarena.
In user's choice the best thing would be that for phones with price more than $350(or $400 may be) you use the 2 option. And for phones with price less than that you use option 3.
But option 3 for all the phones would be a pathetic idea. you cannot give a low rating to a phone which deserves it.
While in editor's choice the team of gsmarena should give the best 5 phones for every budget.
for eg. you can give a list of best five phones above $500, best five phone between $400-500, best five phones between $300-400, best five phones below $300.
- D
- AnonD-40651
- fsV
- 21 Apr 2012
I think i prefer option #2. The voting system should be limited.
- B
- BossRJ
- vxk
- 21 Apr 2012
Better to display 3 bars:
Pros, Cons, and Averall...
at least, they can view how anyone had experience to the item...
also, for those who are registered, can provide feedback for the item...
Whether it is positive or negative...
- ?
- Anonymous
- uvj
- 21 Apr 2012
only allow logged users to vote for a smartphone and once, you can do this thing easily
- h
- h.shahrabi
- T4t
- 21 Apr 2012
i think there is no way to stop this problem at all, but there are some few trick to reduce it. for example , you can force the users to send their votes with email ! everyone has an email, but some people have more !
or you can add a forced explain option for each vote , it means each user , must say in their word way they give 8 or 9 or 2 ! in this case, each person can say a few words about their vote , and it makes voting a little longer and harder way ! and if some one 10 times votes for a phone with 10 different reasons , i think those votes are acceptable . but as i said , whenever there is a stop way, people will find another way of cheat !
- D
- AnonD-12889
- bJe
- 21 Apr 2012
I hv an idea and that is u can stop people rating mobile phones 4m their pcs..
U should make an app for every platform of mobiles like java, android, ios,symbian all versions and people can log in to the app in mobile device with their FB account to rate the phone and the condition is that they can only able to rate that phone model in which they have installed the app as u have 2 make the app for auto detect the mobile model..
But comment should be as usual like now.
One more thing is u should open a new pool with editors ratings ....
Now the problem is that how to rate phones that doesn't support java or any thing like Nokia 1110. well in that case only editors ratings should be under consideration ..
becoz the real battle is going on between various smart phones.
whats more disappointing is that people are rating phone even they are not available in market.
Now what this system will do is that it will prevent people from rating mobiles they dont like or they are not using & only people who r using it can rate it will rate it perfectly instead of false rating by ppl who nvr used the model & rate it.
- R
- Raja (India)
- bJe
- 21 Apr 2012
I hv an idea and that is u can stop people rating mobile phones 4m their pcs..
U should make an app for every platform of mobiles like java, android, ios,symbian all versions and people can log in to the app in mobile device with their FB account to rate the phone and the condition is that they can only able to rate that phone model in which they have installed the app as u have 2 make the app for auto detect the mobile model..
But comment should be as usual like now.
One more thing is u should open a new pool with editors ratings ....
Now the problem is that how to rate phones that doesn't support java or any thing like Nokia 1110. well in that case only editors ratings should be under consideration ..
becoz the real battle is going on between various smart phones.
whats more disappointing is that people are rating phone even they are not available in market.
- D
- AnonD-51483
- fu$
- 21 Apr 2012
The use of bayesian methods
- D
- AnonD-51481
- myb
- 21 Apr 2012
As you're a mobile technology oriented website, you could consider allowing votes from mobile devices only, via either an app or SMS for example? Might be easier to log genuinely individual votes from mobile devices, especially if you can isolate and restrict voting from the mobile internet subnets/IP ranges...
- ?
- Anonymous
- vwm
- 21 Apr 2012
No. 3
- B
- dWB
- 21 Apr 2012
Just scrap the voting system altogether, publish only the expert votes or the actual sales figures for each phone... that reflects the real world and not just fanboys that have nothing better to do...keep up the good work, you give a great service,thank you
- V
- Vrij
- H4t
- 21 Apr 2012
Allow comments only by people logged in. Login can be FB, Google or Yahoo. Don't give too many login options like twitter, myspace, openid, etc. Limit to 2-3.
- ?
- Anonymous
- q{2
- 21 Apr 2012
GP, 19 Apr 2012There should be 1) Editor's choice 2) Members Choice 3)... moreI really like this idea. Thanks for sharing it.