We need your help: how to fix our voting system
- D
- AnonD-50018
- Kiu
- 21 Apr 2012
Well, we don't need to see thousands of peoples votes..
We just need to see the votes of experts.. actually..
so... maybe if you could collect 2- to 100 experts with objective point of view.. it would be great..
Don't put the vote sign.. just ask directly to the experts.. simple..
- s
- snoopy
- v{N
- 21 Apr 2012
I have a suggestion for the voting pattern. The correct scoring of the phone is helpful.
Anybody voting should give particular reason why he likes the phone, the criteria will be created by you, Your system will automatically give the rating to the phone based on the response and reasons given by the person voting. In this way you can see the fake votes. eg. person praising a lousy camera on the phone, lousy browser speed. outdoor visibiltiy, user interface, you can see who is lying and this person can be kept out of the voting. The person dispraising a phone has to tell why he is doing so, like phone hanging, etc etc.
- N
- Nadeem
- KIv
- 21 Apr 2012
I think you only have to increase the time gap between votes from the samé IP address. For example if the prwvious time gap was 2 hours, increase it to 3 days. In this way you will recieve fake votes in a věry low number. Restricting votes to single ip address or social account wont help you as WiFi enabled mobiles have lots of choices to vote from alternate addresses. And also inform the voter that their vote has been rejected.
- ?
- Anonymous
- TuE
- 21 Apr 2012
- D
- AnonD-51468
- U@H
- 21 Apr 2012
Lalea, 21 Apr 2012You will never solve this problem with just manipulating co... moreyour 2nd suggestion is nice but there will be no garuntee that one who is giving his e-mail id belongs to him or someone else's.
- A
- Andy
- u7L
- 21 Apr 2012
step 3 is secure.
- S
- Somu2911
- Xuk
- 21 Apr 2012
its true that every option has an advantage as well as disadvantage... But it still a fair system is what we need!
Well, i would like option 3 from what GSMarena came up... But i wonder what if u can add a captcha to the voting it will slow down the voting thing from fan boys... But u can definetly decrease the automating the votes tho... I have to admire the GSMarena for noticing the issue! Hope things will get better and in fairplay!
- D
- AnonD-51468
- U@H
- 21 Apr 2012
many uses internet cafe to acces site...so there is also problem that if a user has already vote then next user will have problem in voting...so i think relying on ip adress is also not a good idea...
- D
- AnonD-51468
- U@H
- 21 Apr 2012
i think 2nd option is the best one...bcoz users have to login which will require atlest two step this is profit for the site and the problem is also solved...
And obviosly one user will be allowed to vote only once for a device...
- S
- Somu2911
- 7qC
- 21 Apr 2012
its true that every option has an advantage as well as disadvantage... But it still a fair system is what we need!
Well, i would like option 3 from what GSMarena came up... But i wonder what if u can add a captcha to the voting it will slow down the voting thing from fan boys... But u can definetly decrease the automating the votes tho... I have to admire the GSMarena for noticing the issue! Hope things will get better and in fairplay!
- v
- vikrant
- U@H
- 21 Apr 2012
i find 2nd option will be the best...and one user can vote for once for any device...
- L
- Lalea
- sG%
- 21 Apr 2012
You will never solve this problem with just manipulating code or the network. It was not designed to differentiate between actual users. This is why accounts and passwords were introduced. Having said that, there are solutions such as using facebook accounts etc. but that takes away the persons anonymity which is what voting systems are meant to be. Filtering is hard work because you have to create filters for every single situation as it arises. There is another option which has been adopted by other sites (mine included) and which works but like everything else it has it's cons as well. It's an email verification system. It works similar to account authentication via email. Your vote only shows up if you have entered an email address from which you then verify your vote and only then it shows up. It might take a little persuading but if it's explained to users that their email is not going to be misused and that indeed their vote will count 100% unlike when it's watered down by fake votes, it might just work. Just a thought.
- s
- sri
- uv0
- 21 Apr 2012
sorry, only let logged users to vote, in this way the count of users having an account(in gsmarena) will be increased,
my last post was a thrash
- s
- sri
- uv0
- 21 Apr 2012
you may try this one make the people to make an account on your website and let them vote once and your problem will be solved
- b
- burat
- v0q
- 21 Apr 2012
theres only one way to make sure but companies may not approve this and this is also a lot of work. ask for the compaany's imei checker. dont allow voting if imei is not listed.
- ?
- Anonymous
- iie
- 21 Apr 2012
Anonymous, 20 Apr 2012There shall always be this problem. Huge comapnies have arm... moreAgreed...
Take the voting away.
Comments> voting
- D
- AnonD-51461
- fuN
- 21 Apr 2012
Maybe try text/video chat/call some of your fans across d globe let them have there options on their product. Good things don't come cheap neither do genuine vote come that easy.
- f
- flamingH
- SH{
- 21 Apr 2012
I am so sorry to se how people can be so rude and have no honor. Its a shame to see such a good web side get waisted because such people :(
- s
- stupidboy
- H5K
- 21 Apr 2012
I'd say, implement your own rating of the phone you review...that would seem you will have to do more reviews as there's quite a few phones which doesn't have reviews at all...
also the simplest thing is to let only logged people to vote...although I'm personally not a fan of any association with facebook with any other site than facebook, therefore i don't log onto any site that requires facebook login, except facebook...
it saddens me to see how people are willingly giving way for facebook to occupy internet...
- k
- key
- 9CR
- 20 Apr 2012
im not sure anything can help 100%, but out of the suggested ones, option number 3 seems best to me. if u use good filters, eg. too short time between hits from similar ip-s, it will be great.