We need your help: how to fix our voting system
- I
- Iyrdgr8
- 2Z7
- 20 Apr 2012
3rd Option is best
- ?
- Anonymous
- vGq
- 20 Apr 2012
Dispite all the flaws it has thrown up the best phones and you guys have been bang on till date.
So my choice is 1 or 3
- D
- AnonD-237
- 20 Apr 2012
Go with Option 3.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 20 Apr 2012
prefer the third one, but alow for users to vote for one celphone every 2 months, so the user wil be voting for a phone that he really had.
- H
- HTC-dezire
- 20 Apr 2012
Man we are voting for fun not to make phone better or worse. The big company pay enough to promote their phones and wash-brain us. Leave the people choice no restrictions there are forum and professionals reviews with comments to show good phones.We just want to be updated to have choice to tell our preferences :) VOTE
FREE or No-vote at all.
- J
- Japormz
- khM
- 20 Apr 2012
The 3rd one will be most likely be successful.
- D
- AnonD-6193
- KA5
- 20 Apr 2012
Hi Gsmarena,
I work for UniverCell, India.
We are planning to introduce new rating system. Not sure how its going to be. Still, you might get a better idea than this.
- D
- AnonD-51270
- wMH
- 20 Apr 2012
My suggestion would be for you guys to rate the phones during your reviews for each of the different factors and put them side-by-side to the user ratings. This would give the viewers better information regarding the phones. You can also use a relative scale for the user ratings based on your ratings.. This would help in controlling the absurd ratings on some phones since all fanboys votes will be scaled relative to ur vote..
I'm in favour of the 2nd option. The 3rd option of voting for just one phone isn't a good one as many of us have more than one phone and will soon be adding more phones and would like to vote for them as well..
- ?
- Anonymous
- MmH
- 20 Apr 2012
AnonD-51260, 20 Apr 2012Option 3 is the best. I hate all these 2008 phones being on... moreGiven that many 2008 phones still beat many 2012 phones by features and quality, your hate of older.phones becomes your own problem. Never speak of your own problems in public. You will be laughed at.
- v
- vishal
- rA7
- 20 Apr 2012
third one is the best ,,,, or
u can apply sm rules like phone such as htc one x cant be given down votes greater than 100 ,,, like limiting the down votes for good phones,,,
:-) best of luck,,
- ?
- Anonymous
- PxR
- 20 Apr 2012
user must rate after having information for any cellphone.. not just because of love. :D
- c
- categorize
- PA}
- 20 Apr 2012
categorize first the type of smartphones - LOWEND, HIGHEND, MIDRANGE and filter it by YEAR.
Of course the highend phone this year might be the midrange next year in terms of features.
Your voting system is bias and unfair to MIDRANGE models.You ALWAYS put CONS when you review midrange like (no divx support,single core only, etc.) THAT would greatly affect how people would vote,too.
You shouldn't put CONS on your review if the phone sits where it should be.This ain't good.
- D
- AnonD-45871
- 7t5
- 20 Apr 2012
The best way is to introduce a new system with positive ratings and for only registered users.... And give more importance to experts opinion and the company' marketing strategy used so on....
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3aA
- 20 Apr 2012
3 and 2 look the best, but for number 2 if the person has to be logged in then im guessing you can filter out lots of votes from one person on a phone, so 2 looks promising.
- b
- babdi
- ijy
- 20 Apr 2012
Reader, 20 Apr 20123rd option is the best... it will be a problem for sometime... moreOption 3. Reset vote counters and start afresh. Checking vote spamming. If within a perticular time you see too many votes then delete the votes.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 2xE
- 20 Apr 2012
1) Reset all ratings.
2)User must be logged in to rate.
Registration will be checked using a valid mobile phone number. Your system will send SMS to that phone number with verification code (4 digits for example) to complete registration.
3) Disable all previous accounts and force them to add a valid phone number so that you can send SMS to their phone to re-activate the account.
Problem Solved. :)
- A
- Arun Kumar Nechlani
- 9xE
- 20 Apr 2012
Hi GSMArena,
I think you should start doing poll [only logged in user can poll] . That will make easy to find rankings of the phone.
- v
- vivek
- up7
- 20 Apr 2012
The second options seems the best..if the less popular phones gets less votes, it would reflect it is less popular for some reasons..
- s
- sesha
- 7t5
- 20 Apr 2012
Probably a mix of all a new system with positive ratings only for registered users with filtering..
- A
- Asad khan
- 6P$
- 20 Apr 2012
you guys know better then any other simple user.
But I will divide the Voting into 3 parts. because
Some User Come to see their desire phone they see its specs and give them rating as high as possible without using phone.
1st: Rating for the user not using phone.
2nd: Rating for the user having That particular Cell.
The 1st section User will have Smaller percentage less value, While the 2nd section will be more preferable and high percentage in voting.
Note: For The 2nd, Where registered user have their database which will have their current phone record. So when Submitting the Vote it will be compare with database whether He/She has that Cell.So thats why the Vote will go to 2nd section.
3rd: Why we visit this website?
Because their are alot of person like me who don't know what is good for them,They true you people, they wait and watch your review, They consider you as a judge to give them a good conclusion , Pros and Cons about the cell. so this 3rd part is for your Vote.
Something like this.
1st: 20%
2nd: 40%
3rd: 40%
.... Just wished to share. Thanks