We need your help: how to fix our voting system
- F
- Farhan
- ubF
- 20 Apr 2012
Introduce your own log-in system and stop your dependancy on Facebook (If you can't implement following restrictions on Facebook accounts). Then just allow users to only vote for certain number of phones in a day. For example, a user can only vote for two/three phones in a single day. In this way, the chances of unfair rates would be very less and the percentage of fradulent ratings will be so low that it won't be having that much of impact in overall rating. This method is quick and you don't need to change everything altogether. Hope it helps!
- a
- anon
- PFx
- 20 Apr 2012
how about make two types of rating system? gsm arena rating and user vote rating?
this way it will be easier to know which phone is better. so in the home screen there will be new tab or something like "best phone by gsm arena"
but you must update that list continously. and must consider the possibility of two phone with same rating (from gsm arena)
- ?
- Anonymous
- A5w
- 20 Apr 2012
Option 3 for me
- ?
- Anonymous
- mP8
- 20 Apr 2012
Number 3.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Aff
- 20 Apr 2012
Option 3
- r
- rtyhrdthdrtgf
- 20 Apr 2012
option 3 is best
- D
- AnonD-51236
- Jna
- 20 Apr 2012
number 3
- n
- ninehneh
- Mf5
- 20 Apr 2012
option 3 sounds best. and gives a fair vote to all phones, regardless entry models or high end ones.
- D
- AnonD-44227
- qbH
- 20 Apr 2012
Only allow registered users to vote?
Users who have been members a minimum of 1month-ish?
you still cant stop fanboys from giving all 10s or all 1s when it comes down to it though
make a system of Adding points across the board for devices that get a lot of "daily interest"??
regardless of whats done again you can't stop it fully
captchas would only annoy users to death so that only fanboys would still be willing to vote
registered user voting system would be best imo (and only users who've been registered for a set period of time/activity)
- F
- Fonemad
- vuL
- 20 Apr 2012
How about creating a log in system that doesn't require Facebook? Allow users to sign up via email address instead, then reset all scores and only allow users to vote once on each phone. Also, allow the user to go back and alter their vote at a later date if necessary. But keep the 3 categories as that is quite important. Also, an average rating of the three categories combined would be great to quickly view the overall opinion of the phone. Allowing a non-Facebook log in would also allow some cool other features like signing up for email notifications on stories/ reviews/ info relating to a users chosen handset. It might also then allow for a favourites list tht you can add devices to as well.
I think that would work...
- O
- Omar Mohamed (Egypt)
- Nqk
- 20 Apr 2012
Another thing: you can give registered members` votes ahigher proirity.
- D
- AnonD-8676
- Pxx
- 20 Apr 2012
Try making the lowest vote 5 and the highest 10.
- O
- Omar Mohamed (Egypt)
- Nqk
- 20 Apr 2012
Both 1 and 2.
What I mean is to leave the system as it is,
but to make the single voting process take much more time by requesting the voter to retype some Unobvious letters from a generated picture.
with this: you still have your statistics,
you made it harder on fanboys, and open for guests either.
I am against option 3 because I think I have the right to express my anger from aphone that annoyed me on use.
It makes me more angry when there`s something annoys me and I can`t express about it.
And thanks....
- ?
- Anonymous
- K1G
- 20 Apr 2012
vote for no 2
- D
- AnonD-51234
- M%j
- 20 Apr 2012
Option 3.
Also adding a captcha would fit the bill.
- D
- AnonD-491
- 2@e
- 20 Apr 2012
Option 2
- d
- dis
- fv@
- 20 Apr 2012
My 2 opinions:
1. use (captcha-the easy to read one,please) to avoid automated vote spammers
2.collect small part of computer information like browser version,screen resolution e.t.c. and allow voting once a day per phone. If some 3 to 4 details much e.g. screen resolution browser version 44.563,disallow user to vote for another 24 hours :)
- ?
- Anonymous
- PB1
- 20 Apr 2012
Number 2 or 3 seems ok
- D
- rK7
- 20 Apr 2012
Number '3' seems good. It would be better if 'satisfaction' (by the user) column is added considering it different than 'performance' (of the gadget)...
- i
- idaadi
- x$U
- 20 Apr 2012
I am thinking of a captcha for each vote (after 1 min of thought ) will try to come up with more tomorrow.