Nokia Lumia 900 launch pushed back to May, blame US demand
- D
- AnonD-12237
- wgF
- 25 Apr 2012
its simply the best looking phone with the best hardware. thats why there is so much demand. WP is the best OS after iOS and MeeGo
- a
- adam
- wra
- 25 Apr 2012
so lumia 900 is really on high demand in US, wow I'm impressed. because recently I heard negative issue regarding nokia sales of lumia 900.
well, even though I don't use winphone or lumia, I do hope a good phone to sell well. competition is good for us as consumer, regardless of brand or manufacturer.
- R
- Rehman
- uv2
- 25 Apr 2012
Hello Nokia fans and haters.
You guys are really pathetic.
Stop comparing WP7 with Android.
Android is a senior OS, and it is the leader now. WP7 is a young OS. It is the first version of the OS, just think how Android was, when it was 1.6. Give some time to WP to became mature.
Stop blaming Nokia. Today WP is growing due to Nokia. They create another ecosystem for mobile OS. We consumer get another option to choose. MS is trying hard to get in competition with Android and iOS. And i love competition. From this competition , we the customers will get benefit. Google vs MS vs Apple. I love it. I am not a fanboy of any brand. I love good device, whatever be the brand it is.
- a
- appu
- U{h
- 25 Apr 2012
I think people should buy what they want. Shouldn't dictate others what to buy or brag. I personally like Nokia, and admit Android is better than Symbian or WP at this point. But its not that they can't become better. If you compare the earlier phones of windows, they were damn bad. They have improved on there UI. The things they need to improve on is making Apps cheap and plenty of usefull apps. I believe they can give Android a tough competion if they address these issues along with some other important issues like bluetooth connectivity and overdependence of Zune
- b
- blueglue
- wd8
- 25 Apr 2012
Omar Mohamed, 25 Apr 2012I won`t blame US.
Nokia had closed 2 factories lately an... moreInformative comment i've come across in this thread.
Good one mate
- l
- lol
- 05v
- 25 Apr 2012
AnonD-1082, 25 Apr 2012WP is not good. It is EXCELLENT! If you want a mediocre sma... moreonly time wil tel that's al i have to say !but i give WP maximum 2 years mark my words ! and if nokia doesen't go to android i a short time! i tel you it wil be over !
i work at media markt in the telecom divsion ! and i now perfectly whats selling and what not!and in the end of the day thats the only thing that counts!noby is europ wp is a big Zero !!! dont understand me wrong i love nokia and the old days but the old days are over !!!
- n
- nyck
- 3IU
- 25 Apr 2012
ooooh, now they r playing hard to get, when no one wants to get their hands on lumias hahahaha! sorry nokia, lower the pirces or try being less autisic and offer something better to the coustomers, no one even believes these payed articles about nokias selling like hot cakes. your time is up, if u don't want to change.
- Z
- Ziad
- iA0
- 25 Apr 2012
Andy, 25 Apr 2012Dude... Android is the market leader... do u think wp7 wil ... moreI'm a nokia fan but agree with you that really android now is the leader and WP os has a lot to do to take a real share ...Waiting for the Amazing WP8
- a
- asad
- mVx
- 25 Apr 2012
Andy, 25 Apr 2012Dude... Android is the market leader... do u think wp7 wil ... moreok just keep dreaming,,,,time Will CHANGE!!! (just like a roller coaster ride) buddy ;)
- t
- techi_corp
- mVx
- 25 Apr 2012
Scoop, 25 Apr 2012 There you are!! Blowing your trumpet in vaccum from some o... morenow adays 4cores are useless for mobile phone specially for Android,,,
Its just a market strategy...think about!! you can't hide it,,,It's a fact!!!
- S
- Scottie
- uSR
- 25 Apr 2012
walkerjj01, 25 Apr 2012no one wants it over here anyway dont know why you guys was... moresomeone out there would buy the Lumia 900. If you don't want it, don't buy it. Nokia and/or Microsoft is not forcing you to have one.
- t
- techi_corp
- mVx
- 25 Apr 2012
AnonD-31898, 25 Apr 2012Dude, do you know Microsoft, otherwise where were you livin... morenow adays 4cores are useless for mobile phone specially for Android,,,
Its just a market strategy...think about!! you can't hide it,,,It's a fact!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- FdV
- 25 Apr 2012
You dont even have to launch it, dont bother, it cant even compete with a year old SGS2
- D
- AnonD-31898
- 25 Apr 2012
Scoop, 25 Apr 2012 There you are!! Blowing your trumpet in vaccum from some o... moreMy friend , you should be careful what you say. I am an ex-apple fanboy, and I think that Nokia and WP7.5 Mango is simply a knockout. Yes they have a few important things that need to be fixed, but they have wallpapers to change, they have ringtones to choose , I use Mission impossible as my tone, and they will fix the bluetooth to make it compatible with other phones, but the audio devices work well with the bluetooth and the sound is simply fantastic, like the camera and pics. Give it a closer look.
- I
- Iskander
- mA5
- 25 Apr 2012
AnonD-1082, 25 Apr 2012No doubt about it. Survey says people, not the forum geeks,... moreSo, if Android is powerhungry, then what were all those Lumia 800 updates about that tried to keep it's battery last longer than a quick websearch? Next to that, Android is no more buggy than say iOS or WPx.x. There is a reason why Nokia sold only so few Lumia phones, and there is a reason why the 800 was not even the most popular of those by far. Sure, it may be a nice phone for some people, but for the mass, it's just another WP phone or just another last years Nokia.
- D
- AnonD-31898
- 25 Apr 2012
Andy, 25 Apr 2012Dude... Android is the market leader... do u think wp7 wil ... moreDude, do you know Microsoft, otherwise where were you living all these years ? You think they are a Johnny come lately, NO, just a company with the technology, power and might to do as they please, and they did nothing for the last few years. You underestimate WP7.5 , but you will be shocked with WP8. I am and was an Apple Fanboy, and now just cannot use anything but big bad WP7.5 Mango, and more importantly Nokia. A winning combination.
- w
- walkerjj01
- mqq
- 25 Apr 2012
no one wants it over here anyway dont know why you guys waste your time creating blogs and posts for WM7 devices......
- O
- Omar Mohamed
- NqX
- 25 Apr 2012
I won`t blame US.
Nokia had closed 2 factories lately and fired thousands of people to lower the expenses.
But as a result the production speed became slow.
that`s why they can`t catch up with the demand.
And explains the late availability of the announced phones.
- S
- Scoop
- P$u
- 25 Apr 2012
AnonD-1082, 25 Apr 2012The Galaxy S 3 will be DOA because of the Lumia 900. Nokia ... more There you are!! Blowing your trumpet in vaccum from some obscure planet.!! Hey get your facts right,see where the world is trending to....& then make a comment MR. NOKIA PROP!!
The world id not against the Lumia but it still needs to evolve to the standards of today's you have skype working on it? Can you set a custom ringtone/wallpaper? Does it have REAL BLUETOOTH? Why do have to have Zune for everything?
Without digging deeper don't go on a pompous ride around the town.
& why is it that in 2012 you ought to have a phone with so many dont's.
Have you bothered to check GSM review,how bout the un-impressive audio?
There are a plethora of phones available at the price Lumia is demanding with all the above BASIC FEATURES that any phone should have.....Nokia being the oldest player in the game should have realised that to acquire a good global reputation should have realised it.
Finally apart from the regular geeks globally ordinary people want a phone that can atleat handle these few things & it's not too much to ask for now is it???
- D
- David
- uv2
- 25 Apr 2012
Mystic, 25 Apr 2012These idiotic fan boys :D wont learn ever.. I am not biased... moreHey buddy. Nokia already ruled the world more than 10 years. Samsung is just a 2 year little kid, who takes the 1st place. Let's see how much time Samsuck can hold it?? It gonna change after Nokia WP8 device released. Maybe it in 2013 or 2014.