Nokia confirms working on multiple PureView phones

24 May, 2012
These phones will have high resolution sensors and Carl Zeiss optics in a slimmer form-factor.

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • kWM
  • 26 May 2012

AnonD-16429, 25 May 2012Let me list few what i know about samsung , again very few.... moreand yet they use cheap body material that every1 hates.

    • D
    • AnonD-48819
    • fJC
    • 26 May 2012

    Whatchasay, 26 May 2012Ok. Really now. You wrote all that on a Nokia 2700? You ... moreActually that's perfectly true. The text box in Nokia2700c provides me with a limit of 5000 characters so it is possible. Apart from Nokia 2700c, I own a Nokia E5 and I have owned a Nokia 701 and HTC Inspire 4G as well.

    But I have an emotional attachment with my Nokia 2700c for some reasons. That's why I use it as my primary mobile device and it serves my needs perfectly.

    I just call and text a lot. Apart from that I do a little bit of browsing. I use it for chatting on Mig33 so my typing is quite snappy even on a keypad. I have used it as cam. Have shared multimedia with my loved ones. Sent and received emails. Had fun on YouTube. Also used it as a modem to connect to internet on my PC. Played Java games and enjoyed music and radio.

    And not to mention great battery back up. The other day the battery fell to the red bar and it was indicating me about the low battery but I still enjoyed good 1.5 hours of music and even after that it didn't switch off. :D

    So, basically it pretty much covers all my needs and I love it.

      • D
      • AnonD-48819
      • fJC
      • 26 May 2012

      Anonymous, 26 May 2012Nokia won't go any where. I have had iPhone 4S and many HTC... moreYes I agree with you there. Android has saved the neck of many companies that know very little about the elite art of cell phone manufacturing. Only Apple, Nokia & Black Berry (to some extent) are maintaining the legacy. SE had it's uniqueness but it has also joined the Android bandwagon.

      Every other company is trying to bite it's share off Android. Assemble the spare parts and throw Android on that assembly and the "intimidating" spec sheet is ready. Meizu, a Chinese company, blew away the benchmarks of SGSIII the next day of it's release.

      I won't be surprised if some Ching Pong Yun comes up with their own version of Android "smartphone" and blows away all of the benchmarks. And then some Donga Bonga Droid surfaces to put those "wow" benchmarks on shame... And so on...

        • W
        • Whatchasay
        • 4$v
        • 26 May 2012

        AnonD-48819, 26 May 2012Well mate, I expected an informed person like you to show s... moreOk. Really now. You wrote all that on a Nokia 2700? You can tell me the truth. It'll be our little secret ;). Your grammar, punctuation and spelling are better than most people on this site. Seriously though, you wrote it on this:

        That's impressive if it's true.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • kg3
          • 26 May 2012

          AnonD-48819, 26 May 2012Well mate, I expected an informed person like you to show s... moreNokia won't go any where. I have had iPhone 4S and many HTC and Samsung android phones. None of them come close to Nokia Lumia 900. Nokia has good signal reception, call quality, build quality, ClearBlack tech that allows you to read outdoor easily, beautiful design, good audio output, now they have PureView too. Those other manufacturers don't come close. Lumia 900 is all around best phone right now. Can't wait for a Lumia Pureview with WP8. You can look at benchmarks all you want but real world performance is very fluid on my Lumia 900 and iPhone 4S, and both are reliable when you want them to work.

            • D
            • AnonD-48819
            • fJC
            • 26 May 2012

            AnonD-16429, 25 May 2012Let me list few what i know about samsung , again very few.... moreWell mate, I expected an informed person like you to show some better understanding of the context.

            Did I say anything about Samsung's ability and expertise in manufacturing spare parts? No... I respect Samsung as a company and have used many electronic devices manufactured by them... I just don't see them as cellphone manufacturers.

            My whole point was Samsung's smartphone success solely depends on Android. They were no where before Android came to their rescue. But to my surprise, such an intellectual person like you took it in the context of dependency. Is everything that Samsung uses in assembling the unit manufactured by them?
            You know better than me in that regard.

            And if I chose the path you chose then a war of exchange will begin which I don't want to initiate. It's not about borrowing my friend, it's about what you do with the borrowed stuff.

            If Samsung provided all the spare parts of the mighty N8 then why they have still been unable to come up with such a monster of a camera phone? The same wood goes to different carpenters but the end result, the furniture, is of different quality and standard. One is used in Presidencies and the other becomes a part of a common man's living room. You can easily sort out that there is a "factor", an unknown one, the exquisiteness of the package which I was talking about. That's a "Nokia" factor!

            I, with my family, went out of the city for an excursion. I had to make an emergency call. One of my cousins had the Samsung and the other had the SE. I, of course, was with my Nokia. Despite of the fact that all of the handsets were using the same network, only my Nokia was able to pick some signals, though feeble ones, but still I was able to make that call. Respect. And that was not a coincidence, it has happened so many times that I have lost the count.

            If Samsung has prodigious skill in manufacturing cell phones why don't they come up with solid but basic feature handsets?

            Why don't they develop Bada? Does it even come close to the dust of Android? Or even Belle?

            Why don't they improve the signal reception and call quality?

            Why they have been unable to put a decent cam and provide good audio quality in all these years?

            Why don't they put some effort in improving the UI of borrowed OS let alone the functionality? (Nokia did improve the functionality of Symbian)

            Why don't they work on the improvement of their designs?

            Why the build quality feels so cheap?

            Nokia was the only company who had the "guts" to put conditions on using Android because they wanted to enhance the user experience, and we all know what happened. Google refused. They had the commitment and belief that they will rise by using something else. That's why they had to shake hands with MS. And the world saw even with the stupid hardware restrictions, software restrictions and unprofessional mediocre support of MS, the Lumia 900 topped the Amazon charts.

            Nokia could easily have chosen the easier path. Buy the spare parts (displays, multi core processors & Gigs of RAM) from Samsung, improve them to the will (such as applying Clear Black technology etc) and throw the Nokian Android version of stock ROM on it, install the Pureview and Rich Recording technology and mold it in an N9 like design and world would have never known about the Galaxies!

            Although it all depends on WP Apollo... But I hope it would be a lot better than Mango as Nokia is collaborating in the code development. So, I anticipate that restrictions will be removed and a gem of an OS will float on the Clear Black AMOLED Displays!

            And if it doesn't happen the World will probably lose the only "Real Cell phone manufacturer" who lost the cash, lost the fan base just because they cared about the user experience and didn't bow down in front of the largest Internet Tycoon. And, sadly I will have to choose between Android or iOS! :( That will be a sad day...

            (Written from My beloved Nokia 2700 Classic worth $60 using since 2009)

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • Mty
              • 25 May 2012

              Pure View in Nokia N93 Formfactor please!!!

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • P@1
                • 25 May 2012


                  • A
                  • Armin
                  • a4X
                  • 25 May 2012

                  Nice, I want a Lumia PureView

                    • D
                    • AnonD-16429
                    • wd8
                    • 25 May 2012

                    AnonD-16429, 25 May 2012Yes, lets remove Android for a moment. Lets take the 'so c... moreLet me list few what i know about samsung , again very few.

                    -First Mobile phone with Solar Panel.
                    -One of the Largest Manufacutuers for DRAM,
                    NAND flash,
                    LCD panels,
                    Mobile processor,
                    Active-matrix OLEDs,
                    -World's-largest memory chip maker since 1993.
                    More than 50% of market share in the worldwide CDMA market, remember CDMA?

                    If luck favored , then one would not be able to retain it without the talent. Continous YoY growth, successful flagships is not just Luck.
                    Now, back to the point, Lets take away the symbian from Nokia. Let me tell you how.

                    werent you aware that Symbian Ltd is the founder of the O/S and not NOKIA? its an opensource which allowed Full code access to Members and parts of the code to manufacturers and only, thats why MOTO, LG and Samsung were able to produce devices. Please donot twist FACTS.

                    -- Do you know how and why Symbian UIQ was killed?
                    -- Why does S60 contain the features of Symbian UIQ although they were created under different licenses

                    In December 2008, Nokia bought Symbian Ltd., the company behind Symbian OS. In short Nokia did not own the Symbian untill 2009. it just BORROWED the o/s and by the way even nokia acuired Symbian ltd the core o/s code in use is written by Symbian foundation.

                    Let me be polite to reiterate, when you have a worthy opponent , please donot mock.

                    oh yeas, pyramids are old and stong , we do learn many things from them, but who stays there? you already know the answer. :)

                    Sent from Galaxy S - first of its kind.

                      • D
                      • AnonD-16429
                      • wd8
                      • 25 May 2012

                      AnonD-48819, 25 May 2012Lucky is actually the perfect word to describe Samsung's su... moreYes, lets remove Android for a moment.
                      Lets take the 'so called' popular N8 and do the following. i'll keep the list short for now.

                      Lets remove
                      The ARM11 680 MHz Samsung AL54 processor.
                      The Broadcom BCM2727 GPU,
                      NAND memory from Samsung
                      3.5" capacitive AMOLED from Samsung.
                      Carl Zeiss lens from Carl Zeiss AG
                      SDRAM - a Taiwan manufacturer, (Guess samsung but not sure)

                      Oh we still have the battery there, guess it should be removed as well. :)

                      Now, Samsung without android i can still call it as a phone,what do i call the Nokia.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • N9@
                        • 25 May 2012

                        AnonD-48819, 25 May 2012Lucky is actually the perfect word to describe Samsung's su... moreawwwww,so touchin.beautiful comment wit loads of truth.

                          • M
                          • Marry john
                          • S35
                          • 25 May 2012

                          I can't forget the first love lol

                            • D
                            • AnonD-48819
                            • fJC
                            • 25 May 2012

                            Tizen Takeover, 25 May 2012Why does every Nokia article have over 150 comments?May be because every person has used Nokia in the past at some point of time.

                            And they say "It is impossible to forget the first love!"

                              • d
                              • drpv
                              • vGc
                              • 25 May 2012

                              Nokia please wake up and make something good looking. These are as good as dummies only. No frills and frolics seen on this plain old age design. Grow up Nokia.

                                • T
                                • Tizen Takeover
                                • Rbq
                                • 25 May 2012

                                Why does every Nokia article have over 150 comments?

                                  • F
                                  • Frustrated fanboyz?
                                  • n%n
                                  • 25 May 2012

                                  AnonD-48819, 25 May 2012Thanks for a laugh... :) PS: No hard feelings from my si... moreOkay, see you around. ;)

                                    • e
                                    • ektosknot
                                    • L7g
                                    • 25 May 2012

                                    Frustrated fanboyz?, 25 May 2012Now you just believe whatever you want and go back to that ... moreLet me answer for your question! If there would be no android and ios, than their wouldn't be so many mediocre users of smartphones, you know what i'm talking about!!;) So the world would be better... smartphones for people who can handle them, and simple phones for people who cannot. I'm tired of "kids" who buy this so cold smartphones like android and ios and all they do is to recieve mails from friends, enter facebook and install apps. Return to your worthless phones and let real smart ones to develop

                                      • K
                                      • Kundrit
                                      • sS@
                                      • 25 May 2012

                                      I start with symbian (all type and the last one that I still kept but not use it anymore is N97) and I end it with blackberry and Samsung Galaxy note.

                                      Nokia already lost: Time, Opportunity and these will never come back no matter how hard Nokia will do it was in the past. What about pureview 808 (0s anyone herae have in hand yet?, sure it just promish that never realized even after Galaxy S3 in the market perhap not until Iphone5.

                                      In my honest opinion pureview 808 41Mpix is in R&D stage and finance by the buyer. No body belived that a small bump device on the back of phone will stand equal as Hazellblad camera 40s Mpix device.

                                      In conclusion Pureview 808 is R&D Camera finance by buyer.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • 0}$
                                        • 25 May 2012

                                        I only need the 808 PureView - please release it now!!!!!