Samsung expects to sell 10 million Galaxy S III units by July

25 June, 2012
Samsung expects the Galaxy S III worldwide sales to top 10 million units next month.

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  • D
  • AnonD-52738
  • tu6
  • 25 Jun 2012

Also for those iPhone fans, stop deny iPhone is far behind now and seems no more innovation now's day, the new announced iOS 6 got nothing.

This probably can predicted nothing much wow on iPhone 5, or probably it will name as the new iPhone... that nothing much really new.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • nTp
    • 25 Jun 2012

    AnonD-55045, 25 Jun 2012Naïveté is something I have always associated w... moreSo Funny, the Man said Naive and u just assumed its iOS!!! who is the naive now? and reading "some apps are not safe" makes me wonder , have U really tried Android at all?

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • YPb
      • 25 Jun 2012

      AnonD-52738, 25 Jun 2012For those thinking Nokia 808 PV will beat this S III sales ... moreEven Camera. Its secondary camera is VGA, which is the worst possible option for this price range.

      And please don't forget to mention that PV 808 has only 360 x 640, which means it wouldn't ever play any hd games and hd movies.

      But you know what, PV 808 still has its charms, but it's just not good as GS3.

        • C
        • ChatterZ
        • 693
        • 25 Jun 2012

        Samsung's Perfect

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • sXD
          • 25 Jun 2012

          It's actually quite nice to be able to hold a handset and feel the build quality. Nokia, SE, and even HTC know that, yet Samsung would rather spend its money on the gubbins inside. That's why Samsung wins.

          Having tried plenty of OS and handsets, I can't feel any fanboyism towards any brand right now. We should just accept that it's an amazing time for smartphones right now.

          Then again, I don't see any real need for me to upgrade just yet. The S3 isn't that great a leap forward that the S2 was. Apple could capitalise on that, but I don't see the next iphone being any better.

            • D
            • AnonD-52738
            • tu6
            • 25 Jun 2012

            For those thinking Nokia 808 PV will beat this S III sales is leaving in non reality.

            In dream, you will seen it selling better than S III.

            Nokia 808PV beside fantastic camera, it got nothing, old tech, old and ugly design, extremely bulky. Sure have fans on that but that potion is too little to get Nokia 808PV being a success top range phone in market.

            Wake up and stop dreaming Nokia 808PV as streamline device in today market.

            You shall happy if total sales of Nokia 808PV ever hit 1% of current S III total sales.

              • D
              • AnonD-55045
              • N9x
              • 25 Jun 2012

              CodeGEN, 25 Jun 201210 million naive people , hahahaNaïveté is something I have always associated with the iOS side. You know, that childish innocence you need to accept every order a company gives you. You know, in the fashion of "Use iTunes to transfer any file -any file-, don't use bluetooth to transfer files, your device's UI looks just good -don't change it!-, some apps are not safe -and that means they are actually good, but we don't like them-, everything about your device is magical, original, unique and revolutionary. Think different -as if we needed that you quit thinking by your own. But that's not the case. Believe it.-."

              There are many things I can say about the Android side, full of pedantic people who think the 'basics' of technology extends to management of complex processes, painful installs and all sorts of tricky apps. They seem to think everyone can/should code what they want, and that no one give a darn about usability as long as a plethora of functions is covered. But saying there's any bit of naïveté in buying a capable Android device over an iOs or WP device, only shows that you don't really know what naïf means.

                • C
                • CoolIam
                • u1A
                • 25 Jun 2012

                Anonymous, 25 Jun 2012which iPhone has that problem?Google it and you will find many.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • nTp
                  • 25 Jun 2012

                  rcl4444, 25 Jun 2012Just wondering - what are the problems with the software th... morewhat i really hated about Samsung and Android is the update, Samsung dont update all their products & takes long time to update and after the update most the issues starts and not just Samsung to be fair most of the companies have the same issues and all the companies blame Google Android OS requirements for it, I wonder if S3 can handle the upcoming version of Android OS

                    • r
                    • rcl4444
                    • P%n
                    • 25 Jun 2012

                    Anonymous, 25 Jun 2012I think it was reported here in gsm arena that s3 had 9 mil... moreRight on both counts!

                    If its 10M shipped then thats the preorders plus 1 million ready to sell; if it's 10M sold then thats mostly same same really. Need to wait to see the figures at the end of the quarter - if it's over 20M then it'll keep going on the up for a while, if under then it's already droping off the mark.

                    And yes people, just buy what suits you best. Sure, have a whine or moan [I've posted a few :-)], but then move on.

                      • r
                      • rcl4444
                      • P%n
                      • 25 Jun 2012

                      AnonD-8408, 25 Jun 2012just bought this s3 and used only for 4 day only...after th... moreJust wondering - what are the problems with the software that you found? Or what is about iOS device that you find so much better?

                      Wondering if the software issue you don't like has to do with Samsung or Android itself?

                        • D
                        • AnonD-455
                        • U}}
                        • 25 Jun 2012

                        Sammy Hatter, 25 Jun 2012Sammy expect totally wrong....I think its cant happen...bca... moreHow come a casing material decides sales? You may look back at plastic S2 and S1, they sold like a hotcake with that cheapy material. You just summarize how dumb is Samsung hater's logic.

                          • C
                          • CodeGEN
                          • p28
                          • 25 Jun 2012

                          10 million naive people , hahaha

                            • A
                            • Alex
                            • pXy
                            • 25 Jun 2012

                            Sammy Hatter, 25 Jun 2012Sammy expect totally wrong....I think its cant happen...bca... moreI'm sure those Nokias will sell a lot less... but maybe they are better - is it really important?!

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • nTp
                              • 25 Jun 2012

                              AnonD-24171, 25 Jun 2012Samsung build their own phones and build phones for others ... morethey made parts for Apple as per Apple request so as other companies,,, and lets not fool ourselves and dont forget that Samsung known as the masters of "CopyCat" and most of the features in S3 was available as 3rd party app so lets not get highly almighty here... im not denying Samsung rights they free to do whatever they like but lets not deny the past

                                • D
                                • AnonD-24171
                                • fq6
                                • 25 Jun 2012

                                [deleted post]Samsung build their own phones and build phones for others like Apple and provide essential chips and latest technology for all over the world.

                                While your beloved Nokia place their outdated specs to Foxconn "Known for their human's rights violation" and Compal "Known for their bad quality" to build for them.

                                ***And the source is from Nokia/WP fanboys website!

                                Even the daily interest for 808 dropped so fast from 100 to 54! That's a sign than people don't want outdated phone with 38MP camera, People want technology.

                                All lumia series + 808 still didn't make that number of sales.

                                  • A
                                  • Arc
                                  • v0q
                                  • 25 Jun 2012

                                  [deleted post]keep the troll within yourself fanboy, until Nokia produces their Pureview Lumia with WP8, commenting as if you can predict such outcome only makes you a pitiful follower of an almost nonexistent smartphone company incapable of producing a phone that would really sell

                                    • S
                                    • Sammy Hatter
                                    • 6PR
                                    • 25 Jun 2012

                                    Sammy expect totally wrong....I think its cant happen...bcause it have cheaper plastic body and nothing 808 pureview better then Samsung Galaxy 3....

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • RwL
                                      • 25 Jun 2012

                                      [deleted post]pureview will get 1% of this if there lucky

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • 5Ma
                                        • 25 Jun 2012

                                        Industry Insider, 25 Jun 2012Got to say, im HTC all the way, but working for a big brand... moreThere's some videos popping up of the GS3 lagging in Fruit Ninja though. Worrying signs of non-optimized software despite its good performance in benchmarks. Also, videos of the iphone 4 beating it in drop tests are surfacing as well.