Nokia has a backup plan if Windows Phone 8 fails
- D
- AnonD-51487
- nU1
- 04 Jul 2012
Nokia remind me of my (UK) Government, they have no plan B, in the event current (failed) strategy goes belly up.
- b
- blitzu
- tR9
- 03 Jul 2012
I have the Lumia 900 changed from android.Nokia make great phones however WP7 is a failure they should have stuck with meego with android market. WP7 lacks in every way, look at the camera on the Lumia 900 with so called 8mp Carl ziess lense the photo quality is crap and that's due to being held back by WP7, also look at the screen resalution draw back. That's why android phones are better arm.
- ?
- Anonymous
- HBc
- 03 Jul 2012
anonymous, 03 Jul 2012I have a Sony Arc Android phone. It is full of bugs. 1.) I... moreI have a sony Xperia arc s and a sony xperia S. Its the more stable phone we have. Android always.... Iphone windows mobile... sucks.... Go Go android....
- N
- Not your mother
- Tuh
- 03 Jul 2012
Sure WP8 will fail, if failing means getting less than 5% of the market.
Also sure, Nokia can make an Android phone but they will fold for bankruptcy anyway.
There is no place for shitty phones at premium prices.
Whether they have Symbian, WP or Android.
- u
- us
- U@N
- 03 Jul 2012
whats up with MeeGo.....why everybody is praising it?.....i hvnt used N9.....can anyone tell me what makes it special?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0}$
- 03 Jul 2012
it's not gonna be android, but something from their own house -> like MeeGo!!! ;)
- a
- anonymous
- sib
- 03 Jul 2012
AnonD-49509, 03 Jul 2012Well, if NOKIA switches to android I hope they keep releasi... moreI have a Sony Arc Android phone. It is full of bugs.
1.) In the Alarm, the two buttons where the Snooze and Cancel disappears when the alarms goes off. The only way to shut off the alarm is to power off. This embarassed me too many times in front of friends.
2.) On the text messages, when I click on a text message of person A, it goes to show the details of texts from person B.
How do you think Google engineers test their software. Good luck with that. I'm switching to Windows Phone 8 when it comes out. At least I know MS writes great software.
- D
- AnonD-1663
- LaE
- 03 Jul 2012
I didn't expect this from you GSMarena.. Especially when this rumor was cleared few days ago.
- E
- EdB
- qTt
- 03 Jul 2012
Symbian, Maemo, Symbian3, MeeGo, Windows, Android... Rumor has.... rumor. Rumor has Nokia is lost & flailing. Every year a different OS. Nokia is that old lady who keeps entering the beauty pageant. Bless her heart. "This year I'm gonna..."
- M
- Miro
- n95
- 03 Jul 2012
It's kind of strange for Nokia to switch to android.I mean that they are one of the companies that have their own OS and now started using WP primary.But on the other side it would be great.Nokia makes stylish and durable phones that are cheap so that will lead to truly cheap good android devices accessible for Middle and East Europe and other markets!
- m
- mike
- 3yj
- 03 Jul 2012
AnonD-49509, 03 Jul 2012Well, if NOKIA switches to android I hope they keep releasi... morebefore u write this,is better if u touch some android phone
- D
- AnonD-49509
- 8BV
- 03 Jul 2012
Well, if NOKIA switches to android I hope they keep releasing meego smartphones and symbian too, otherwise I'll buy features dumbphones. Android just sucks.
- s
- suhas chowdary
- rKa
- 03 Jul 2012
nokia back up plan should be symbian/meego os..
Meego is beautiful os like nokia meego will be perfect.
- ?
- Anonymous
- F3T
- 03 Jul 2012
Windows 8 = Fail
- b
- blueglue
- t1$
- 03 Jul 2012
So many Nokia supporters wishing for Android. Good to see that.
Non conclusive statements from Nokia managanegment Seems Nokia doesnt have a vision/Direction now.
Eitherways i feel its too late to get into Android segment.
- D
- AnonD-12210
- 03 Jul 2012
Karen, 03 Jul 2012Nokia won't join the Android wagon because they're afraid t... morei bet samsung will have no value if nokia starts making pureview android phne. Just look at the past and present wp7 phones. Lumia just kicks omnia everywhere ! Btw who will buy plastic craps ,when nokia 's beautiful phnes will arrive.
- a
- j8w
- 03 Jul 2012
bah ...i think nokia will rule like xbox rule on us #1 on eq sales + microsoft ...just wait guys ...time to time...
- s
- satya
- U@{
- 03 Jul 2012
I wish nokia won't fail to wp8.If it fails first choice be android but As far as Contract between microsoft and nokia they(nokia) can use home tools not others this means either symbian or meego and symbian is dead badly advertised.and Meltemi is not getting any chance.This means nokia already stated that meego will be used long term.Clearly nokia's plan B is meego not android or meego running android apps!!!
- f
- finally
- 3xC
- 03 Jul 2012
Nokia and Android would make an excellent combination. Also think that Nokia should continue developing Symbian there was nothing wrong with it just needed updating. Nokia should be very, very careful with Microsoft otherwise they will destroy Nokia.
- ?
- Anonymous
- LKm
- 03 Jul 2012
If Nokia finally comes to their senses, and have an android running smart phone(like a pureview) they'll surely see their return of their glory days.Just imagining a jellybean quadcore 41mp beast of a phone gives me chills!