Qualcomm teases Snapdragon 4-series chip with 5G, announces 8cx Gen 2 for Windows laptops
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- Anonymous
- 03 Sep 2020
Mr Sarvikas must be very excited for that new 5G snapdragon 4-series chip
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- Anonymous
- n5a
- 03 Sep 2020
need stick a 8cx in tablet will have big enough battery
and power and they can add loads cooling to a tablet
then compete with ipad pro
- D
- Darren
- 8mp
- 03 Sep 2020
Mediatek socs are pants and slow, snap dragon all day every day. The anc Bluetooth will defo be worth a look, tws earbuds will be able to get much smaller, hope they would have a way to find them if I lose one of them tho.
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- Anonymous
- vG0
- 03 Sep 2020
Hoping MediaTek ends Qualcomm monopoly forever.
- P
- Pika
- 7P4
- 03 Sep 2020
Snapdragon 460 is really powerful enough. If this new Snapdragon 4xx 5G more powerful , then it will be on high demand.
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- Anonymous
- xq5
- 03 Sep 2020
Snapdragon is the best for phones. But for laptops or computer I will go for Intel only. And graphics card must be Nvidia only.
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- Anonymous
- Jci
- 03 Sep 2020
Exactly what the super HMD Nokia phones were waiting for... 2021... Or probably 2022, 2023,2024....
- B
- Blackkk Mamba
- Kxr
- 03 Sep 2020
Windows x86 apps aren't that optimized for ARM devices.
- 👍
- Andreidinutu
- nDy
- 03 Sep 2020
Now we need a 200 series chip to have this and we're good to go. 200 series chip are underrated. For 5 quid they are more powerful than flagship cpu's from 8 years ago