Nokia in Q2: Lumia sales up, company still in the red
- A
- Art
- RbX
- 19 Jul 2012
There's no way Nokia would fail with WP.
Nokia is a pioneer on hardware side while everyone who has tried WP as a platform knows it's snappy and intuitive without a need of quad core's that will only drain you battery. It's just a matter of time bf Nokia and WP will overcome IOS
- R
- Rob
- IaX
- 19 Jul 2012
AnonD-24171, 19 Jul 2012I don't care for their first prototype! Check here in GSMa... moreHTC were making phones in 2002 - They used to make phones for other companies and they would rebrand them. The Palm Treo range was made by HTC and also the Orange SPV and 02 XDA range in the UK. Ive been in mobile phone sales for 10 years so it is correct
- ?
- Anonymous
- t7X
- 19 Jul 2012
geo, 19 Jul 2012It's pretty clear all this android fanboys don't know what ... moreReally winpho fanboy? How fast can you transfer a movie from your pc to your phone? Can you watch youtube videos on your browser? Can you even lock your network connection to a specific wireless technology? Can you transfer data via bluetooth?
- D
- AnonD-48120
- sws
- 19 Jul 2012
Nokia has been trying to catch up for years now. Still going on...I've had 2 Nokia high end smart phones. You always have to hope for apps, updates and fixes. Sluggish interface even though the hardware is reasonably good. Always the same story with its ui and software. Wouldn't be surprised if it remains in loss for a decade or so.
- R
- Rob
- IaX
- 19 Jul 2012
AnonD-24171, 19 Jul 2012I don't care for their first prototype! Check here in GSMa... moreHTC were making phones in 2002 - They used to make phones for other companies and they would rebrand them. The Palm Treo range was made by HTC and also the Orange SPV and 02 XDA range in the UK. Ive been in mobile phone sales for 10 years so it is correct
- g
- geo
- srr
- 19 Jul 2012
It's pretty clear all this android fanboys don't know what they're talking about when they say Nokia should make android phones. I'm now using a Lumia phone and when i compared it with my friends' Iphone 4 i was amazed how much practical my phone was compared to iOS. Another time, i showed my phone to a friend of mine that is an Android fan that has a Desire HD an he also noticed how cool and practical WP was. He tough that Windows Phones were something very primitive and had no functions. I proved him that whatever he could do on his ICS Android, i could do faster and better. He would have to download 3 apps to do what my Windows Phone could do as it is.
- ?
- Anonymous
- mc6
- 19 Jul 2012
AnonD-24171, 19 Jul 2012I don't care for their first prototype! Check here in GSMa... moreWell, you could research the company and find out the history of their portfolio or.... you could do the lazy thing and click on the left side of the screen and mindlessly believe that the first phone GSM arena put up there was their first phone in history. Personally, I like to think, but, obviously, that isn't for eveyrone.
- s
- sk
- s%{
- 19 Jul 2012
Out of the 4 million how many we're given away free? (university students, sales personal..............?
- D
- AnonD-24171
- fqe
- 19 Jul 2012
Anonymous, 19 Jul 2012According to HTC their first smartphone was released in 200... moreI don't care for their first prototype!
Check here in GSMarena first phone released in 2006
Stop acting smart and you are clearly not!
- ?
- Anonymous
- 9xE
- 19 Jul 2012
Anonymous, 19 Jul 2012The tiles on a windows device look like a 70's dance floor.haha.. well said bro, liked the comment!
- N
- NOKIA ????
- pRG
- 19 Jul 2012
Nokia need to devlop Meego and return it back agian to the game. I think Meggo the only OS can compete with IOS and Android cause it's a pure LINEX.
Ps. forget about N9 Meego way better.
- D
- AnonD-44163
- fu$
- 19 Jul 2012
if you love android there are many android running devices in the market and cheap ones. the outcry that nokia should join android is annoying. nokia will never join android so live with your cheap plastics
- D
- AnonD-63604
- gyF
- 19 Jul 2012
We know that Nokia already lose their good will.I have a suggestion to Nokia also I can say its a request to Nokia that stop experimental mentality after release a product . I mean that release a fine product in the market, don't waste the time and money those who believed Nokia products.The situation exist that if we buy a new release product from Nokia we need wait for the completion of experiment from Nokia like N9 and other models. Now Nokia digging there on deadline.
- ?
- Anonymous
- mc6
- 19 Jul 2012
AnonD-24171, 19 Jul 2012HTC appeared in 2006!
I was talking from 1992 - 2004
And ... moreAccording to HTC their first smartphone was released in 2002. Looks like you know what the heck they're talking about.
- D
- AnonD-739
- j{9
- 19 Jul 2012
The N8 sold more than all Lumias combined! While Elop try to win in the US loses in the rest of the world! Get over it people will fly away from Nokia they dont like W7. Make a great phone with Android and you kick Samsung and Apple in the butt!!
- D
- AnonD-616
- Jae
- 19 Jul 2012
Nokia knew that all lumia 710 and lumia 800 windows phone 7.5 can't upgrade to window phone 8 :-( than why price was so high when the released it and missing no front camera no tv out :-( how can nokia missed that front camera tv out ? Now sale is so weak of lumia devices but price is good but in that price you can buy high end android device , nokia we do not need android device we need very soon windows phone 8 device very soon :-) all the best nokia
- D
- AnonD-56268
- JFb
- 19 Jul 2012
AnonD-63599, 19 Jul 2012come 2013 there will be another OS running the show! all of... moreyes might be BB10
- D
- U@Q
- 19 Jul 2012
Very often I feel that Nokia could make a giant leap forward if it enters the android market. But this could be equally horrible for Microsoft (and not for Samsung, mind it!).
Still the eyes are on next step that Nokia takes.
- ?
- Anonymous
- t7X
- 19 Jul 2012
Nokia can't push through, i guess... Lumia phones don't look cool, interface is so ugly.
- L
- Law
- v64
- 19 Jul 2012
Nokia has been up the top for a long time in the past. If its anyone who knows how to stay at the top for a long time, or at least get up there its nokia. Andoid and apple havent experienced their losses yet. U dont succeed unless you experience losses too.