Sony Xperia S will get vanilla Android as a Google experiment
- D
- AnonD-65102
- KxA
- 18 Aug 2012
What a good news! My dream is Sony would release "Bump version" Xperia S with unbeatable weapons such as a quadcore proc, 2 gig of RAM, Mali 604 GPU, 64 GB internal memory (extendable to 128 GB w. SDXC slot, a 5 inch display w. Bravia Engine at 1920.1080 (full HD), 3200 mAh removable battery and packed with nice desin like current Xperia S, buth its thickness should be less than 9 mm. For sure, I will leave my current SGS for such greatest device from Sony. Believe me, Sony can do that if they would.
- D
- AnonD-36622
- 3pq
- 18 Aug 2012
MdN, 18 Aug 2012Makes me wonder why Google bought Motorola if they'll be do... moreMaybe because SONY's UI developpers are the only ones who do make real good changes on the google OS. SONY UI is one of the bests on the market and different from everyone else. I know someone will reply saying that the sense better or something but I'm talking about some cool features that some companies UI's didn't think about. So they're testing in SONY's mobiles. But Moto will without doubt be the next google phone manufacterer. At least all pointed to that.
- ?
- Anonymous
- txj
- 18 Aug 2012
Moon, 18 Aug 2012Can anyone explain to me what is vanilla Android and Jean-B... moreThe vanilla android is a pure android version without any own customisation made by the phone maker, while Jean-Baptiste Query is an expert who said that Xperia S is a powerful device and he is honest.
- D
- AnonD-36622
- 3pq
- 18 Aug 2012
I think their trying to rescue major companies, and of course they have their own interests, but why not?! They saved MOTO wich in my opinion is similar to SONY, who has good/average designs but huge quality construction (RAZR MAXX) and cool acessories (like Work&Play kit for RAZR). Meanwhile it wasn't doing well on sales maybe because they already don't sell their devices in many countries (for example mine, Portugal), also due to Apple's strike at them and finally the XOOM problem a year back. SONY in other case has huge quality designs (Arc S, Xperia S, LT29 Hayabusa), great UI and also great acessories (smartwatch, Dock, Headset pro) and consumers satisfaction relativily to updates but lacks majorly of marketing strattegy or maybe people don't see how great SONY is (people only see now Samsung Samsung Samsung). I can't believe SONY even isn't on the top 10 companies sales, at least with their own name and not in the 'other brands' category. Google nows their potential and targeting an SONY model as a "Nexus" will do great changes to their marketing...soon SONY will be where they should been all along, Top 5 brands. Sorry for the long post ;)
- r
- redX
- upe
- 18 Aug 2012
whooaaa....great great news...only Xperia lineup is suitable for nexus... Nexus+Experia=never before experience
- D
- AnonD-16180
- fu4
- 18 Aug 2012
This is great news. Whoa! Was planning on getting the galaxy nexus. But now im thinking xperia s. Currently have an xperia ray and its running 4.0.4 with the latest build number. Great work sony :-)
- M
- MdN
- Mtr
- 18 Aug 2012
Makes me wonder why Google bought Motorola if they'll be doing testing on Sony. Oh wait, I know, just for the patents.
- ?
- Anonymous
- k76
- 18 Aug 2012
Yes! Proper hardware acceleration for non SGX540 devices!
- D
- AnonD-37407
- Ps%
- 18 Aug 2012
So when will this happen..?
- D
- AnonD-13694
- v{t
- 18 Aug 2012
Xperia S lacks power??? Man are you trying to send a rover to mars using a phone? Or play crysis 3 in it? I don't know. I'm more than satisfacted with the power of my Xperia S. It's more than enough for everyday usage.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 7X9
- 18 Aug 2012
Xperia nexus :)) SONY= best cam, Great screen, best UI, great audio,great design,play station certified,best additional feature which other droid phones don't have, Quality + NEXUS =great hardware, great battery+ most smooth and updated OS = perfect phone must buy
- D
- AnonD-4068
- K7g
- 18 Aug 2012
So it will be like a nexus device? where updates will be fast as lightning? NICE
- ?
- Anonymous
- K7g
- 18 Aug 2012
What does this mean? Updates will be faster? As with the nexus lineup? Nice
- w
- wtf
- 3ns
- 18 Aug 2012
beautiful device and excellent news..hope next nexus would be Sony,planning to get nexus or Sony for my next phone..if it's again Sammy I'm picking up Sony for my next droid :)
- D
- AnonD-38544
- nHE
- 18 Aug 2012
If with DRM, Bravia Engine & Xloud support and not void warranty it can be great!
- A
- Alex
- LaC
- 18 Aug 2012
My Xperia S can't waitz!!!!!!1
- s
- sandy
- Xu9
- 18 Aug 2012
When we gonna get this update???
- A
- Altercode
- 8Mh
- 18 Aug 2012
I wish they informed this before I bought a Galaxy Nexus... I wanted Sony's design but also wanted Stock Jellybean...
- ?
- Anonymous
- Qxp
- 18 Aug 2012
Just as expected google decide to distance them self from Samsung, Tablet by Asus & now Phone by Sony, 2013 will see a complete game plan, bye bye Samsung your down fall clock is ticking.
- N
- Noel Carson
- P$u
- 18 Aug 2012
Wow! way to go Sony.