Sony Xperia S will get vanilla Android as a Google experiment
- K
- Karan
- w4x
- 19 Aug 2012
I have a sony xperia s and i am very delighted to hear the news but pls can any1 tell me when the update is comeing
- R
- Raj
- sSM
- 19 Aug 2012
Wow What a Surprise cant wait for the update :D
- t
- thiru
- XuQ
- 19 Aug 2012
Guys only of knowledgeable people use Sony so only few of us will use Sony. When we saw more people using Sony then that shows people becoming wise. I guess Nokia people changes to Samsung and few of Sony s fan changes to Iphone. But now again people changes to Sony. But most of the fans always using Sony because of quality. They not reduce price by decreasing qquality like other brands. Both google and Sony not concentrating profit so it ill be huge success.
- B
- Basish007
- t}A
- 19 Aug 2012
It's awesooooooome...! :)
- D
- Dave
- J4b
- 19 Aug 2012
This device looks really nice has a gread screen but whoever is telling that s3 LAGS is lying. no way i can play batman with pop up and play+ browser+many other apps open and no lag at all!
- c
- cplover23
- v0q
- 19 Aug 2012
the giant is awake..haha
i love sony!
sony forever!
- ?
- Anonymous
- kg3
- 19 Aug 2012
It will still get software updates slow. Because it isn't a Google device. Only Google does the softwares for Nexus devices. Other Android devices are homemade by the hardware manufacturers.
- C
- Curiosity
- DWk
- 19 Aug 2012
Can't wait for the update to roll out.. I'm also interested will it be in a form of Jelly Bean. Maybe anyone has any information on the release date?
- D
- Djamel,K
- 3ay
- 19 Aug 2012
Yes!, this is great news! I Smell jellybeans :)
- a
- aaaaa
- fwQ
- 19 Aug 2012
i didnt understand a word of what they said!!!
somebody explain???
- D
- DTech
- t7X
- 19 Aug 2012
wtf, 18 Aug 2012beautiful device and excellent news..hope next nexus would ... moreSame here, would love to have the next Nexus from Sony.
- D
- DTech
- t7X
- 19 Aug 2012
I think next Nexus Phonr would be from Sony, and might be called, Sony Xperia Nexus? HAHA, just a guess...
- ?
- Anonymous
- 7ty
- 19 Aug 2012
great :)
- ?
- Anonymous
- 6vU
- 19 Aug 2012
Anonymous, 18 Aug 2012Xperia nexus :)) SONY= best cam, Great screen, best UI, gre... moreman , you do a lot of math
- M
- McKinley
- mKY
- 19 Aug 2012
Nope, what it should mean is that you will be given stock update shortly after the Nexus gets it,
while official Sony update may come later.
- s
- shutup!
- wHr
- 18 Aug 2012
Anonymous, 18 Aug 2012I'm still getting an s3,I don't like sony phones for some reason.S3 is quadcore but its hanging and lagging than most of the dual core phone. Its like know about phone. S3 sucks.
- ?
- Anonymous
- PvY
- 18 Aug 2012
well i knew Xperia Nexus was coming.
- y
- yea :)))
- 3IT
- 18 Aug 2012
finaly stock android, this could be major thing for android fragmentation :)
- D
- AnonD-67386
- 0Un
- 18 Aug 2012
I have an Xperia S, what does this mean? I will get Jelly Bean earlier? and all other updates when nexus phones get them?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 6wh
- 18 Aug 2012
I m pleased very much as sony is my favourite.