Huawei's HarmonyOS 2.0 beta proven to support Android's framework

26 December 2020
But future releases might not.

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  • R
  • Realme lover
  • 3Ye
  • 26 Dec 2020

galaxya71user, 26 Dec 2020Wasn't it supposed to be microkernel based?If they bring Arora os in their phone, I m atleast happy. Here this different story in Wikipedia they mention harmany os is micro kernel. But they put emui 11 like skin on android and saying harmony os. We didnt expect from any chinese mobile vender like this that is even from world 2nd smartphone selling brand.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • KIJ
    • 26 Dec 2020

    Yayyyy! That means Android framework, android apps!!!

      Wasn't it supposed to be microkernel based?

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • 802
        • 26 Dec 2020

        TEtech, 26 Dec 2020Me, it is gonna be the first competition to iOS and android It is no competition to Android as it is a AOSP (Android Based) ROM.

          Hahah I knew it was going to be another android os crap by China. Developing your own is takes years. You need a lot money for that. China hasn't grown to that level. Plus no one will create apps for them if they create their own is. It will flop. So that's why they stick with android. What a lame move by Huawei everyone was praising them for this but hahaha. You cant beat USA baba.

            • D
            • AnonD-923722
            • tDP
            • 26 Dec 2020

            If it is based on android code and framework, will we get the same fluid, clean, simple and fast experience like IOS? Since IOS don't need as much resources as Android, i wonder if Huawei could achieve the same level of software optimization as IOS just without GMS but still using an android code and framework. I thing no. Maybe the software performance increase may just be an marketing trick

              • S
              • Sissy
              • Kg@
              • 26 Dec 2020

              What else is new here its again copycat! 🤔

                • A
                • Armez
                • gGr
                • 26 Dec 2020

                It is similar to how linux is available on windows through WSL. Harmony is really a different OS! Do some analysis before posting this kind of articles.

                  • O
                  • Optional
                  • n1w
                  • 26 Dec 2020

                  Tell us something we already didn't know

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • q{b
                    • 26 Dec 2020

                    [deleted post]Better trim the side bezel.

                      AnonD-972548, 26 Dec 2020Lol, for those who thought this will be a totally different... moreOnly the beat is based on android

                        Anonymous, 26 Dec 2020Is anyone interested in this? Me, it is gonna be the first competition to iOS and android

                          Anonymous, 26 Dec 2020What?? I am dussapoint. It was supposed to be all roun... moreIt's the beta

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • 7Xc
                            • 26 Dec 2020

                            posting a comment from the xda article on this:

                            "It is fake - android is there similar to how linux is available in windows through wsl, but using the same kernel (Linux) and with deeper integration through Ark compiler engine and similar stuff. Android support is completely pluggable.

                            Also who said adb works natively in Harmony? What if they use an own debug protocol (should check that). Android subsystem most probably works in a sandbox with optional bridging.

                            It is insecure to modularly plug a set of apps from an other os, which has a completely different security model, into host os. You will definitely sandbox it, resulting in adb seeing its own, dedicated filesystem tree, withouth having access to harmony os filesystem except when given perms by user.

                            Phone harmonyos is still linux based after all, and thus it has chroot and all these cool things like namespaces, cgroups, etc.

                            Another example is Anbox - it is a containerized Android runtime for Linux. It uses host kernel through the host kernels isolation methods i just mentioned above. And, oh wow, if you adb to the pc with anbox, you will see android directory structure, not host pc one.

                            To the author: please, goddamn stop ignoring *official* documentation made by Huawei and Linux kernel developers, knowing that stuff will prevent you from making such articles."

                              Being based on android is a positive thing, AOSP and the thing most people interact with on their android smartphones are 2 different things. I wish Nokia (not hmd) and Huawei could seriously compete with google, I'm sick of that bs called GMS, I mean gmail works much better on ios than android, it doesn't get more stupid than that. But too late for that know.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • D0d
                                • 26 Dec 2020

                                Can't beleive China crushes manufacturing and production sector of every country,

                                But was extremely I'll prepared in software sector

                                  • S
                                  • SteveFOX
                                  • ntk
                                  • 26 Dec 2020

                                  It's just another software skin on top of Android, nothing more. Vivo and Oppo have done that 3-4 times now.
                                  Samsung's done it (TouhWiz, OneUI).
                                  They may have re-written the whole thing from the ground up, but it's still Android underneath, not UNIX or entirely new C++ kernel.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • 7Xc
                                    • 26 Dec 2020

                                    The Android you're seeing here is essentially the same thing as the "Linux" you have when using Microsoft's WSL.

                                      • A
                                      • Alb
                                      • dNq
                                      • 26 Dec 2020

                                      Anything other than android will fail for sure. IOS ans Android have gone so far than nothing can get in their way, people are reall hooked on their services and can't do without them. Microsoft had a great chance when was working with Nokia, but they wanted all. In order for them fo think about software and make i better and leave to nokia the hardware part. They failed badly, I would mind using an WP I loved my Lumia 520 even with the lack of some apps.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • vxL
                                        • 26 Dec 2020

                                        Lol like what else could it be? A different os from scratch? Don't think china can do it.