Xiaomi announces MIUI 12.5 that is quicker, safer and prettier than ever

28 December 2020
The interface will allow effortless transition between Windows and Android, closed beta starts seeding tomorrow.

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • 4gw
  • 29 Dec 2020

Alb, 29 Dec 2020Lol you call IOS garbage?! What is wrong with you, MIUI it&... moreiOS can only dream about being as advanced as miui.
lol it took them 10 years to deliver basic widgets and app drawer all of which are still half baked and full of bugs.
Even budget devices are embarrassing iOS in terms of software features and ease of use.

3rd party apps are crashing more on iOS than Android. I wonder why? Maybe coz Android is simply more optimized than iOS.
All the Optimization PR campaign from Apple has been badly exposed in the real world.
Handicapped ecosystem of iOS will never be as polished as Android.
Keep dreaming!

    Anonymous, 29 Dec 2020You know every company does that right. Like apple decrease... moreYeah right you can avoid such BS slowing down phone & deliberate battery draining! Atleast oneplus every phone has Custom ROMS & you can easily unlock bootloader unlike Xiaomi you have to request for their approval on your own device & make you wait for many hours if you're lucky they approve & too bad if you're using a mediatek Xiaomi no Custom ROMS

      Anonymous, 29 Dec 2020I agree that the battery has taken a hit but Miui 12 is fas... moreThe battery will keep on deteriorating until they force you to buy Mi 11. They know that when a battery is bad the customer thinks their phone is done. Even buying a new battery doesn't help. It's the poor power management for the phones they're trying to kill. Unless you get MIUI 12.5 straight out of the box forget

        • A
        • Alb
        • dNq
        • 29 Dec 2020

        Anonymous, 29 Dec 2020Read Gsmarena reviews of those phones before labeling their... moreLol you call IOS garbage?! What is wrong with you, MIUI it's just a copy of so called garage. IOS works fluid and has no ads and unnecessary apps. I'm a Xiaomi user and he is right I'm here just for the low price of Snapdragon hardware and my love for Android.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • 4gw
          • 29 Dec 2020

          Anonymous, 29 Dec 2020Pretty sure those phones sold a lot because they are cheap ... moreRead Gsmarena reviews of those phones before labeling their user experience as bad.
          Your iGarbage will never match miui

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • x7t
            • 29 Dec 2020

            Anonymous, 29 Dec 2020Pretty sure those phones sold a lot because they are cheap ... morePlenty of other phones in that segment were also cheap.
            Why weren't they preferred?? Why weren't they best sellers?

              • K
              • Koffiato
              • 3Rs
              • 29 Dec 2020

              Adriano, 29 Dec 2020I don't care about nature sounds or any other type of ... moreIt exists under lockscreen clock customization.

                • J
                • Jawed
                • gM$
                • 29 Dec 2020

                When it will launched in India for Redmi note 7 Pro?

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • Py$
                  • 29 Dec 2020

                  nanagdad, 29 Dec 2020The only problem with Xiaomi is deliberately slowing down o... moreYou know every company does that right. Like apple decreases the speed of its older phones,samsung does the same and so do phone companies like xiaomi. It really isnt a surprise. The reason for this is simple which is to keep the phone optimized for new ui updates, feautures and much more.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • K5Z
                    • 29 Dec 2020

                    Xiaomi mi 10 Europe, 29 Dec 2020Except ios is released globally and does not treat USA bett... moreiOS have disadvantage too.
                    For some of us, the disadvantage is too big.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • K5Z
                      • 29 Dec 2020

                      Android Authority, 29 Dec 2020MIUI is the best. You have to use a flagship phone to have ... moreAgree....
                      The rise of Xiaomi, Huawei, Redmi won't happened if the product wasn't good.

                        • A
                        • Adriano
                        • JS%
                        • 29 Dec 2020

                        I don't care about nature sounds or any other type of sound and image added, you shouldn't even mention this kind of update, shameful "putting new sounds". They could focus on security and privacy features like the option to call some contacts listed on the lock screen as it already exists on other devices, in case there is a loss and someone in good faith finds the device and wants to return it.

                          • A
                          • Androidsucks
                          • IB8
                          • 29 Dec 2020

                          Copying apple like always! Haha

                            • W
                            • Worried
                            • 7ta
                            • 29 Dec 2020

                            Does this prevent the phone from sending data back to Xiaomi headquarters?

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • j%t
                              • 29 Dec 2020

                              Android Authority, 29 Dec 2020MIUI is the best. You have to use a flagship phone to have ... morePretty sure those phones sold a lot because they are cheap and replaceable.
                              User experience doesn't seem to count for much if people are counting pennies.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • j%t
                                • 29 Dec 2020

                                GTA, 29 Dec 2020As if you store secret codes of nuclear weapons on your phone...Don't you?
                                Heck, I've got 2 dirty bombs from a Russian source this year alone.
                                But I'm thinking more along the lines of people stealing personal information like bank accounts and stuff. Not sure where you live or how it works but I get at least 5 calls a week from a person who sounds like he is in India wanting me to renew my computer warranty which expired 7 years ago. Constant stuff like that. So my point is why open the door and invite them in.

                                  • P
                                  • Pijjip
                                  • mVa
                                  • 29 Dec 2020

                                  Android Authority, 29 Dec 2020No it isn't an optimization update. It is a proper inc... moreI think they are doing it so that in 2 years time Android 13 and Miui 13 will have the same number...

                                    • s
                                    • sumdumguy
                                    • nxE
                                    • 29 Dec 2020

                                    New icons... great! But can we finally uninstall or at least disable crap like Mi Browser or Mi Video? That's the feature I'm waiting for.

                                      Anonymous, 28 Dec 202012.5 is an optimisation update im not sure what u want from... moreNo it isn't an optimization update. It is a proper increment that happens yearly.
                                      It could have been called miui 13 but Xiaomi for whatever reason wants to stay away from that number.

                                        AnonD-972548, 29 Dec 2020Imo, Xiaomi UI is one of the worst UI's in Android. Re... moreMIUI is the best. You have to use a flagship phone to have the best experience.
                                        Even on the budget side, Redmi 10X, Poco X3, Poco F2 pro, Redmi Note 9 pro 5g won't have become bestselling phones if the UI was the worst.