Apple files another lawsuit against Samsung, adds more devices

31 August, 2012
The notable additions to the new list of devices are the Samsung Galaxy S III and Galaxy Note 10.1.

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  • D
  • AnonD-25234
  • QKD
  • 01 Sep 2012

Hey out of topic, am I the only one who cares about the wrong tag question in the beginning?! It should totally be ",did you?"

    • m
    • m86k
    • m86
    • 01 Sep 2012

    For people believing like kids still in "copycat" idea, please read carefully the list of patents "infringed" :

    It's clearly a war against Samsung Only and not a fair complaint since all those patents have been existing in other brands and also before Galaxy era.

      • D
      • AnonD-67600
      • fvJ
      • 01 Sep 2012

      Most probably, IFA made Apple lose its mind

        • s
        • spirogyaera
        • fuv
        • 01 Sep 2012

        Apple inc., get a life coz samsung are flying way too high! lol

          • D
          • AnonD-69077
          • nIy
          • 01 Sep 2012

          This is just stupid now, crapple need to just understand thaf samsung products are better. All crspple are trying to do is halt the sales of great samaung products because they are running scared. Its not like they can say the galaxy s3 is copying their famous design or their icons. Doesnt samsung make certains parts for apple products?

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • N7A
            • 01 Sep 2012

            Apple is going nuts this time around with this patents nonsense!!! Apple needs to be stopped on this just went over board this time around. Am not a sumsang fan, but this is going toooooooooo MUCH!! If this is what apple is going to be doing,.then there will be no competiton anymore and all other smarts phones will be gone. What the hell!!! ..imagine a world where iPhone is the only smartphone on the market evey where around the world. it just gonna be very very boring. Because of this one particular iPhone, all Samsung and Android smartphones should be ban???....No no no, this is so so so WRONG Apple!!! because Samsung market share is topping and you are going down so the only to compete is to sue??? Hey Apple, be very very careful one what you are doing to the world. Is it by force for everyone to buy your iPhone??? Come one Apple you went far this time around..even apple fans are admitting to this. If you claim you are the best come up with a new mind blowing smartphone to enable you at top again. apple STOP SUEING!!!! and rather innovate something to beat them in the market. OMG..the world is going insane with this patent crap. I can feel Karma coming right at you Apple,Karma bug is coming real quick at you apple,and is gonna pay you a visit you wont like. Now I dont like apple products anymore because of thier behaviour.

              • D
              • AnonD-59657
              • u7m
              • 01 Sep 2012

              Since the departure of Steve Jobs, Apple has already lost direction and end if product innovation.

              Apple just cant compete with Sammy in term of hardware superiority.

              Sammy is too fast for Apple to catch up. In order to slow down Sammy, lawsuit is the only weapon left.

              However the baseless and unfair claimed by Apple on Sammy patern infrigement is only victory in US but lost almost all in the rest of the world.

              I hope this time, the court chooses smarter judge and jury for not repeating the errors made during first time.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • fsV
                • 01 Sep 2012

                If apple continue dis way, i percieved both apple and android will go down and ppl will only be left with the option to go for windows. So apple beware

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • 3qx
                  • 01 Sep 2012

                  Apple comes up with brilliant stuff. Its just what they do. From PCs to ipods to application based smartphone systems and tablet computers they've done more to change the way we live our lives than any other 10 (tech) companies out there put together and anyone who says otherwise is simply wrong.

                  BUT they have a problem. They're simply lazy. They only look at the big picture, and they just cant be bothered to look at the details. They're simply not willing to go the extra mile to make a product perfect. Yes, yes apple products "simply work" but how do they work? Could they work better? Could they do something more? Apple doesn't ask these questions, they don't try to make the product better for me or for you and this brings us to the real reason why we've gathered in this thread on this fine day; their attitude, they're just sleazy.

                  Whether they're unveiling a new product and badmouthing the competition (which has had features the apple products are direly missing since forever), lying to us about the iphone 4 antenna or going on one of their many law-suit witch hunts, apple simply oozes sleaziness. The only reason why they're suing samsung and not someone else is because samsung is atm the largest competitor comany. If nokia lumias had samsungs marker share, I give you my word Nokia (and WP) would be the one getting sued.

                  Yes, apple pretty much set the bar, created a standard on how a smartphone or a tablet should look; It's a rectangular thingy with a big touchscreen. But all they're trying to do now is limit the market and cut options for the the little guy, the end user. Its like suing for patent infringement for a wheel; pretty much only one way you can make one of those. They've done an amazing thing with ios devices but instead of perfecting them further and letting the market and the customer to decide what's best, they elect to pursuit bogus lawsuits and wipe out the competition completlely without competing through "innovation". And that's why I simply dont like them as a company.

                  Amazing ideas, great products, but just sleazy

                    • d
                    • droider
                    • PAX
                    • 01 Sep 2012

                    iSJ5, 01 Sep 2012why some of you hate apple? did apple do some naughty thing... moresame question i would like to ask you, why do you hate samsung? if apple wins case then samsung will also win hearts of million fans. apple only wins in their home country because usa itself is a monopoly country. why to blame apple.

                      • M
                      • Maskel
                      • t7E
                      • 01 Sep 2012

                      People, let us consult the Hodge Twins about this... They are experts on these, y'know what i'm sayin?

                        • i
                        • iSJ5
                        • t7X
                        • 01 Sep 2012

                        [deleted post]> In reply to [deleted post]

                        you out in the topic! thats why your post deleted! btw apple in not a unated states. its just a american company! the most valuable company in the world!

                          • g
                          • greedy apple
                          • 3xC
                          • 01 Sep 2012

                          this just goes to show that Apple doesn't give a s#... about innovation, or originality, it just want to limit consumer access to other (better) products, market monopoly and money. simply despicable.

                            • U
                            • User's opinion
                            • 0@0
                            • 01 Sep 2012

                            Samsung going down, lol

                              • D
                              • AnonD-2669
                              • vGT
                              • 01 Sep 2012

                              AnonD-2000, 01 Sep 2012I am Apple Fan and I owe most of their devices. But I disag... moreLie no 1: I am an Apple Fan.

                              Lie no 2: I own an Ipad, an Iphone, an S3 and Note 10.1

                              Trolls like you are not uncommon!

                                • Z
                                • Zaxe
                                • t7r
                                • 01 Sep 2012

                                iSJ5, 01 Sep 2012just support apple and dont give up!Yes! I'll support apple! The ones that grows from trees. :-)

                                  • Z
                                  • Zaxe
                                  • t7r
                                  • 01 Sep 2012

                                  They should also file an infringement case for those China cloned devices, that really looked like an iphone and cost 50 bucks. And yes it can also do what an original iphone can do.

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-2000
                                    • sGJ
                                    • 01 Sep 2012

                                    What Happen if Samsung decide to stop supplying the Hardware to Apple? That would be a big problem to Apple

                                      • O
                                      • One
                                      • N7$
                                      • 01 Sep 2012

                                      This is getting over bored now,why don't apple just come out n just tell da world,only they can make phones n have da full monopoly,others just go jump,n everyone just use there "OLD" innovation that they call,guys there must be something dat all other android devices is doing right n taking over da smartsphone market,so pls apple don't carry on blaming all da manufacturer n start looking at wat is wrong with da company,arrogant won't get u anywhere,so pls stop "bullying" da market, try bring something out dat is different 2 win da competitive market,n if da company is just 2 lazy 2 do it let others take over. There's never an endless party,hope u know dat. Peace out !

                                        • L
                                        • LAKAME
                                        • HIK
                                        • 01 Sep 2012

                                        you know, I had a respect for apple and it's fans.
                                        I don't like apple products, I like the freedom android has.
                                        but still, I respected both.
                                        But now, I just can't.
                                        Apple is going crazy and apple fans seem so.. I don't know..
                                        They are so blind to change or different stuff. I have seen topics like should I buy the iPhone or the galaxy "something" or the ipod or the galaxy player?
                                        They come and say, apple is the best.
                                        Yeah sure, for you for some.. but is the person asking for advice the same as you?
                                        Shouldn't you just say the advantages of each and just accept the oh so obvious fact that people don't think like each other and their interests are not the same?
                                        I'm sick of them.