Apple files another lawsuit against Samsung, adds more devices

31 August, 2012
The notable additions to the new list of devices are the Samsung Galaxy S III and Galaxy Note 10.1.

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  • r
  • rcl4444
  • sG{
  • 01 Sep 2012

Man...seriously, know what you're talking about before embarrassing yourself and do some research. You need to stop believing everything a marketing dept tells you.

Where to begin.....
- siri - svoice: svoice based on vlingo which was on Samsung phones years before siri (so wonder where apple got the idea to buy something similar?)
- multitouch : LG Prada and Nokia well before apple
- shake : app developers started this idea
- icons : Nokia, when colour screens first came out in 90's, well before touch screens
- rectangular with rounder corners : ummm.... just about every mobile phone ever invented! Seriously, t honk about it...
- touchscreen : don't even want to dignify this with an answer except to say touch screens are older then you are, and around years before even laptops were invented.
- home botton : I won't dignify this with an answer
- memory choices (16,32,64 GB storage choices) : this is memory size, based on technology development by science and computer memory manufacturers like...oh! Samsung! Enforced worldwide technology choice that Apple and everyone has to follow.
dropbox - icloud : firstly dropbox is Google not Samsung. Second it is a way to store and sync all your files, not just music, pics, etc..
background page : mobile's have had customizable backgrounds since colour screens started on phones.
water wave : wtf ?
screen lock : is as old as the mobile phone

And by the way, I'm not a Samsung fan. I value all tech objectively and use what I find is best for me at the time. I respect Apple (Steve Jobs) for the vision of being able to combine all this tech and ideas INVENTED and DEVELOPED by OTHERS and put it everyone's hands in a easy to use way.
However others have done similar before. And now others are raising the stakes beyond Apples vision ... shock horror! Oh, wait a minute...isn't that called innovation?

Once upon a time IBM was the only PC choice.

    • N
    • NoApple
    • 3xM
    • 01 Sep 2012

    Apple are you so hunngry????

      • P
      • Primark
      • K7a
      • 01 Sep 2012

      Tomsk, 01 Sep 2012You need a (((HUG)))buddy by now I think you've realized your arguing with a kid that doesn't know about the location for comment identification consistency right? and for the kid, obviously it is not an IP, it is merely an identification tag so that pretending to be somebody else after a posting something would be a bit more difficult at least for you...

        • b
        • blackshirt_30
        • t7X
        • 01 Sep 2012

        i guess apple wants more $5 coins. LOL

          • D
          • Dee
          • v}7
          • 01 Sep 2012

          Apple thought they have another shot and easy to earn money than selling their products

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • t7X
            • 01 Sep 2012

            Tomsk, 01 Sep 2012You need a (((HUG)))im not using nikenamed and im not say this statement "an apple a day keeps samsung
            away"! so xpain it! lol!

              • D
              • AnonD-59657
              • u7m
              • 01 Sep 2012

              This is not just the war between Apple and Sammy, but the war between Apple and HUMAN on earth.
              HUMAN that hates overpriced, over rated, monopoly...etc

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • K7a
                • 01 Sep 2012

                suing other company will only hurt apples image in the end...

                  • R
                  • Rogerpjr
                  • 4Zt
                  • 01 Sep 2012

                  I will not be satisfied, untill apple pays XEROX PARC the BILLIONS, and BILLIONS it ( apple ) owes XEROX..
                  It is DOCUMENTED that apple stole XEROX IP. Jobs and his company did conscienciously and with ill intent take XEROX’ PARC IP and SLAVISHLY worked for a year to re-jig the underlying code to run on their machine, and then one year later came out with an IDENTICAL competing product that was sold by apple for a small FRACTION of what XEROX was selling. THUS harming by intent and willfull malice a market that Jobs admits was already in place.
                  With the total damage that apple has caused XEROX, the damages total into TENS of BILLIONs…
                  Watch as things develop. MORE evidence against apple, impossible to conceal is brought to the fore… There are a host of LEGAL smoking GUNS…… ALL pointing to apple.
                  APPLE, your insistence on harming the industry ( competition ) is your undoing…..
                  In this most recent case, you had a Judge with little or no prior knowledge of the industry. WRONG questions were asked. RIGHT questions never surfaced. Revionist history will not fly.. Apple, you NOW have people who are Intelligent& THINKING, and who WATCHED you back then ( mid-late 70's-early 80's). WHo rooted for you, untill seeing your malicious, callous, dispicably duplicitous behaviour.
                  THEN as well as know…..
                  Fair is fair. Apple, you are besides yourself. YOU shall be your OWN undoing. As other in this column see and feel... YOu have been judged. Boycotts as well as SUPPORT of SAMSUNG as well as ANDROID will be overwhelming. THESE WILL BE NO TURNING BACK!!

                    • P
                    • Prannoy
                    • fCB
                    • 01 Sep 2012

                    Samsung is the unparalleled smartphone manufacturer out there who actually know what consumers want.. There is absolutely nothing that Apple is going to gain out of these lawsuits and patents other than disrespect and frustrated fans.. end of the day samsung is still the one whos got innovative technology with them and all apple is going to have is Samsung's money, but they wont even know what to do with it.. cuz their innovation went away with Steve Jobs

                      • c
                      • calamyl
                      • fkE
                      • 01 Sep 2012

                      ur just crazy apple...

                        • T
                        • Tomsk
                        • mxh
                        • 01 Sep 2012

                        Anonymous, 01 Sep 2012your wrong! i have many post that incounter same incoding! ... moreYou need a (((HUG)))

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • t7X
                          • 01 Sep 2012

                          Tomsk, 01 Sep 2012I forgive you, you not knowing that, it is the encoding for... moreyour wrong! i have many post that incounter same incoding! how you 100% sure that me and all t7Xh is only one person?! lol! sory me and and other t7Xh is not one person so dont fool yourself! hahaha! xpert!

                            • M
                            • Marucins
                            • 0Bx
                            • 01 Sep 2012

                            Galaxy Note??

                            What kind of a patent? This is what the iPhone 5 - big screen...

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • 2GG
                              • 01 Sep 2012

                              AnonD-59045, 01 Sep 2012Google was too stupid to patent drop-down notification &... moreandroid is open source , the founders made it this way so people can use their ideas without worrying about been prosecuted

                                • O
                                • Olu
                                • iL{
                                • 01 Sep 2012

                                Should the Nokia 6233 (which pre-dates the iphone) be included in that picture? I mean, it is rectangular with rounded corners, has a shiny bezel and has a similar looking earpiece...

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • smi
                                  • 01 Sep 2012

                                  Congratulation Apple. U win!!! I will never buy apple product again.

                                    • T
                                    • Tomsk
                                    • mxh
                                    • 01 Sep 2012

                                    Anonymous, 01 Sep 2012t7Xh is not IP! LOL. hahaha! you make me lough!I forgive you, you not knowing that, it is the encoding for each poster. BTW other posts show just like Apple (and according to you Samsung) that you like copying stuff too.

                                    Anyone with a modicum of sense can see that ALL postings show the date and poster coding in the shaded area below a post.

                                    So please continue to use multi identities to TRY and hide that you are posting multiple entries in an attempt to back up your own statements.

                                      I heard on MediaCorp's Chinese radio news on Wednesday that Samsung had threatened Apple if the ban reached to the current Galaxy and Note lineup, they will STOP making ALL incoming A5s for all iPhone 4, 4s and current iPads and A6s for the upcoming iPhone 5 and iPad mini.

                                      I think by now Samsung had made Apple suffer with no CPUs for their current and upcoming iPhones and iPads.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • TRJ
                                        • 01 Sep 2012

                                        someone should patent opening a door by turning the door knob, oh and the location of the door knob as well.