Xiaomi is now suing the US government in hopes of reversing investment ban

30 January 2021
The Chinese giant has taken legal actions to counter allegations of ties with the Chinese government.

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why they are even allowed to sue US govt...they should be straight away thrown out of country...like China do with rest of the world...Chinese companies always break all the copyright rules and Chinese govt always rejects all request to stop that....plus why they are not totally banned from all the countries....all China govt do is exploit their citizens and fight with other countries...any govt that can't serve their own citizens should e totally banned from any kind of relation with other countries....China is a bigger evil than N. Korea and Russia.

    Anonymous, 30 Jan 2021if i was china i would ban american companies from working ... moreThis is remotely not possible
    Apparently chinese export around 700 billion to Americans every year (25-30%) of total export.
    Chinese and American economy both are heavily interdependent. There is a drama going on at top level to counter each other but everyone knows that any significant decoupling will take at least 12-15 years. America has slowly started diversifing it's imports from China to india, Vietnam, Mexico and local manufacturing and china has made plans to boost domestic consumption. This intertrade ban, licensing and barriers will be more visible in coming years.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • 7sX
      • 31 Jan 2021

      But as we read here, often people complain that Chinese phones are full of monitoring software (not one mentioned example have I seen that somebody has not accused it). Which is sad, and means all Chinese phones could also get involved. On the other had, all American influenced phones are supposedly affected by their own form on monitoring, where things are more through official conpsny access under law, and downloaded apps unfettered access to certain tracking data which is given as standard, so it doesn't appear as an permission to be granted or controlled by.the user. As you see in the Snow person films this is just about every device everywhere they can get hold of, and in certain countries equipment is sold to allow those governments to monitor criminal.gangs cell phone traffic, but is used by corruption to monitor and negate efforts against illegal activity. It is a cluster sh.. show which is going blow up in their faces, disguised as a new cold war. There have to step up to real absolute privacy to step back from the brink of escalation which has already doomed American high tech industry from mishandling past instances, which has prompted massive research and investment in China to replace all things American in disrespect to them. In twenty years time, they would have been in a far better stronger position than they would be now, I'd they hadn't over reacted beyond the scope of what was really happening, and left the Chinese be content to be a global partner using American Parra and internet companies, but once confidence in stability of supply of American related parts were shaken and moved into threatening that supply, the beginning of the end started. The current regime has to show it is strong in response to threats from America, further accelerating strategic plans decades earlier. America will be forced to find strategic low cost manufacturing partner in a other country, like India, this will lead to major markets fir the Chinese drying up, including for their African manufactured low cost products. Splitting the world into pro American and and poor pro Chinese parts, where the third world countries will not be much of a market for Chinese goods, but undercut Chinese manufacturing units own internal markets. Maybe that is the conspiracy, to guide the Chinese into replacing themselves by upgrading the African third world manufacturing and standard of living. American companies won't do much there because of stability issues, but certain other countries will force stability through direct interventions the west won't do. We might even see a Chinese league of nations across Africa. Russia will come to realise they won't know what to do to avoid slipping between the west and east.

      Now, if America had looked after it's own security in the past, it should be producing most of its own stuff competitively, using all its high technology and parts internally in that manufacture, sinking most others. Instead, they sold out their country to make money through finance, and dwindeling profits on foreign manufacturing, sinking it's main industries, growth and prospects for trickle down economics which doesn't work except to make a few, increasingly foreign people, rich in control over everybody else. America has gone away from the progressive European model towards being the future Russia, on its way to becoming like a third world South American dictatorship. You watch what happens in coming decades if they don't change their way. In twenty years time, they will be in their way to Russian standards of living and industry, shortly after that towards South American third world levels after they loss their military lead. A lot of rich Americans will based in Europe (including the UK, if it's worth it) a d China.. Where they will inevitably intermarry and become Chinese business holdings of American wealth. Many of the Trump supporters will be in retirement or dead, wondering what happened, with new supporters still looking for a "strong"(weak) leader to force things they are far far toooo weak to make work (the unproductive rely on bullying and strength and grafting, rather than productive solutions and hard work). Having learned little. America was strung because they did real things and made real improvements, which people got behind, only to squander everything for greed and greed of power, lacking real moral authority as that was given away for more money etc. Now, Europe is more the America America would have been, except the Americans could have been more towards the German states in wealth productivity and richness, but without being compromised for China. In Australia we are becoming a smart dumb nation, selling finance and services over manufacturing and even food and mining export profits. Gone are the days we can afford to have real effective competitive export manufacturing of complex mass goods. Instead we grow rich on cheap Chinese goods, not realising our wages aren't really buying as much of other things and houses, that we are poor growing poorer living off AliExpress, eBay and Amazon and Netflix, Apllr, Spotify, and foreign computers and game systems, and Facebook and Google advertising. The part is going be over.

      I declare, I gave up on the idea of starting a local computer manufacturing company in the 1980's, as it became evident even back then, that Chinese manufacturers would undercut it and send it broke, and off shore manufacturing would result in technology being stolen and used in competing products. How completely right that was. I even advise chip and product manufactures to produce key technology (like chipset) in home country, get the easy to copy from manufactured sure bought product, manufactured cheao, inserting the valuable key chipset components in country (or in safe country) to keep the knowledge chain about then away from corrupt influences. Even the product case abs rudimentary layout will get copied by people inside the manufacturer you use and sold against your, as long as they can't get the key component they can't make a complete copy, and you can ock down the key component inside your product (gets a bit advanced for most manufacturers) or even sell the key component for as much net profit as you would expect to make off of the whole product. If you Apple it, it becomes the desirable eco system to have, further locking out competing components. The new world in a world where you can no longer trust your manufacturing business partners in other countries. Even walking into the US, they will scan and copy a your devices with your trade secret intellectual property files, so how can you go to see US companies to get product, licensing and manufacturing deals, when you are forced to give it away upon entry. Evil! The world is progressively becoming isolated competing pockets because of this. One can't even go to a Pacific Island country to set something up, somebody will turn up and pay a year or tens wage to buy your information off employees. What is needed is one language international automatic intellectual property system with international sanction and jurisdiction to come in anywhere that isn't security or research to enforce rights. Where you can't hide in any country behind any government, violations, but you can hide your core secrets and enforce against violations.

      We are so far from not being messed up, it's staggering. That is why the US is banning companies, and why companies need to be banned to more limited degrees.

        Anonymous, 30 Jan 2021if i was china i would ban american companies from working ... moreIf they did it to a US company like Apple, Apple will be screwed. Honestly, USA and China can singlehandedly destroy the global economy already if they want to.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • at1
          • 31 Jan 2021

          Jasson91, 31 Jan 2021Always America thats act like a little girl towards Chinese... moreAnd Chinese communist government are the one start all ban by not allowing 44 American apps so.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • Nxb
            • 31 Jan 2021

            This is China's Sputnik moment. They surely can now see the true nature of the US when it can't handle the competition. Toshiba and Alstom can attest the same thing.

              Always America thats act like a little girl towards Chinese tech company.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • 8js
                • 31 Jan 2021

                KimbraMe, 30 Jan 2021The world is slowly changing and whatever Biden does, Chine... moreLOL, there goes the RISC-V poping. Ever since it mentioned at GSMArena, people start to open their mouth without understand it.

                1. RISC-V will unlikely to goto mobile space, it was never designed targeted to, extreme unlikely in medium term.
                2. OS?? You expect every retail consumer to roll on BSD, Arch, Unix, etc?
                3. Software?? X86-64 though emulation? Which just isn't any dev. focus point that involves in RISC-V right now. And if they don't want to opt the quick way - buy IP from Intel/AMD, than it reverse engineer. I don't have to mention, how long it took Wine in Linux to progress, and it doesn't matter what dev. do, it will always have impact due to the overhead. And even for today, no one can call it ready for prime.
                4. Existing library. Just because it open source does not mean it free to abuse/patent free. Since Microsoft now owns Github... Regardless, it VERY difficult to bypass some of the library and also, very time wasting. Example, you expect a dev. to abandon open-source library on the likes of SSL, VP6, DNS masquerade and re-written from scratch, and while do patch and vulnerability?

                Don't kid yourself, design > manufacturing. Unfortunately while China does the copy/stealing (or acquiring), Europe just get their money by fine instead of compete, at this tech. era, U.S. is in a dominate position. Not to mention, even for manufacturing, China maybe isn't at the bottom of the spectrum, it isn't high either. It mostly manual assembly lines.

                  • Y
                  • Yono
                  • tEZ
                  • 31 Jan 2021

                  Anonymous, 30 Jan 2021if i was china i would ban american companies from working ... moreLOL, and The U.S. government can move American companies in China to other countries such as India, Indonesia and other countries that have cheaper production costs

                  And finally China can't do anything, without the supply of chips from America and Google's support

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • TLP
                    • 31 Jan 2021

                    Anonymous, 30 Jan 2021if i was china i would ban american companies from working ... morethey cant do that they live off of copying America lmao

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • U{c
                      • 31 Jan 2021

                      Silicon valley is losing profits, from Chinese compitition, so bans won't be lifted, specially when there is scapegoat of stopping china

                        • X
                        • XXX13
                        • LCQ
                        • 30 Jan 2021

                        Anonymous, 30 Jan 2021if i was china i would ban american companies from working ... moreThe can't do that the need the money..

                          • g
                          • gh
                          • nTb
                          • 30 Jan 2021

                          Ha haa Circus time 😁

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • 3Rs
                            • 30 Jan 2021

                            We and our people support Xiaomi and Huawei against the US

                              • H
                              • Harry V
                              • nIs
                              • 30 Jan 2021

                              No, I think we should definately look at the CEO of hauwei who has been a great supporter of the chines governments, he's a proud member of the communist party. This includes tracking and hunting down minorities in china, using their tracking sensors onboard phones. Xiaomi stuck with google services, so am not worried about them. Look at the launch of the P50 Pro. The only option will be the harmony os inside of china. Guys this is dodgy. whilst other countries will get Android os alternatives. I'm not trusting of Huawei, I'm also a developer and my mate 10Pro is just so closed for me to develop and later. Don't trust Huawei or any phone with Harmoney OS instead of android.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • PuF
                                • 30 Jan 2021

                                if i was china i would ban american companies from working with china manufacturers.

                                  The world is slowly changing and whatever Biden does, Chinese OEMs should seek alternatives to US tech. If RISC-V is anything to go by, nothing is impossible. Go on Xiaomi, go on Huawei, the world is watching you.

                                    • J
                                    • J
                                    • i02
                                    • 30 Jan 2021

                                    T the Tinkerer, 30 Jan 2021If I'm not mistaken, the Chinese government will not l... moreHonestly, u r mistaken, in a very mistaken way.

                                      • h
                                      • hkk
                                      • nTb
                                      • 30 Jan 2021

                                      Importance of Knowing Your Rights and responsibilities, seems they know the rights but have no clue of it's responsibilities

                                        • y
                                        • youling
                                        • G%h
                                        • 30 Jan 2021

                                        T the Tinkerer, 30 Jan 2021If I'm not mistaken, the Chinese government will not l... moreyou are mistaken. China allows 100% foreign ownership such as Tesla/Goldman Sachs……